
  • 网络enterprise cultural construction;CIS
  1. 长春超高压局企业文化建设的研究

    The Research of Changchun Extrahigh Voltage Bureau 's Enterprise Cultural Construction

  2. 走出企业文化建设误区

    Go out of the misunderstanding to the enterprise cultural construction

  3. CI战略:中国企业文化建设的新起点

    CIS - The New Starting Point of Enterprise Culture Construction of China

  4. 试论QC小组活动与企业文化建设相结合

    On Combine of the QC Group Activity and the Enterprise Culture

  5. 在非物质激励方面,SSP公司应加强企业文化建设、实施工作激励、积极进行员工培训,同时充分考虑员工个人职业生涯发展等。

    In non-material motivation , the company Ssp should build up the enterprise culture , supply work motivation , give the personnel more training chance , think about the personnel ' career growth .

  6. 第三章介绍HT教育集团企业文化建设的背景、建立历程和通过问卷调查找出HT教育集团企业文化建设存在的问题并分析问题的原因。

    The third chapter introduces HT Education Group corporate culture building in the background , history and through questionnaires to establish HT Education Group corporate culture to identify problems in the construction and analysis of the problem .

  7. 并制定了公司战略实施的具体措施:加强人力资源、加强企业文化建设、导入CS、建立学习型组织、打造高绩效团队、实施客户关系管理。

    Works out the particular measure that put the strategy into effect : strengthen human resources and enterprise 's cultural construction , introduce CS , form study organization , model up group of high efficiency , put into practice customer relationship management .

  8. 从人力资源管理理念、组织结构、企业文化建设等等方面提出应对XF投资担保公司人力资源管理风险的策略,并提出了具体的实施和控制措施。

    From the management concept of human resources , organization structure , enterprise culture construction , and so on aspects XF investment guarantee some Suggestions to deal with the strategy of human resources management risk , and advances some concrete implementation and control measures .

  9. 企业文化建设中的企业理念与行为

    Enterprise 's Conception and Behavior in the Construction of Business Culture

  10. 山东丰源企业文化建设规划与实施

    Layout and Practice on Corporate Culture of Shan Dong Feng Yuan

  11. 在企业文化建设中创新思想政治工作

    Innovating the Ideological and Political Work in Enterprises ' Cultural Construction

  12. 大力开展森林旅游企业文化建设,为员工创造快乐的工作环境。

    And vigorously develop enterprise culture to create happy working conditions .

  13. 对高校后勤服务企业文化建设的几点认识

    Some Understandings on Work Culture Construction of Logistics in Higher Education

  14. 企业文化建设与企业修志

    Enterprise culture construction and historical and other records compiled by enterprise

  15. 我国传统文化与企业文化建设刍议

    Humble Opinion about Traditional Culture and Business Culture Construction in China

  16. 加强企业文化建设,促进质量管理上台阶

    Strengthen Enterprise Culture Construction , Quality Management on a Step

  17. 先进性&中建企业文化建设的灵魂

    Enterprise Culture & soul of core competitiveness of successful enterprises

  18. 寿险公司企业文化建设探讨

    An Exploration of Corporate Culture Construction by Life Insurance Companies

  19. 知识管理对企业文化建设的价值探析

    Significance of Knowledge-based Management to the Building of Corporate Culture

  20. 农业银行企业文化建设研究

    Research on Enterprise Culture Construction of Agricultural Bank of China

  21. 简论企业文化建设中的跨文化沟通与融合

    To discuss about the communication and incorporation of construction in corporate culture

  22. 家族企业文化建设认知的误区与超越

    Pitfalls and Transcendence in the Cognition of Cultural Construction of Family Enterprise

  23. 企业文化建设是企业生存与发展的需要。该文从建设企业文化的角度,探讨了企业文化的内涵与作用;

    Enterprise culture construction is the needs of enterprise existing and developing .

  24. 新形势下企业文化建设刍议

    On the Construction of Culture of Enterprise under New Situation

  25. 企业文化建设是管理思想发展的新阶段,是现代企业管理的产物。

    Corporate culture is important management theory in modern enterprises .

  26. 企业文化建设的目标及实现途径

    The Goals and Achieving Approaches of Corporate Culture Building

  27. 企业文化建设与中小民营企业管理

    Construction of enterprise culture and management of small and medium sized private enterprises

  28. 论企业文化建设的切入点

    On the Entering Point of Building up Enterprise Culture

  29. 论中国电信行业企业文化建设

    Research on Establishing Enterprise Culture of Chinese Telecommunications Trade

  30. 浅谈如何加强和改善企业文化建设

    Talking about How to Strengthen and Perfect the Construction of the Business Culture