
  • 网络credit industry
  1. 但自从信用行业会提供挣得免费飞机旅行的机会之后,这马上就终止了。

    This all ceased as soon as the opportunity to earn free air travel was offered through the credit industry .

  2. 所有这一切都随时间带来了生活费用的上涨,因为商人必须将商品或服务涨价,来弥补交给信用行业的高支出。

    All of this leads to the increased cost of living over time as the merchandisers must raise the cost of their products or services to cover the high expenditures going to the credit industry .

  3. 注重政府和信用行业组织的全面发展。比较系统地阐明了我国个人信用制度建设的具体方法。

    Pay attention to the development in an all-round way that the government and credit trade organize .

  4. 过去数年,中国政府一直鼓励发展消费信用行业,以促进私人消费,同时平衡中国严重依赖固定资产投资的快速经济增长。

    For the last few years Beijing has encouraged the creation of a consumer credit industry to promote private consumption and rebalance China 's rapid economic growth , which relies heavily on fixed asset investment .

  5. 要遏制与减少市场经济运行中的失信现象,就必须建立诚信体系、发展信用行业、构建信用市场,以确保市场经济的健康发展。

    To curb and reduce the phenomenon of break faith in market economy , we have to establish the good faith system , develop the good faith industry , structure credit market in order to ensure the healthful development of market economy .

  6. 随着WTO协议的签署,我国信用卡行业竞争的加剧,信用卡管理系统发展的滞后给高速扩张业务带来了瓶颈。

    With the signing of WTO agreements and the fierce competition in credit card industry , the retardation in development of credit card management system becomes the bottle-neck in the rapid expansion business .

  7. 信用衍生品行业正面临一场大变革(bigbang)。昨天,市场参与者争相签署了一份新协议,该协议旨在回应政界和监管层指责该行业导致了市场危机的激烈批评。

    The credit derivatives industry faces a Big Bang today and yesterday participants were rushing to sign up to a new protocol designed to counter the intense criticism that has emanated from political and regulatory quarters over the industry 's alleged role in contributing to the market crisis .

  8. 美国银行家协会主席EdwardYingling说,这一立法“改变了信用卡行业的整个业务模式”。他说,这一立法限制了对信用风险定价的能力,换言之,对那些可能无法还款的人收费更高。

    The president of the American Bankers Association says the legislation " changes the entire business model of credit cards . " Edward Yingling says it restricts the ability to credit for risk -- , to charge more for those more likely not to their debts .

  9. 对加快山东省中小企业信用担保行业发展的建议

    Shandong Province to accelerate thedevelopment of SME credit guarantee industry proposal

  10. 构建上海征信体系&访上海市信用服务行业协会陈志国会长

    The Construction of Shanghai Trade Credit System

  11. 我国证券信用评级行业发展滞后,缺乏国际竞争力。

    In China , the securities credit rating industry is lagging and still lack international competitiveness .

  12. 在美国,人们呼吁政府要加强对信用卡行业的监管。

    In the United States , there are calls for stronger government supervision of the credit card industry .

  13. 这些问题严重地制约了我国个人信用征信行业的健康快速发展。

    These problems have seriously restricted the sound and rapid development of individual credit checking industry in China .

  14. 20世纪70年代,信用评级行业将收入模式从投资者订阅付费变为向债券发行机构收费。

    In the 1970s the credit rating industry turned from investors subscribing to ratings to bond issuers paying .

  15. 随着信用卡行业在我国从起步不断走向成熟,我国各大信用卡发卡银行之间也在进行着激烈的竞争。

    With its booming in China , major credit card issuing banks in China are engaged in fierce competition .

  16. 我国信用担保行业的迅速发展,为改善我国中小企业融资环境、扶持中小企业发展发挥了举足轻重的作用,信用担保业已成为我国金融体系的组成部分。

    The fast development of Guarantee Industry has improved financing environment and supported development of small and medium enterprises .

  17. 这是一项重大举措,将使信用评级行业对更多公司敞开大门。

    This is a big step * it seems the doors are open for greater entry into the industry .

  18. 风险管理参与银行价值创造,文化与技术的结合将为信用卡行业创造更多新的机会。

    Risk lunwen114Management participating banks value creation , culture and technology for the credit card industry to create more new opportunities .

  19. 此外,美国信用评级行业协会的市场化运作模式也非常有借鉴价值。

    In addition , the marketing operation model of the United States credit rating industry association also has great reference value .

  20. 人们发现,信用评级行业还尚未形成对评级机构的评级质量进行有效检验的方法体系。

    People found , credit rating industry still has not been formed on the rating agencies ratings quality inspection method system effectively .

  21. 第二章从宏观方面总结了近些年来我国信用担保行业的发展历程和发展现状,并指出我国信用担保行业出现的一些问题。

    The second chapter summarizes current situation of credit guarantee industry , and points out some problems in the credit guarantee industry .

  22. 一项旨在对美国信用卡行业严格管制的新的法案本周最终通过了国会的批准。

    A bill to place new restrictions on the credit card industry in the United States won final approval this week in Congress .

  23. 为了保持信用卡行业持续、稳定的发展,这不得不值得我国商业银行高度重视。

    In order to maintain stable development of the credit card industry , our commercial banks need to pay high attention to it .

  24. 随着信用担保行业的不断发展,作为高风险行业,对其担保合约的科学定价以覆盖其担保失败的损失,显得极为重要。

    With the development of guarantee companies , it is very important to scientifically price its guaranteed business to cover the potential loss .

  25. 天津市中小企业信用担保行业虽然有了一定的发展,但在综合评价和政府扶持方面还有许多工作要做。

    Tianjin SME credit guarantee system develops to a certain extent , but in industrial management and comprehensive evaluation there is still too much work to do .

  26. 但是,彼得森是否能在标普获得成功还需要拭目以待,这在很大程度上是因为信用评级行业正处于不断变化之中。

    But whether Peterson will be a success at S & P is still up for grabs , in large part because the business is in flux .

  27. 信用评价行业被称为高度金融相关的行业,对金融、经济以及社会的发展造成深刻的影响。

    The credit rating industry is known as a high degree financial-related industry , which has a profound impact on the financial , economic and social development .

  28. 此外,还将出台措施规范创业板首次公开发行登记,推动信用评级行业进一步开放。

    Measures to regulate the registration of initial public offerings of stocks on the ChiNext board and further open up the credit rating industry will also be introduced .

  29. 信用担保行业在中小企业的资金需求和金融机构的资金供给之间扮演着桥梁和媒介的角色。

    The credit guaranty system is in a role which plays the bridge and medium between the need of financing of the enterprises and the supply of the funds .

  30. 这就是信用卡行业怎样把相关游戏生生不息玩下去的过程,因为现在它就有很多梦想用来跟信用卡的使用来交换。

    This is how the credit industry perpetuates its game ; for now it has lots of dream to give out in exchange for the use of the credit card .