
  • 网络Youku;live
  1. 优酷网首席技术长姚键说,该公司不得不在哥伦比亚电影公司(ColumbiaPictures)出品的《2012》仍在影院上映期间,移除上传的该片拷贝。《2012》去年在中国是票房大片。

    Youku Chief Technology Officer Yao Jian said the company had to remove uploads of Columbia Pictures ' ' 2012 , ' which was a box-office hit in China last year , while it was still in theaters .

  2. 优酷网希望新的指纹系统能够帮助公司提高在广告客户中的声誉,这些广告客户不希望与盗版有牵连。

    Youku is betting the new fingerprint system will help it improve its reputation among advertisers who don 't want to be associated with piracy .

  3. 优酷网说,公司将向美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociation)和获准的版权所有者发放软件拷贝。

    Youku says it will distribute copies of the software to the Motion Picture Association and approved rights owners .

  4. 视频网站优酷网(Youku)逾9%的股票正被卖空。

    More than 9 per cent of shares of video streaming site Youku are being shorted .

  5. 据艾瑞咨询集团(iResearch)的数据,优酷网每天的独立访问量(uniquevisitor)超过1500万,较主要中国竞争对手土豆网高出近400万。

    Youku gets more than 15 million unique visitors a day , or almost four million more than its main Chinese competitor , Tudou , according to iResearch .

  6. 在优酷网打击盗版内容的行动出台前数年,版权所有者曾指控谷歌(GoogleInc.)旗下的YouTube未获得同意就在网站上发布视频片段,YouTube随后在2007年进行了类似的改革。

    Youku 's move to crack down on pirated content comes years after Google Inc. 's YouTube underwent similar reforms in 2007 after facing legal challenges from copyright owners over clips posted to the site without permission .

  7. 不过,优酷网首席执行长古永锵(VictorKoo)说,中国视频网站的广告费只有电视广告价格的十分之一,更加划算。

    But Victor Koo , Youku . com 's CEO , says that advertising fees for Chinese video sites are a tenth of a TV ad 's price and more cost-effective .

  8. 去年由韩星李敏镐(LeeMinho)主演的热门韩剧《继承者们》(TheHeirs)在中国视频网站优酷网(Youku)人气爆棚。

    Popular series in China include ' The Heirs , ' which featured South Korean heartthrob Lee Minho and last year became a huge hit on Youku , the Chinese equivalent of YouTube .

  9. 去年,一个由中国互联网公司组成的反盗版组织向中国法院对优酷网提起了数起诉讼,其中一起诉讼指控可口可乐(Coca-ColaCo.)的一则广告在优酷网上播出时伴有优酷网没有授权的中国电视节目的片段。

    Last year , an antipiracy group of Chinese Internet companies filed a number of lawsuits against Youku in Chinese courts , including one that alleged that a Coca-Cola Co. ad had run on Youku accompanying a clip from a Chinese TV show that Youku hadn 't licensed .

  10. 优酷网打击盗版视频迈出新一步中国最受欢迎的在线视频网站优酷网(Youku.comInc.)正试图通过借鉴YouTube的经验来摆脱助长盗版的恶名:利用技术为视频设定“指纹”,使发现盗版拷贝变得更加容易。

    Top China Video Site Steps Up Its Piracy Fight China 's most popular online video site , Youku.com Inc. , is trying to shed its reputation for abetting piracy by taking a page from YouTube 's playbook : using technology to ' fingerprint ' videos , making it easier to find unlicensed copies .

  11. 它更大的竞争对手优酷网(Youku.com)购买了60部。

    Com ( yoku ) , its bigger competitor , has added 60 .

  12. 中国最大的视频交流网站优酷网与其最大的前竞争对手土豆网已于周一正式合并。

    China 's top video streaming website Youku and its biggest former rival Tudou have officially merged on Monday .

  13. 指纹技术还被用来帮助优酷网员工过滤中国政府禁止的内容。

    The fingerprinting technology is also being used to help Youku employees filter out content banned by the Chinese government .

  14. 优酷网员工会对任何可疑视频进行检查,被证实为非法拷贝的视频将被移除。

    Youku employees will review any videos in question and remove them if they are verified to be illegal copies .

