
xínɡ zhènɡ tè quán
  • executive privilege;administrative prerogative
  1. 尤为重要的是所谓的“行政特权”,它主要保护载有建议或推荐意见的内部审议文件。

    Particularly significant is the so-called " executive privilege ," which protects internal deliberative documents that contain advice or recommendations .

  2. 然而无论如何,特权的范围界定含糊,因为有关行政特权的争议一般是通过政治妥协而不是通过法院诉讼得到解决的。

    However , the scope of the privilege is ill-defined , because disputes over executive privilege are ordinarily resolved through political compromise rather than court litigation .

  3. 如果他必须作证,他会运用行政特权吗?

    Will he assert privilege if he has to testify ?

  4. 行政合同特权探析

    A Study on Privilege of Administrative Contract

  5. 无论是国外还是国内,理论抑或实践,行政合同特权都是现实存在的。

    Privilege of administrative contract is realistic in domestic or overseas , theory or practice .

  6. 行政合同特权在行政合同的成立、运用、救济的过程中发挥着重要作用。

    Privileges of administrative body play significant roles in the establishment , utilization and relief of administrative contract .

  7. 行政合同特权是指为了实现社会公共利益,行政合同的行政方当事人根据法律规定所享有的对合同单方行使公权力的强制性特权。

    The privilege of the administrative contract is a mandatory power that the administrative departments have for the public welfare .

  8. 但行政合同特权既然是行政权力,它就必然具备了行政权力的天然侵略性。

    Since it 's a kind of administrative power , it has the natural invading character of the administrative power inevitably .

  9. 行政合同特权的设置是依法行政的要求。

    The other is that the establishment at the privilege is to meet the requirement of the administration according to law .

  10. 试论我国行政合同特权的构成&德、法行政合同特权制度对我国的影响

    On the Constitution of Administrative Contract Privilege of Our Country & The Influence of Administrative Contract Privilege System of German and France on Our Country

  11. 行政合同特权是以行政职权为发生基础的权力契约化形态转换,同时亦为契约行政架构内权力因素的集中体现。

    The latter take the administrative job power as the basal administrative contract privilege , and embody the combination of power factor with the contractual factor .

  12. 一切权力都需要控制,否则就会被滥用,行政合同特权作为强制性公权力同样需要得到有效的控制。

    All powers need to be controlled , or they would be abused , and administrative privileges in administrative contract are needed to be controlled too .

  13. 行政合同特权是一种新型的行政权力,它是行政权力作用于民事合同之中,伴随着行政合同这种双方行政行为的产生而产生的柔性行政权力。

    The privilege of the government contract is a new type of administrative power . It is a soft administrative power resulted from the process of administrative power acts on the civil contract .

  14. 在我国,有关行政合同特权的系统理论研究才刚刚起步,而实践中行政合同特权的运用则出现了较大的混乱。

    In our country , the systematic theoretical research about administrative privilege in the administrative contracts has just started , the application of administrative privilege is very nonstandard in practice of administrative contract .

  15. 通过对国外与国内行政合同特权之比较分析,得出的结论是这种行政合同中的特权是建立在分共利益之基础上。

    Later on , by comparing the privileges in the Administrative Contract home and abroad , the author draws a conclusion that this kind of privilege is built up upon the base of public benefits .

  16. 当前诸多国家都对行政合同特权作了肯定的规定,但对于特权的具体配置模式不尽相同,多受各国的法律传统、文化背景、民族特色的影响。

    At present , many countries affirmed the necessity of privileges in administrative contract , but their models of disposal are different , which is influenced by their law tradition , culture , background and national characteristic .

  17. 行政合同特权是行政合同得以与民事合同区分的最重要的特征,它保证了在行政合同中行政主体居于主导地位,从而保障了行政主体所代表的公共利益的安全。

    The government contract privilege is the most important feature to differentiate administrative contract from civil contract , it guarantees the administrative organ occupy the leading position in the government contract and safeguard the safety at public interest represented by the administrative organs .

  18. 肯定特权存在的合理性,同时对特权的行使进行必要控制是平衡行政契约中特权与契约性的必然选择。

    To accept the reasonableness of privileges and have necessary control over them is a natural choice for balancing the privileges and contract quality in administrative contracts .

  19. 在实体上对行政主体的特权、相对人和公众的权利进行合理的配置,在程序上,应当详细设置行政主体在行使各种特权时所要遵循的条件、时限等。

    On the entity , carrying on the rational disposition to the privilege , relative people and public right of the administrative subject , in the procedure , should be set up in detail administrative subject in the conditions followed as time factors while exercising various kinds of privilege .

  20. 行政主体享有统治者特权;

    Second , the administrative subject is entitled to the privilege enjoyed by the ruler .

  21. 行政契约中的特权及其控制

    The privilege and control in administrative contracts

  22. 行政合同中行政主体特权的法律控制研究

    The Study of Administrative Privilege in Administrative Contract

  23. 正是基于这样的原因,本文试讨论如何通过对行政契约中行政主体特权的限制,使行政契约双方能够在相对公平的环境中更合理有效的达成行政契约。

    Based on this Reason , this paper tries to discuss how to through administrative subject to administrative contracts in the restricted , allowing the privilege of administrative contract both sides can in relatively fair environment more reasonable effective achieve administrative contract .

  24. 行政合同中行政主体拥有特权是行政合同制度的最重要特征。

    It is the most important characteristic that the administrative body has privileges in administrative contract .

  25. 行政合同不但具有行政主体特权属性,而且还具有作为合同与生俱来的意思自治原则;

    Administrative contracts are characteristic not only of the privileged nature of the subject of administration , but also of the rule of autonomy of the will that contracts have by nature ;

  26. 行政合同的核心是行政主体的合同特权问题。

    The core issue of administrative contract theory is the privilege owned by administration party in administrative contracts .

  27. 具体适用时,一方面要借鉴诚实信用原则在私法合同中的适用,另一方面更要注重诚信原则对行政机关在行政合同中进行公益裁量、行使行政特权时的有效约束。

    We should use for reference its application in civil contracts and pay attention to its effective control over the administrative agencies ' exercise of privileges and judgment for public interest in administrative contracts .

  28. 行政合同法应当以平衡原则为基础,规范其特有的内容:首先确认行政主体的合同特权,保障行政管理目标的实现;

    Based on the principle of balance , the administrative contract law should normalize its typical contents : First , it should confirm the contractual privileges of the administrative subject to ensure the administrative purpose to be realized ;

  29. 发挥行政合同的优越功能和积极作用,必须要规范行政合同,作为行政合同重要内容的行政合同特权制度也必须要建构和完善。

    In order to give full play to its superior function and active role , administrative contract must be normalized ; privileges system of administrative body , which is an essential composition of administrative contract , should also be established and perfected .

  30. 契约行政条件下,部分行政职权以合同权利的形式实现既定权能;其余则以法定或约定形式设为合同权利的“例外”―行政合同特权。

    Under the condition of contractual administration , parts of administrative job power function with the form of the contract right , the rest part function with legal or the privilege form .