
  1. 具体来说,地方政府通过增加财政支出的规模,优化支出结构,来改善本辖区的地方公共品供给水平,从而吸引更多的经济资源与经济活动流入本辖区。

    In details , the local government increases the overall expenditure and optimizes the structures to improve the supply of the local public goods .

  2. 因为政府可以在不改变其支出规模的情况下,通过优化支出结构来提高经济增长率。

    Because we can improve economic growth by optimizing the composition of government expenditure , under the condition of maintaining the scale of government expenditure .

  3. 要明确财政支农原则和投资方向,加大农业投入力度,优化支出结构,加强资金管理。

    Then promoted some strategies of finance supporting agriculture : increasing the agricultural investment dynamics , optimizing disbursement structure , strengthens the fund management and so on .

  4. 因此,建立我国公共支出体系基本框架的关键,是做好规范财政支出范围、优化支出结构和建立科学的公共支出制度这三个方面的工作。

    Hence the key in establishing a fundamental structure of our national public expenditure is to make effort to standardize the scope of financial expenditure , to optimize the structure of expenditure and to set up a scientific public expenditure system .

  5. 改革的方向是在满足社会公共需要和使公共服务均等化的前提下,明确政府支出责任,改革预算编制,优化支出结构,提高支出效率,以及研究和解决逆向预算软约束问题。

    The corresponding measures are to define government 's expenditure liabilities , reform budget drafting , optimize expenditure structure , improve expenditure efficiency and solve adverse budget softening problem on the basis of satisfying the whole social demand , and equalizing the public services .

  6. 各级财政部门按照建立公共财政框架的目标要求,积极探索支出管理改革,按照确保重点支出的原则,调整和优化支出结构。

    Finance authorities at various levels have actively taken measures on the reform of expenditure administration to meet the requirement of setting up public finance framework , and made great efforts to adjust and optimize expenditure structure in light of the principle of securing key expenditure .

  7. 优化财政支出结构落实科学发展观

    Optimizing the Fiscal Expenditure Structure and Implementing Scientific Development Outlook

  8. 深化支出改革进一步优化财政支出结构

    Deepen Reformation of Expense and Optimize Instruction of Financial Expense

  9. 优化财政支出结构。

    The structure of government expenditures will be improved .

  10. 三是着力优化财政支出结构。

    Third , we will work hard to optimize the structure of government expenditures .

  11. 而应采取能够增大政府支出乘数的政策措施;优化财政支出结构,提高财政支出效率

    We should take policy measures of government to adjust financial expenditure structure , raise efficiency of financial expenditure

  12. (八)调整和优化财政支出结构,发挥金融对经济增长的支持作用。

    Readjusting and optimizing the financial expenditure structure , and letting finance play its supporting role in economic growth .

  13. 同时要考虑其他相关配套改革措施,以保证调整和优化财政支出结构目标的实现。

    Simultaneously must consider other correlation necessary reform measure , guaranteed adjusts and optimizes the expenditure structure goal the realization .

  14. 调整和优化财政支出结构的总体思路是:合理界定公共支出范围;

    The general guideline of adjusting and optimizing the financial expenditure structure is : rationally defining the range of public expenditure ;

  15. 建立绩效评价制度则是优化公共支出结构的有效补充。

    An effective remedy to optimizing the structure of public expenditure would be by setting up a performance budgeting evaluation system .

  16. 转变财政运行模式,优化财政支出结构是我国当前现实问题。

    To change the model of public finance and optimize the public expenditure structure is an urgent issue we should deal with .

  17. 最终达到遏制行政管理费过快增长,优化财政支出结构,降低行政成本的目的。

    Achieves the goal that containment administrative expenditures excessively quickly growth , optimized the expenditure structure , reduced the administrative cost finally .

  18. 优化财政支出结构可以最大限度地发挥财政政策拉动经济增长的潜能。

    Optimizes the structure of expenditure can give latent energy to the financial policy to spur economic growth to the maximum extent .

  19. 我国财政学界就如何调整和优化财政支出结构进行了很多研究,提出了许多观点和政策措施。

    Our financial academic circle have studied a lot in the adjusting and optimizing financial expenditure structure and put forward many polity measures .

  20. 它对于我国优化财政支出结构以及社会主义和谐社会的构建有着重要的意义。

    It is our country Optimize the structure of financial expenditure , as well as building a harmonious socialist society has an important impact .

  21. 要加强城市财政管理应从以下几方面入手:优化财政支出结构,保证重点支出;

    Therefore , we will strengthen the management of cities ' finance as follows : We must optimize the financial expenditure structure to guarantee the main expenditure .

  22. 完善税制,优化财政支出结构,促进经济增长方式从粗放型向集约型的转变,是我国经济发展的必由之路。

    It is necessary for China to perfect tax system and finance expenditure structure to further the transformation of economic growth form from extensive form to intensive form .

  23. 三是优化财政支出结构,有保有压,把钱花在刀刃上。

    Third , we will improve the structure of expenditures , maintain expenditures in some areas while reducing them in others , and spend our money where it counts the most .

  24. 本文通过对我州财政支出结构存在的问题及成因分析,探讨优化财政支出结构的途径,为更好地促进延边经济的增长提供有用的理论依据。

    This article by analyzing problems of financial expenditure structure and the reasons and discusses its solution countermeasure in order to better promote the YanBian economy growth provides useful theoretical basis .

  25. 另一方面,要根据和谐财政的公平与发展目标导向,在重新界定财政支出范围的基础上,继续深化财政体制改革,优化财政支出结构,完善相关的配套制度。

    Limiting the expenditure scope as the foundation , we should continue to deepen the reform of the financial system , and optimize expenditure structure , consummate the related necessary system .

  26. 随后分析造成财政支出结构失衡的几方面原因,进而提出优化财政支出结构的制度建设以及对策建议。

    Soon afterwards , the article analyzes some reasons of causing the structure out of balance , and then put forward system building to optimizing the financial expenditure structure and proposal .

  27. 本文将从财政支出的角度,在分析财政支出结构特征的基础上,提出在科学发展观下优化财政支出结构的建议。

    Based on the analysis on features of the fiscal expenditure structure , according to the request of scientific development outlook , the article puts forward suggestion on optimizing fiscal expenditure structure .

  28. 合理的财政支出结构是推动经济和社会发展的重要保证,优化财政支出结构可以最大限度地发挥财政政策拉动经济增长的潜能。

    The reasonable fiscal expenditure policy is the important guarantee in promoting economic and social development , optimize financial expenditure structure can maximize the potential of the fiscal policy to stimulate economic growth .

  29. 党的十六大以来,财政部门按照构建和谐社会的要求,坚持以人为本,持续增加对公共服务领域的投入,不断优化财政支出结构。

    Since the 16th CPC national congress , according to the scientific concept of development requirements , adhere to the people-oriented , and continue to optimize expenditure structure , increasing to public service domain input .

  30. 明晰界定各级政府事权,确定各级政府公共支出范围,是优化公共支出结构的客观依据和基本出发点。

    Distinctly defining the duties and responsibilities of the governments and confirming the range of the public expenditure are the objective bases and the basic points of departure of optimizing the structure of public expenditure .