
  • 网络Investment Liberalization
  1. APEC主要在三个领域开展工作:贸易与投资自由化、商业促进、经济和技术合作。

    APEC carries out work in three main areas : trade and investment liberalization , business facilitation , and economic and technical cooperation .

  2. 贸易投资自由化和便利化

    Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation

  3. 亚太经合组织(theAsia-PacificEconomicCooperation,简称APEC)诞生于1989年,致力于推动亚太地区的投资自由化和经济合作。

    Established in 1989 , the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is a forum1 that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region .

  4. 纲要提出,推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,稳妥推进银行、证券、保险、期货等金融领域开放。

    China will promote liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment , and steadily , said the outline .

  5. 一部手机的生产过程可能涵盖10到15个国家,全球价值链的形成已成为各经济体贸易与产业分工合作发展到新高度的重要标志,也为贸易投资自由化的深入发展增添了新动力。

    About 10 to 15 countries are involved in making a mobile phone . The formation of global value chain is an important sign that trade and industrial cooperation among member economies has reached a new height .

  6. 我们要推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,深化区域经济一体化,巩固供应链、产业链、数据链、人才链,构建开放型世界经济。

    We need to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation , deepen regional economic integration , and enhance supply , industrial , data and human resources chains , with a view to building an open world economy .

  7. 论WTO框架内国际投资自由化的新发展

    On the New Development of the Liberalization of the International Investment in the Frame of WTO

  8. 今后25年APEC投资自由化进程初探

    On APEC Investment Liberalization Process in The Coming Twenty Five Years

  9. 现阶段,投资自由化是国内法、双边投资条约、WTO框架下的多边投资规则的一个显著特征。

    Recently , liberalization of international investment is a remarkable character in domestic laws , bilateral investment treaties and multilateral investment rules of WTO .

  10. 二是继续推进贸易投资自由化进程,推动WTO尽早开始新一轮谈判。

    Secondly , pushing forward the process of the liberation in trade and investment continuously and push WTO to start a new round of negotiation .

  11. APEC贸易投资自由化20年:成就与展望

    20 Years of Trade and Investment Liberalization in APEC : Progresses and Prospects

  12. APEC的两大支柱&贸易投资自由化与经济技术合作

    Two Supporting Means of APEC & ree Investment in Trade and Technological Cooperation in Economy

  13. 然而相对于APEC另一支柱&贸易和投资自由化的发展则显得有些滞后。

    But compared with another APEC pillar-trade and investment liberalization , the development appears to be somewhat lagging .

  14. APEC经济技术合作与贸易投资自由化和便利化同为APEC的重要支柱。

    Both Economic and Technical Cooperation and Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation are the important pillars of APEC .

  15. 实证结果表明,CAFTA的实施与WTO所倡导的为促进贸易和投资自由化宗旨是相吻合的。

    The result shows that the implementation of CAFTA is consistent with the principle of promoting trade and investment liberalization which is sponsored by the WTO .

  16. 中国将继续推动亚太地区贸易和投资自由化便利化,支持将APEC打造成地区重要的经贸合作平台。

    We will continue to promote trade liberalization and investment facilitation , and support the role of APEC as a platform for economic cooperation .

  17. 在全球范围内的贸易与投资自由化趋势以及中国加入WTO的背景下,中国不仅成为吸引外资的大国,而且对外直接投资也表现出强劲的增长。

    China is not only one of the biggest FDI inward countries , but also its outward FDI has been increasing rapidly in recent years on the background of Trade and Investment Liberalization and the entry WTO of China .

  18. 自成立以来,APEC在贸易投资自由化、贸易投资便利化和经济技术合作等方面都取得了积极的进展。

    APEC has so far made some positive progress in the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment as well as in the economic and technical cooperation .

  19. 1994年,亚太经济合作组织(以下简称APEC)确立了发达国家于2010年,发展中国家于2020年实现贸易和投资自由化的目标。

    In 1994 , APEC Committee established the goal that the developed countries in 2010 and the developing countries in 2020 should realize the trade and investment liberalization .

  20. 对FDI政策的理论研究和实践比较表明,世界各国的FDI政策都存在不同程度的规制与鼓励交替变迁过程,但变化的总趋势是向投资自由化方向发展。

    The research indicated that , the vicissitude course of FDI policy of the countries all over the world has manifested the evolution of restriction and encouragement to a certain extent , but the total development tendency is the liberalized direction .

  21. 但与贸易投资自由化的发展进程相比,经济技术合作的发展相对滞后,使得APEC两个车轮的发展极不平衡。

    However , compared with the development of trade investment liberalization , the development of the economic and technological cooperation relatively lags behind , thus making the development of two wheels of APEC extremely uneven .

  22. APEC的宗旨是实现贸易投资自由化和加强成员经济体间的经济技术合作,推动亚太地区的经济发展。

    The purpose of APEC is to realize the liberalization of trade and investment and to strengthen the economical and technical co-operation between members , in order to push forward the economical development of Asia-Pacific area .

  23. MAI主要涉及投资自由化、投资保护和争端解决等核心规则,探讨和研究这些问题对未来多边投资法典的制订提供一些有益的借鉴。

    MAI mainly contains investment liberalization , investment protection , dispute settle mechanism , etc. The article hopes to provide some valuable reference in drawing multilateral investment code in future through discussing and researching these problems .

  24. 从现实性来考虑,可以借助APEC贸易投资自由化框架、次区域合作协定、区域内贸易的发展途径以及长期的经济合作基础和渠道来发展东亚区域内的投资合作。

    From practical considerations , we can improve investment cooperation in East Asia by drawing support from APEC trade and investment liberalization frame , and making use of the channels of sub-regional development cooperation , inner-region trade development and long-term economic cooperation .

  25. 未来,APEC可能会沿着不同的方向发展,或发展成一个由松散到紧密关系的经济合作组织,或走向亚太自由贸易区,亦或以探路者方式推进APEC贸易投资自由化。

    In the future , APEC will possibly develops along different directions , such as to develop from loosely to a closely related economic cooperation organization , or move towards Asian and Pacific free trading area , or advance the APEC trade investment liberalization as an " Pathfinder Approach " .

  26. 伴随着20世纪90年代国际投资自由化浪潮的兴起,东道国与外国投资者之间的争端也随之增多,ICSID仲裁制度致力于解决此类矛盾,因此其在世界的影响力与日俱增。

    With the rising of development of international investment liberalization , during 90 years in the 20th century , disputes between the host and the foreign investors arise . The influence of ICSID arbitration system was increasing , because it committed to resolving such conflicts .

  27. 投资自由化是国际直接投资的主要特点;

    Free investment is the main feature of direct foreign investment .

  28. 二是贸易和投资自由化得到迅速发展。

    Secondly , it makes trade and investment liberalization develops rapidly .

  29. 国际直接投资自由化的法律政策分析

    Analysis on Law and Policy of International Direct Investment Liberalization

  30. 其次,加速贸易和投资自由化。

    Second , speed up liberalisation of trade and investment .