  15. 最近,雀巢公司联合优酷网和开心网(一个社交网站),发起了一次宣传雀巢咖啡的在线活动。

    Recently , Nestl é launched an online campaign for Nescaf é coffee in association with Youku and Kaixin , a social-networking site .

  16. 优酷网去年实现收入人民币2亿元(合2930万美元)。该公司大部分收入来源于广告收入。

    Youku , which made 200 million yuan ( $ 29.3 million ) in revenue last year , gets the bulk of its revenue from advertisements .

  17. 优酷网说,由于北京等大城市之外的很多用户对中文内容更感兴趣,盗版美国内容的浏览量也很小。

    Youku says viewership of pirated American content is also small because many of its users outside of big cities like Beijing are more interested in Chinese-language content .

  18. 约有70%的优酷网内容获得了广播公司等合作伙伴的授权,剩余的是由用户生成的,或是由优酷网自己制作的。

    About 70 % of Youku 's content is licensed from broadcasters and other partners , and the remainder is generated by users or produced by Youku itself .

  19. 2010年底,优酷网成功上市,使得民营视频网站的改革以及发展再一次成为行业间讨论的热点。

    The end of 2010 , successfully listed on Youku , making private video sites and the development of reform once again become a hot topic among the industry .

  20. 内容所有者可以利用这个软件为受版权保护的内容生成指纹,然后在优酷网的数据库中搜索其他视频,与设有指纹的视频有至少20%相符的视频就可以被找到。

    Content owners can use the software to generate fingerprintsfor copyright material , then search Youku 's database for other videos that are at least a 20 % match .

  21. 位于北京的优酷网曾因盗版视频受到过指控。该公司现已开发出一个内容过滤系统,可以根据颜色组合和亮度等特性生成识别代码。

    The Beijing-based company , which has been sued over pirated videos , has developed a content-filtering system that generates identifying codes based on characteristics like color combinations and brightness .

  22. 优酷网的律师辩称,广告客户对富有争议的页面布置负有法律责任,这是没有法律依据的。北京一法院驳回了针对可口可乐的指控。

    Youku 's lawyers argued there were no legal grounds by which advertisers could be held legally responsible for controversial distribution , and a Beijing court dismissed the allegations against Coca-Cola .

  23. 直到最近之前,热播美国电视节目的盗版拷贝会在美国播出后一天之内就出现在优酷网和土豆网(Tudou.com)等中国视频网站上,并配有中文字幕。

    until recently , unlicensed copies of popular television shows would appear on Youku and other Chinese video Web sites like Tudou.com with Chinese subtitles within a day of airing in the U.S.

  24. 公司目前正利用该系统帮助加强盗版内容的去除,并表示这项技术使版权所有者可以在优酷网的数据库中进行搜索以便发现盗版拷贝。

    The company is using the system to help step up its removal of unlicensed content and says the technology will allow copyright owners to search Youku 's database for unlicensed copies .

  25. 优酷网已经开始使用指纹技术发现并去除中国政府审查机构禁止的内容,此前这一过程主要是由人工浏览视频片段实现的。

    Youku has already started using the fingerprinting technology to find and remove content prohibited by Chinese government censors , a process that was previously done mainly by workers scanning video clips .

  26. 尽管优酷网、土豆网等中国视频网站说,它们以前也曾采取过反盗版措施,用户却说,自大约三个月前优酷网启动了最新的打击盗版行动以来,带来的变化却是更加明显的。

    Though Youku , Tudou and other Chinese video sites say they have employed antipiracy measures before , users say Youku 's latest crackdown is making a more noticeable difference since it started about three months ago .

  27. 流媒体服务优酷网的国际采购高级主管熊淑琴表示,这部剧“将韩国内容带给了主流观众”。该剧在2013年12月首播,前三个月的观看量超过25亿次。

    Maggie Xiong , senior director of international acquisitions at Youku , the streaming service , said the show " brought Korean content to the mainstream 。 " It was streamed more than 2.5 billion times in the first three months after its premiere in December 2013 .

  28. 本月,阿里巴巴继续其收购步伐,宣布对在线视频网站优酷和土豆网剩余的股份进行全面收购。

    This month , Alibaba continued its acquisition streak by making an offer to buy the remainder of a Chinese online video site , Youku Tudou .