
yōu xiān shòu chánɡ quán
  • priority of compensation;priority of claim
  1. 第一部分是建筑工程优先受偿权概述。

    The first part is A Brief Introduction to the Priority of Claim on Constructions .

  2. 就建筑工程优先受偿权进行系统的研究,对于完善我国立法、促进司法实践具有重要理论意义和实践意义。

    Conducting systematic studies on the priority of claim on constructions has important theoretical and practical significance for the improvement of legislations and the promotion of judicial practices .

  3. 第二部分:建设工程承包人优先受偿权的成立。

    The Second Part : The Formation of the Priority Right .

  4. 建设工程优先受偿权问题探析

    Probe into the priority right to be repaid in construction project

  5. 建设工程价款优先受偿权登记制度研究

    On a Registration System on Priority of Payment for Construction Works

  6. 优先受偿权债权人得到优先偿付的权利。

    The right of a creditor to priority of payment .

  7. 建设工程拖欠款的优先受偿权研究

    Study on Priority to Accepting Compensation of No Pay in Construction Area

  8. 工程承包合同中优先受偿权问题浅析

    On the Payment in Priority in the Construction Engineering Contract

  9. 建设工程承包合同需合法有效,非因建设工程合同承包关系所产生的债权不能成立优先受偿权。

    The construction contract must be legal and valid .

  10. 代位权人优先受偿权制度的合理性分析

    A Law-economics Approach to Priority to Gain Compensation Owned by the Subrogation Man

  11. 试论建设工程承包人的优先受偿权承包人优先受偿权若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems of the Priority of the Contractor of Construction Project

  12. 建设工程实务中优先受偿权法律问题研究

    Research on Priority of Legal Compensating for Construction Project

  13. 优先受偿权的成立必须具备一系列的成立要件。建设工程优先受偿权的主体只限于施工合同的承包人,包括对已有建筑物进行扩建、改建的施工承包人。

    The subject of the priority right is limited to the contractors of construction contracts .

  14. 浅议合同法的优先受偿权

    Discuss on repayment priority in contract law

  15. 略论代位权人的优先受偿权

    Hollow Man On Right of Subrogation

  16. 第四部分,我国建设工程价款优先受偿权制度的完善。

    Part four , the perfection of the preferential compensation right system of the construction project price .

  17. 论建设工程款优先受偿权之法律性质

    On the law character of construction project loan preference ; Discussions on the Contractors Priority for Construction Fund

  18. 其依法享有优先受偿权者,为优先重整债权;

    All rights with preference for repayment according to law shall be preferred rights of creditors in reorganizers ;

  19. 对完善建设工程承包人优先受偿权制度的思考。

    ( 5 ) Consideration about how to perfect the system of priority of compensation of construction project contractor .

  20. 第三章笔者选取了建设工程价款优先受偿权的行使期限问题进行研究。

    In chapter 3 , the author researches the exercise period of the priority claim right for construction payment .

  21. 我国工程款优先受偿权与美国建设者留置权的对比研究

    Comparative Studies on the Contractor 's Priority for Construction Fund in China and Mechanics ' Lien in the USA

  22. 建设工程优先受偿权涉及的问题很多,加强这一方面的研究,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is of great importance to lay more emphasis on the study of the priority right to be repaid .

  23. 第二部分介绍了建设工程优先受偿权在实际操作中存在的缺陷。

    The second part introduces the construction project priorities are right in the actual operation of the defects existing in .

  24. 第二是建设工程款优先受偿权的实现程序:协议方式和司法程序。第三是建设工程价款优先受偿权行使的时限。

    The second chapter is the emergence of the preference receiving rights of the payment on the price of construction projects .

  25. 第四部分:建设工程价款优先受偿权与相关民事权利的冲突及解决。

    Part IV : The construction of priority for repayment of the price associated with the civil rights and resolve conflict .

  26. 前项优先受偿权之效力,不因裁定终止重整而受影响。

    The aforesaid right of preference for repayment shall not be prejudiced on account of a ruling for termination of reorganizers .

  27. 此优先受偿权的工程价款的范围为承包人在施工过程中实际支出的费用,且优先权的行使受一定期限的限制。

    Firstly , the contractor has priority to receive the construction cost except for the construction that can not be auctioned .

  28. 占有被抵押的财产或取消抵押财产的赎回权处分抵押财产所得,抵押权人有优先受偿权。

    The mortgagee shall have the priority of compensation with respect to the receipts resulting from the disposal of the mortgaged property .

  29. 首先,应在我国建筑工程款优先受偿权领域引入预先登记制度。

    At the beginning , it suggests introducing the system of advanced register into the field of preferential right of project payment .

  30. 借鉴国外及我国台湾地区的制度模式,完善建设工程价款优先受偿权制度。

    The system modes in foreign countries and Taiwan are referenced to perfect the preferential compensation right system of the construction project .