
  • 网络Investment Funds Market
  1. 中国证券投资基金市场:现状、问题与对策

    China 's Investment Funds Market : Situation , Problems and Suggestions

  2. 香港投资基金市场的快速发展与高效管理

    The High-Speed Development and the High Efficiency Management of Hong Kong 's Investment Funds Market

  3. 基于DEA模型的投资基金市场发展能力评价

    DEA Model Based Assessment : Investment Funds ' Market Capacity

  4. 基于GARCH模型的中国证券投资基金市场风险实证研究

    A GARCH Model-based Empirical Study of VaR of China 's Securities Investment Fund

  5. 促进广西创业风险投资基金市场发展的配套政策研究

    The Countermeasures to Promote Business Venture Capital Fund Market of Guangxi

  6. 我国投资基金市场体系的构建与完善

    Construct and Perfect Our National Investment Funds ' Marketing Systems

  7. 证券投资基金市场监管政策的光滑性、平稳性、科学性;

    The smooth , steady and scientific of supervisory policies in SIFs markets ;

  8. 我国投资基金市场运行与发展问题研究

    The Research of Market of the Investment Funds Runs and Development Problems of China

  9. 同迅速发展的证券投资基金市场相比,有关基金业绩评价的研究在我国却发展得相对滞后。

    The research of fund performance evaluation is important to accelerate thedevelopment of funds .

  10. 证券投资基金市场风险管理的实证研究

    Positive Research on Market-risk Management of Securities Funds

  11. 美国税收政策在美国投资基金市场的发展中发挥了重要作用。

    American tax policy plays an important role in the development of investment fund market .

  12. 近年来,我国证券投资基金市场发展迅速,尤其是开放式基金的数量增长异常迅猛,截至2006年6月底共有212只开放式基金运作;

    In recent years , Chinese securities investment funds grown quickly , especially the open-ended funds .

  13. 另外,为顺应入世潮流,应依法鼓励外国资本进入中国投资基金市场。

    Lastly , the article also argues that foreign investors should be encouraged to enter Chinese investment fund market .

  14. 本文还分析了我国投资基金市场的风险,并应用监管理论和资本资产理论,提出了宏观监管和微观控制的防范措施。

    With the help of supervised theory and capital assets theory , precautionary measures characterized by macro-supervision and micro-control are put forward .

  15. 同时,保护投资者利益,培育良好的金融环境,发展资本市场的要求,使得国家对投资基金市场的监管必不可少。

    Moreover , to protect the interest of investors , foster a favorable financial environment , and develop capital market also need supervision .

  16. 因此,针对制约证券投资基金市场发展的问题与缺陷展开了分析,并提出相应的完善措施和政策建议。

    The problems and shortcomings restricting the development of securities investment fund market are analyzed in this paper , measures of improvement and policy are proposed .

  17. 实际研究表明,我国证券投资基金市场已趋近于弱式有效市场,正处于向半强式有效市场过渡阶段。

    Research indicates that securities investment fund market has already moved forward to the weak efficient market , and is in the transition to semi-efficient market .

  18. 证券投资基金市场是现代金融市场的组成部分,对国民经济的健康发展具有重要影响。

    Securities investment fund market is an integral part of the modern financial markets , and have a major impact on the healthy development of the national economy .

  19. 通过对中国证券投资基金市场时机把握能力的实证分析,发现该模型有效消除了市场时机把握能力上存在负值的偏差。

    By the empirical analysis of Chinese security investment funds , we prove that this model is more effective and erases the bias of negative market timing ability .

  20. 本文以中国证券投资基金市场为研究对象,旨在分析现状,找出规范发展过程中存在主要问题,探讨相关对策。

    This paper dose researches on this market , analyzing the situation and problems , than providing some new thinking and advice to the reform of china 's investment fund market .

  21. 在股票市场和基金市场的有效边界实证分析中,我们比较了上海、深圳股票市场以及证券投资基金市场的有效边界。

    The potential of the risk diversification of a stock portfolio is greatly enhanced . Furthermore , we examine the efficient frontier in the Shanghai , Shenzhen and the Closed-end fund market .

  22. 可以说美国投资基金市场及其制度安排代表了世界投资基金发展的最高水平,也预示着世界投资基金发展的最新趋势和基本方向。

    From world scope American investment fund possess the world kind of high order undoubtedly with a maximum of , scale is biggest , function is most whole to invest in fund market .

  23. 在我国相对还不成熟的投资基金市场环境下,如何建立科学的现代风险管理体系,防范和控制开放式基金的风险,已成为众多投资者和我国证券监管部门亟待解决的问题。

    So it is crucial how to upbuild a system of scientific modern risk management , to keep away and control risk of open-ended fund for many investors and China securities regulatory department .

  24. 对此,本文提出要提高我国证券投资基金市场稳定性功能的发挥,需加快证券市场发展,加快各项立法工作和制度建设;

    So , in order to improve the role of investment funds in stabilizing stock market , this paper puts forward the following countermeasures : develop the security market and quicken lawmaking and system building ;

  25. 在分析证券投资基金市场中存在的非对称信息问题基础上,对证券投资基金羊群行为和反馈行为进行研究。

    On the basis of asymmetric information problem existing in the fund market , the paper analyzes the main manifestations , herding behavior and feedback behavior , the investment behaviors of the securities investment funds .

  26. 提高证券市场运行效率,着力建成以开放型基金为特色的投资基金市场,使其成为国内最有影响的基金中心;

    We must raise operational efficiency of securities market , stress on the construction of the investment fund market with the characteristics of open investment fund and make it become the center of investment fund ;

  27. 本文研究的重点是如何在现有的单一市场体系基础上,大力发展多层次股票市场、债券市场及证券投资基金市场,从而构建有中国特色的多层次资本市场体系。

    With the existing single-layered system structure , the paper therefore focuses on how to develop multi-layered markets of stock , bond and stock investment fund , to realize the transition of a multi-layered capital market structure with Chinese characteristics .

  28. 监管的内容之一是围绕基金市场参与者设定积极或消极规则并予以实施,即落实证券投资基金市场准入制度,该制度是基金市场监管体系的有机组成部分。

    Setting and exerting the positive or negative rules around the market participants is one of the elements of Supervision , namely the implementation of the securities investment fund market access system , which is the organic component of the market supervision system .

  29. 最后,根据实证研究,结合我国证券投资基金市场的实际,本文针对现存的问题提出了增强基金公司竞争力的政策建议,以促进证券投资基金市场的发展。

    At last , basing on empirical research and the reality of domestic securities investment fund market , this paper gives policy recommendations on existing problems to enhance the competitiveness of the fund companies and to promote the development of securities investment funds market .

  30. 国际投资基金的市场准入及法律监管研究

    Study on Admittance and Control of International Investment Fund