
tóu zī jué cè quán
  • right of making decisions on investment
  1. 要有投资决策权;R表示有单位元的结合环。

    The policy making authority of investment ; Let R be an associated ring with identity .

  2. 邯钢财务人事权、投资决策权和筹资权分层级配置。

    Its financial human resource management , investment decision-making and financing are layered .

  3. 要有投资决策权;

    The policy making authority of investment ;

  4. 本文以1994年财政分权为背景,在分权的背景下地方政府投资决策权也出现了分散化,而投资决策直接影响着投资效率。

    In this paper , it set a background that is the fiscal decentralization in 1994 , which also caused decentralization of decision-making for local government .

  5. 跟印度等新兴市场那些由国家控制的港口不同(这些港口也面临着吞吐能力限制),纽卡斯尔港是以私营方式运转的,投资决策权在煤炭公司手中。

    Unlike many state-controlled ports in emerging markets such as India , which are also facing capacity constraints , Newcastle runs as a private operation with investment decisions in the hands of the coal companies .

  6. 这一模型中,主方零售商具有产品零售价格和投资决策权,从方供应商具有产品批发价格决策权。

    In these models , the retailer , as a leader , has the right to decide the retail price and investment decision , while the supplier , as a follower , has the right to decide the wholesale price .

  7. 本文研究政府投资项目的决策权配置构造与项目绩效之间的关系。

    This paper discussed the principles and demands of the design of project performance indications .

  8. 将通常用于多指标投资决策的熵权理想点法引入证券市场,并与主观赋权法相结合,能较好地评判股票的相对投资价值。

    A method of Entropy weighting ideal point combined with subject selecting weighting , used to be applied in multiple attribute decision making is used in HI-TECH stock investment decision now .

  9. 国有企业投资现状:过于分散,不利于产业结构的升级,投资决策权不完全,投资风险约束机制不健全。

    SOE investment Status : too scattered , is not conducive to the upgrading of the industrial structure , investment decisions are not complete , investment risk-control mechanism is not sound .