
  • 网络Credit Rating;level;bond ratings;CreditRating
  1. 基于Z值模型的上市公司信用等级转移矩阵实证研究

    Evidence Study on Listed Companies ' Credit Rating Transition Matrices Based on Z-Value Model

  2. 若要获取与刚插入的采购订单对应的供应商信用等级,必须引用vendor表并将其与inserted表联接。

    To obtain the credit rating of the vendor corresponding to the purchase order that was just inserted , the vendor table must be referenced and joined with the inserted table .

  3. 基于Z值的企业信用等级评价修正灰靶模型

    The Modified Grey Target Model Rating Firms ' Credit Based on Z Score

  4. 通用电气(ge)等多家公司已丧失了最高级别的信用等级。

    Several companies , such as general electric , have lost their top ratings .

  5. 该报告指出,中国98%的评级债券具有aa甚至更高的信用等级。

    It noted that 98 per cent of rate bonds are AA or higher .

  6. 出于评价客户信用等级的目的,介绍了信用风险识别最著名的Z模型。

    For the purpose of evaluating the grades of clients ' credibility , the essay introduces the most famous Z model .

  7. 在此基础上,本文通过定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法探讨了如何围绕违约率及信用等级将风险价值VaR方法应用于商业银行的信贷风险管理,对信贷风险进行评估。

    In the second part , the paper studies how to use the VaR method to measure and control credit risk in terms of default rate and ranks of credit .

  8. 值得注意的是,必备刊物《危机债务投资家》(DistressedDebtInvestor)的主编马丁。弗里德森(MartinFridson)指出,尽管借款人信用等级大幅下滑,放贷人依然来者不拒。

    And remarkably , this lending free-for-all continues despite a sharp drop in credit ratings , says Martin Fridson , editor of the indispensable Distressed Debt Investor .

  9. 再后,本文应用CPV模型原理,在考虑行业因素的情况下对样本行原始信用等级进行调整;

    Next , this paper adjusts the initial credit ratings by considering the industry factor , according to the principle of CPV model .

  10. 标准普尔说道:荷兰信用等级下调反映了我们的观点,即荷兰的经济增长幅度低于我们之前的预期,而人均GDP的趋势增长率也一直低于其他国家。

    It said : The downgrade reflects our opinion that the Netherlands ' growth prospects are now weaker than we had previously anticipated , and the real GDP per capita trend growth rate is persistently lower than that of peers .

  11. 基于FA-BP模型的大学生信用等级评价研究

    Research on Personal Credit Evaluation of College Student Based on FA-BP Model

  12. 标准普尔说道:“荷兰信用等级下调反映了我们的观点,即荷兰的经济增长幅度低于我们之前的预期,而人均GDP的趋势增长率也一直低于其他国家。”

    It said : " The downgrade reflects our opinion that the Netherlands ' growth prospects are now weaker than we had previously anticipated , and the real GDP per capita trend growth rate is persistently lower than that of peers . "

  13. 本文通过简单介绍Merton资产定价模型,提出基于Merton资产定价模型计算商业银行为维持某一信用等级所需要配置的经济资本的方法。

    First , This paper introduced Merton Asset Pricing Model . The second , it gave a new method to calculate the economic capital based on Merton Model .

  14. 本文还将此算法应用于计算JLT模型中信用等级转移过程的生成矩阵。

    As an application , we apply this algorithm to compute the generator matrix for credit rating transition in JLT model .

  15. 建模时笔者利用第二章有关LGD的影响因素的分析结果,将抵押担保和企业的信用等级这两个因素加以考虑,引入条件回收率的建模方法。

    Using the analysis result regarding the influencing factors of LGD in Chapter 2 and giving consideration to the factors of mortgage guarantee and credit level of enterprise , the author introduces the modeling method of conditional recovery rate .

  16. 定量分析法提出了基于灰色关联度的个人住房抵押贷款中个人信用等级识别结构框架,并建立了合理的评估指标体系,此体系包括4个部分的指标:①个人基本状况(X1);

    The quantities analysis model establishes grade identity framework for the credit grades of housing mortgage credit on the basis of gray relevance degree , setting up a more scientific assessing index system consisting of four parts : ① individual ( X1 );

  17. 她薪水高,信用等级也高。

    She has a high salary and a good credit rating .

  18. 基于突变理论的企业信用等级评价模型

    Model for Assessing Enterprise Credit Rating Based on the Catastrophe Theory

  19. 中小企业担保机构评定企业信用等级的模型研究

    A Model Research for SME Guarantee Institution Evaluating SME Credit Rate

  20. 具有信用等级转移特征公司破产概率研究

    On the Ruin Probability for a Corporation with Credit Rating Migration

  21. 信用等级评估机构对本周的坏消息作出了回应。

    Credit rating agencies reacted to this week 's bad news .

  22. 决策树算法在纳税信用等级评定中的应用研究

    Application Research of Decision Tree Algorithm on Evaluation Ratepaying Credit Grade

  23. 基于动态神经网络专家系统的供应商信用等级分析

    Analysis of Suppliers ' Credit Level Based on Dynamic ANN Expert System

  24. 集团在金融机构的信用等级不高,融资渠道单一,融资成本高昂;

    The group 's credit rank is low in the financial institution ;

  25. 南非的信用等级比希腊高。

    South Africa has a higher credit rating than Greece .

  26. 这可能会影响你的身高和你的银行信用等级。

    This may affect your credit rating and standing with your bank .

  27. 在线支付下个人信用等级评价研究

    A Study on Personal Credit Grade Assessment under Online Payment

  28. 电力客户信用等级评价管理系统的应用

    Application of Power Customer Credit Degree Assessment and Management System

  29. 公布企业环境信用等级提升水污染控制水平

    Publicize Environmental Credit Level of Enterprises to Promote Water Pollution Control Capacity

  30. 个人消费贷款信用等级评定的模糊间接识别方法

    Indirect identification of credit degree of personal consumer loan using fuzzy method