
  • 网络credit control
  1. 这种信贷管制制度保证每个月的限额不致突破,是吗?

    And the credit control system ensures that the monthly limit isn 't exceeded ?

  2. 金融发展对国际贸易有促进作用如金融发展可以优化贸易结构、带来规模经济、分散贸易风险,也会通过利率管制、信贷管制和汇率管制带来负面影响。

    Financial development can promote international trade , such as financial development can optimize the trade structure , bring large scale economies , decentralized trade risks , and bring negative impact by interest rate control systems , credit control systems and exchange control systems .

  3. 信贷管制与利率传导效应的理论基础是IS曲线。

    The transmisson effect theory of credit controls and interest rate is based on the IS curve .

  4. 取消商业银行信贷规模的管制,并且从数量和投放上给各商业银行明确的窗口指导,这就使得2008年最后两个月信贷投放激增。

    Canceling the control of those commercial banks credit quota , and indicating all kinds of commercial banks directly from quantity and delivery , which made the credit surge at the last two months of 2008 .

  5. 为了增强加息效果,政府正在实施旨在抑制消费信贷增长的资本管制措施。消费信贷增长是巴西经济过热的源头之一。

    To augment the interest rates increases , the government is implementing capital controls that seek to dampen consumer credit growth – one of the sources of overheating in the economy .

  6. 第二次世界大战后的几年中,资本极为稀缺,日本似乎有理由通过集中化的信贷分配和资本管制,将资金引导至工业。

    In the immediate years after the Second World War , capital was so scarce that it seemed to make sense for Japan to use centralised credit allocation and capital controls to channel its funds to industry .

  7. 本文通过大量数据分析认为,制度结构和市场环境导致的信贷配给、信贷和利率管制是商业银行资产配置非贷款化的根源,由此带来微观和宏观的一系列危害。

    With sufficient data collection and analysis , this article claims that the non-credit preference of bank assets allocation is caused by credit rationing and credit and interest control , which are rooted in the institutional structure and market environment .

  8. 外部因素主要包括国家对农村小额信贷机构的合法地位和金融监管不明确,为防止系统性金融风险对农村小额信贷实行的利率管制,制约了农村小额信贷的盈利空间。

    The main external factors including the legislation of national micro-credit institutions in rural areas is not clear , We put Interest Rate Rules , in order to prevent systemic financial risk , constraining profits of rural micro-credit .