
shēnɡ mìnɡ quán
  • right to life
  1. 胎儿确实有生命权吗?

    Surely the fetus has a right to life ?

  2. 生命权在英文中表述为righttolife,是自然人按照自然规律,享受生命,不被非法剥夺并不受各种危险威胁并得以请求救济的权利。

    The right to life indicates in English is " right to life ", which is the natural person according to the natural law , enjoys the life , illegal is not deprived certainly not and can request each kind of dangerous threat the relief the right .

  3. 以生命权为视角论死刑废除问题

    Abolition of Death Penalty From the Perspective of Right of Life

  4. 生命权是人最基本权利。

    Life right is the fundamental right of most people .

  5. 国家有保护公民生命权的义务。

    Country has duty to protect its citizens ' right of life .

  6. 刑法中生命权承诺问题研究

    Research into Victim 's Consent of Right to Life in Criminal Law

  7. 我国生命权损害赔偿制度若干问题研究

    Some Questions of the Right to Life Damages System in Our Country

  8. 论生命权的本质与安乐死的选择

    On the Nature of the Right of Life and Choice of Euthanasia

  9. 反堕胎政策可以组织未婚父母们践踏胎儿的生命权。

    Anti-abortion policy can stop unmarried parents from abandoning the lives of foetuses .

  10. 人格尊严权是宪法保护的公民基本权利之一,不能把人格尊严看作是生命权的内容。

    The right of dignity is not the content of right of life .

  11. 论生命权刑法保护的基本原则

    On the Basic Protection Principles of Right to Life

  12. 我国宪法没有明确规定生命权,生命权在我国宪法中是一项隐含的权利。

    The right to life in our country is implied in the Constitution .

  13. 道路通行权不能对抗人的生命权。

    Wayleave cannot challenge man 's right for living .

  14. 生命权的新概念

    A Refreshed Concept of the Right to Life

  15. 第四章主要就生命权保障中的若干重要问题进行了探讨。

    The forth chapter discusses some important relative issues to the right to life .

  16. 然而,在侵权行为法领域,生命权却受到了不应有的冷遇。

    However the life right has been neglected in the field of tort law .

  17. 侵害生命权损害赔偿体系构成研究

    A Study of the System Form of Compensation for Damage of Right of Life

  18. 论死亡赔偿金与生命权保护

    Compensation to Death Protection to Right of Life

  19. 第三部分介绍了生命权的国际化保护。

    Part three introduces the international and regional protection of the right to life .

  20. 那是你的生命权。

    That 's a lifepod to your right .

  21. 人体器官是人类生命权和健康权的重要载体。

    Human organs are the important carriers of both Right to Life and Health .

  22. 论侵害生命权之损害赔偿

    On Restitution for Infringement of Right of Life

  23. 这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础.生命权救济理论重构

    Redefine the Theory of Life Rights Relief

  24. 论胚胎的生命权保障

    Protection of the Life Right of Embryo

  25. 人人均享有生命权。

    Everyone has the right to life .

  26. 关于生命权的几个问题

    On Several Problem of Right of Life

  27. 宪法保障生命权在我国具有特殊必要性。

    The constitutional protection of the right to life has special necessity in our country .

  28. 生活(英文)论生命权的法律保护

    Legal Protection of the Right of Life

  29. 教会的社会伦理集中体现于生命权问题之争中。

    The social ethics of the Church is reflected from the debated over right-to-life issue .

  30. 安乐死合法化首先要从宪法寻找根据,生命权是安乐死合法化的宪法思考基础。

    The right of life is the base of legalization of euthanasia in the Constitution .