
  • 网络Trust Agent
  1. A省的实际审批情况显示,保险代理、信托代理、票据贴现、资产转让等新业务试点目前只是针对经营情况较好、规模较大的少数国有小额贷款公司。

    The A province is actual examination shows , insurance agent , trust agent , bill discounting , transfer of assets and other new business pilot is only for better operating conditions , large minority small loan company .

  2. 第二章是对公司型基金法律关系的探讨,本文认为公司型基金的法律关系不应简单定性质为信托或代理,而应分层考虑。

    The thesis puts forward that legal relationship of corporate fund should be considered by levels instead of being located simply as trust or agent .

  3. 信托关系说和代理关系说分别从不同的侧面揭示了董事与公司关系的一些特征,但都无法涵盖这种关系的全部。

    Trust relation and agency relation each describes some features of director-corporation relationship from different profile . But both cannot cover all respects of such a relationship .

  4. 在英美公司法上,董事与公司的关系大致经历了信托关系说、代理关系说和特殊关系说三个阶段。

    In the history of common law , the relationship between directors and corporation experienced three stage : trust relation theory , agency relation theory and sui generis relation theory .

  5. 而英美法系国家认为公司法人对外行为的实现是基于信托关系形成的代理关系,依靠代理人实现公司的意思表示。

    While the common law countries think corporate external behavior of the implementation is based on the trust relationship between the formation of the agency relationship , to rely on agents of realization of the company .

  6. 关于股东、公司与董事之间的法律关系,英美法系国家的学者中有信托关系说、代理关系说和特殊关系说,大陆法系国家的通说是委任关系说。

    On the issue of legal relationship among company , stockholder and director in a company , there exist Trust Relationship Theory , Agency Relationship Theory and Special Relationship Theory in the countries of Anglo-American law system .

  7. 委托与信托从概念上和形式上有着许多共同点,但信托与委托代理仍有很大区别。

    Entrust and entrust share many common points from the conceptual and formal parts , but they still have big differences .

  8. 在信任基础上引出信托定义,并对信托构成要素、性质、特点进行了剖析,其中将信托与委托代理的关系分析是第五章信托契约设计的基础,也是借鉴委托代理理论的前提。

    And the relationship between Trust and principal-agent is analyzed in Chapter 5 & the base of Trust design , which is also the premise to use the principal-agent theory for reference .

  9. 我国《信托法》中对信托的定义不够准确,容易与委托相互混淆,应将信托的定义予以修正,明确信托制度与代理委托制度的界限。

    The definition of trust is not exactly . Trust Law of our country confuses trust with commission .