
  • 网络Trust Interest
  1. 一受益人已确定并享有全部信托利益者。

    The beneficiary is confirmed and entitled to all the trust benefits .

  2. 明确规定欠缺信托利益分配比例的信托按照均等的比例享受信托利益。

    4 , stipulating it to share the benefit equally if it is in short of the allocation portion in a trust .

  3. 受托人为了受益人的信托利益而进行投资,既可以将之看作是一项义务,但是换个角度考虑,这亦是受托人的一项权利。

    The trustee trust benefits to the beneficiary for investment , already can will as an obligation , but change an Angle consideration , it is also the trustee of a right .

  4. 受益人是指从信托中获得利益的人。

    The beneficiary is the person or persons who benefit from the trust .

  5. 网络信息隐私权保护中的利益平衡问题研究我国房地产投资信托基金投资者利益保护

    Study on Balance of Interests in the Protection of Privacy Concerning Internet Information ; Legal Issues on Investor Protection in Real Estate Investment Trusts in China

  6. 这些特殊性决定了信托公司治理的利益导向,并在一定程度上对构成信托公司内外部公司治理机制的各要素产生了影响。

    The particularity determines special interests-oriented of corporate governance mechanisms .

  7. 它以信托财产所有权与利益相分离、信托财产的独立性、全面的有限责任及信托管理的连续性为基本法理念。

    The basic concept of Commercial Trust includes the separation of the interests and ownership of trust property , the independence of the trust property , the comprehensive limited liability and the continuity of trust management .

  8. 公益信托是以公共利益为目的,为不特定多数人的利益而设立的特殊形式的信托制度,其执行将从实质上促进社会全体或不特定的部分主体社会利益的实现。

    The charitable trust is the special form of the trust system , established for the purpose of public interest , that is , the interest of the non-specific majority . Charitable trust will substantially promote the interests of the whole society or a non-specific part of the main social .

  9. 第二种诉讼信托是公益诉讼信托,是公共利益机关介入私权的表现。

    The second believes that it is in the nature of pub - lic interest and represents the meddling of public interest agencies with private rights .

  10. 我们需要一部信托责任的联邦法,要求信托机构将客户利益置于自身利益之上。

    We need to have a federal statute of fiduciary duty , which would require that fiduciaries place the interest of clients ahead of their own .

  11. 人民法院依照前款规定撤销信托的,不影响善意受益人已经取得的信托利益。

    Trust benefits already obtained by a goodwill beneficiary shall not be affected if the people 's court cancels the trust according to the provisions of the previous paragraph .

  12. 第二步:由受托人按照信托的目的管理处分信托财产,并将管理处分信托财产所得的信托利益分配给受益人。

    Third stage , the trustee manages the trust property according to the objective of the trust .

  13. 受益人对信托财产不享有所有权,包括不能占有与管理信托财产,但却对信托财产享有经济利益,且必须依附于受托人对信托财产分配权的行使。

    The beneficiary has the right of getting trust interests , but he has no right of holding and managing the regarding property and without legal tile of the property .