
  • 网络investment decision analysis;investment analysis
  1. 基于Internet的房地产投资决策分析系统

    An Internet-Based Investment Decision Analysis System for Real Estate

  2. 传统的投资决策分析方法(NPV法)往往会低估项目价值,存在很大的缺陷与不足。

    Traditional investment decision analysis method ( net present value method ) often underestimates the evaluation of investment project , which is great deficiency and shortage .

  3. 这表明,VaR成为养老基金进行投资决策分析的有效工具。

    In conclusion , VaR is important for the analysis of decision-making for pension fund investment .

  4. 结合实例介绍了在Excel上应用蒙特卡罗法进行无形资产投资决策分析的具体做法。

    In this paper risk analyses of intangible assets investment by Monte Carlo method and its application in EXCEL are made with example .

  5. 具有l2范数有界不确定性扰动的证券投资决策分析

    Decision Analysis of Long-term Portfolio Investment With l_ 2-norm Bounded Disturbance

  6. 传统的NPV方法和实物期权相结合的投资决策分析方法能提高风险分析的准确性;

    The traditional NPV method and the real option method may be connected to improve the accuracy of risk analysis of investment decisions .

  7. 应用期权理论进行投资决策分析,给以NPV为基本方法的决策研究提供了一种新的思路。

    NPV method ignores the value of timing and it has some shortages . Applying option pricing theory to analyze investment decision provides a new train of thought .

  8. TDIPD开发项目投资决策分析与评价

    Investment Decision-making Analysis & Evaluation of " TDIPD " Developing Project

  9. 长期以来,以净现值(NPV)法为代表的传统财务分析方法一直占据项目投资决策分析的核心地位,但是由于这些方法的假设并不符合实际情况,它们不能对项目进行正确的估价。

    The traditional investment decision analysis methods , such as net present value method ( NPV ), have been viewed as an effective way to think about corporate investment decisions . However , it can not properly deal with the valuation of project investments .

  10. 高等教育信息化建设的投资决策分析。

    Analyses on the investment of the higher educational informatization construction .

  11. 防护工程技术改造的投资决策分析

    Analysis of Decision-Making on the Investment in Reconstructing the Protective Engineering

  12. 基于实物期权的竞争与合作情形下战略投资决策分析

    Real Option Analysis on Strategic Investment Decision under Competition and Cooperation

  13. 杭州新客站大厦投资决策分析

    Analysis of Investment Decision of New Passenger Station Building of Hangzhou

  14. 基于模糊数学模型的房产投资决策分析

    Analysis of real estate investment decision based on fuzzy mathematical model

  15. 商业银行小型工业企业行业投资决策分析

    Industrial Sector Analysis on Small Industrial Enterprises Loan for Commercial Banks

  16. 长期投资决策分析中的环境因素

    On the Environmental Factor in the Decision Analysis of the long-term Investment

  17. 本文就长期投资决策分析中关于折旧问题的处理进行分析研究。

    This paper analyses and studies depreciation problem on long rang investment .

  18. 管理者收购中经理财富变动及投资决策分析

    Analysis on Wealth Change and Investment Decision of Managers in Management Buyouts

  19. 房产投资决策分析的贴现现金流模型及其应用

    Discounted cash flow models and its application for housing investment decision analysis

  20. 学习型企业人力资源投资决策分析

    The Human Resource Investment Decision Behavior Analysis of Learning Enterprise

  21. 安全投资决策分析方法

    A Method to Analyse Investment Strategy of Safety in Production

  22. 中国居民高等教育投资决策分析

    Analysis of investment decision of higher education of Chinese

  23. 企业市场行为中的投资决策分析

    Analysis to Enterprise 's Investment Decision in Market Behavior

  24. 基于实物期权的基础设施建设项目投资决策分析

    Study on Development Investment for Infrastructure Construction Base on the Real Options Analysis

  25. 技术不确定条件下的技术创新投资决策分析

    Decision-making Analyses of Technological Innovation Investment under Technological Uncertainties

  26. 企业物流系统规划及投资决策分析

    Enterprise Logistics System Programming and Investment Decision Analysis

  27. 浅谈投资决策分析的基本方法

    A Brief Talk On The Basic Method Of Investment And Decision - Making Analyse

  28. 模糊数学模型在投资决策分析中的应用研究

    Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Investment Decision-making

  29. 基于敲出障碍期权和博弈理论的项目投资决策分析

    Analysis on Project Investment Decision Based on Down Knock - out Option and Game Theory

  30. 收益型房地产投资决策分析

    Investment Decision and Analyse of Income Property