
  • 网络preferred stock fund
  1. 随着投资者远离信贷和利率风险,优先股基金的折价幅度也会扩大。

    With investors running away from credit and interest risks , preferred funds are seeing discounts widen .

  2. 作为封闭型投资产品,优先股基金不会面临赎回压力,无需被迫抛售资产。

    Being closed-end products , preferred funds are not faced with redemptions that would force a sell-off of assets .

  3. 2007年上半年,随着1000美元面值的机构型优先股回调,而面值25美元的散户型优先股相对持稳,基金经理卖出了一些散户型股票,增持了相对便宜的机构型优先股。

    During the first half of 2007 , as $ 1,000 par institutional preferreds corrected and $ 25 par retail preferreds held fairly steady , managers sold a bit of the latter and overweighted the cheaper institutional securities .