
yōu huì lì lǜ
  • prime rate ;preferential interest rate
  1. 预期最优惠利率不久会下降。

    There is some expectation that the prime rate will soon be lowered .

  2. 银行业巨头富国说,这是削减其最优惠利率为百分之三点二五。

    Banking giant Wells Fargo said it was cutting its prime rate to3.25 percent .

  3. 中国石油天然气集团表示,国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)已同意以优惠利率提供一笔五年期贷款,这些资金将用于支持该公司的走出去战略。

    CNPC , parent of PetroChina , said that China Development Bank had agreed to provide a five-year loan at a discounted interest rate that would be used to fund its go global strategy .

  4. 上周,EFSF获得了AAA信用评级,这有助于其在债券市场以优惠利率筹集资金。

    The EFSF last week obtained a triple A rating , which will help it raise cash in the bond markets at good rates .

  5. 麦克尤恩的一个麻烦在于,许多银行针对信用卡和储蓄产品提供的临时“初始优惠利率”(teaserrate)——他表示,澳大利亚或者新西兰不存在这种做法,他在苏格兰皇家银行也取消了这种做法。

    A bugbear for Mr McEwan is the temporary " teaser " rates many banks offer on credit cards and savings products - a practice that does not exist in Australia or New Zealand , he says , and one he has curtailed at RBS .

  6. 包括对现有贷款采取优惠利率。

    Including the use of concessionary rates on existing loans .

  7. 第二,民族优惠利率政策促使东北沿边地区固定资产投资快速增长。

    Second , the national prime rate policies made the investment in fixed assets of the Northeast Border Regions grow rapidly .

  8. 把居民住房贷款年限从15年延长到20年,执行半年期贷款的优惠利率。

    The maximum maturity of housing loans was extended from 15 years to 20 , and a six-month preferential rate is applied .

  9. 进出口银行向国外购买者以优惠利率扩展长期贷款,从而为他们购买美国的商品和服务提供资金。

    The Export-Import Bank extends long-term loans at favorable rate to foreign buyers , thus financing the purchase of US goods and services .

  10. 就像那些优惠利率贷款期限已经终止的可怜购房人一样,目前以低利率发放的短期国债到期之后,政府也将面对类似的窘境。

    Just like homeowners who relied on teaser rates , the Government will face a similar problem when all its low-yielding short-term debt matures .

  11. 外国银行按照优惠利率贷款给中国国家银行的利息所得,免征所得税;

    Income from interest on loans made at a preferential interest rate to Chinese State Banks by foreign Banks shall be exempted from income tax ;

  12. 有人问我相对于最优惠利率,按揭利率是否已到达均衡点或最低水平。

    Some have asked me whether the mortgage rate has reached equilibrium , or some kind of minimum level , relative to the prime rate .

  13. 该法案将允许汽车公司和零部件供应商以优惠利率获得至少10年的“过渡性贷款”。

    The legislation would allow the auto companies and parts suppliers to receive ' bridge loans ' of at least ten years with favorable interest rates .

  14. 中国央行表示,释放的资金将在未来四个月以优惠利率流向符合条件的本地注册银行。

    The Chinese central bank says the funds released will be channeled to eligible locally incorporated banks at preferential interest rates over the next four months .

  15. 因此,即使资金成本已经大幅度变动,但却未必可以迅速从最优惠利率的调整中反映。

    Thus , even though the cost of funds has changed considerably , it may not be readily reflected in any change in the prime rate .

  16. 与此同时,泰国国行通过增加集资的方式筹集资金以商业银行优惠利率水平提供给出口企业。

    In the meantime , the state bank of Thailand raised funds via collecting more money and provided the funds for export enterprises at preferential interest rates of commercial banks .

  17. 在选择性货币政策即结构政策调控房地产市场价格有效性的研究中,侧重分析了不动产信用控制与优惠利率对我国房价走势的深远影响。

    In the studies of the selective monetary policy : focused on the significant implications of the real estate credit control and preferential interest rates on the real estate prices .

  18. 作为贷款人,我们迅速做出决定,为您提供优惠利率的贷款,并且不需要公司董事和管理层的担保。

    As a lender , we make quick decisions , provide you with advance rates higher then most lenders , and require no personal guarantees from officers and directors of public companies .

  19. 调查显示,58%的负资产业主支付的利率低于最优惠利率,比去年12月底的56%为多。

    The survey shows that 58 % of negative equity property owners pay interest rates lower than the best lending rate , up from the 56 % at the end of December last year .

  20. 避免资本损失、拥有可在欧洲央行作为抵押物的资产,以及顺从同业心理压力这三点,或许足以促使债权人以优惠利率提供新贷款。

    Avoiding a loss of capital , having an asset that can be used as collateral with the ECB and acceding to peer pressure may be enough to cause creditors to create new loans at favourable rates .

  21. 负资产业主支付的平均利率为现时最优惠利率减0.60厘,比去年12月调查所得的平均利率低3基点。

    The average interest rate paid by negative equity property owners was0.60 % less than the current best lending rate , 3 basis points lower than the average interest rate obtained by the survey of December last year .

  22. 多德表示,伯南克还指出,市场对美联储上周五决策的反应令他感到不满。美联储上周五做出决定,将通过贴现窗口以优惠利率直接向银行放贷。

    Mr Dodd said Mr Bernanke also indicated that he was not satisfied with the market 's response to the Fed 's decision last Friday to make direct loans available to banks on attractive terms through its discount window .

  23. 利率也由原来的优惠利率加2个百分点调整到伦敦同业拆借利率加0.875个百分点。他刚默祷完,就看见利百加肩上扛着水罐走出来。

    Original interest rates have been adjusted down from Prime plus two per cent to LIBOR plus zero point eight seven five per cent . Before he had finished praying silently he saw Rebecca coming out with her water - jug on her shoulder .

  24. 综合利率及最优惠贷款利率均为期末数字。

    The composite interest rate and best lending rates are end-of-period figures .

  25. 价格主要指优惠贷款利率和宽松的贷款政策。

    " Pricing " means mainly " good " loan rates and liberal loan policies .

  26. 美联储的决定是符合减少了优惠贷款利率。

    The Fed 's decision was matched by a reduction in the prime lending rate .

  27. 利率优惠与利率固定应是农业保险优惠贷款所具备的重要特点。

    Preferential and fixed interest rates should be the important feature of the agricultural insurance concessional loan .

  28. 国际开发协会成立于1960年,它向低收入的欠发达国家,以优惠的利率提供贷款。

    The IDa was established in 1960 to make loans to low-income LDCs at a concessionary interest rate .

  29. 其也将鼓励公司继续支付股息,这使公司税款在更优惠的利率上。

    It would also encourage companies to continue paying dividends , which are taxed at a more favorable rate .

  30. 各大银行所报的最优惠贷款利率走势,与储蓄存款利率的变动一致。

    The movement of the best lending rate quoted by major banks matched that of the savings deposit rate .