
zhènɡ quàn jiāo yì shì chǎnɡ
  • securities market
  1. IPO市场与证券交易市场相辅相成,之间存在较强的互相影响关系。

    IPO market and the securities market complement each other . There is a strong mutual influence between them .

  2. 根据规定,虚假陈述行为人在证券交易市场承担民事赔偿责任的范围,以投资人因虚假陈述而实际发生的损失为限。

    According to regulations , the perpetrator of false statements in the securities market scope of civil liability to investors by misrepresentation is limited to actual losses .

  3. 本文使用R/S方法,通过计算Hurst指数检验了一个新兴资本市场:上海证券交易市场的有效性。

    I test for the efficiency in the Shanghai Stock Exchange , an emerging capital market . The Hurst exponent is estimated using the R / S method .

  4. 由伦敦国际酿酒商交易所发布的Liv-ex100指数记录瓶装葡萄酒的价格。目前,该指数已经摆脱了信用紧缩并且其表现优于全球证券交易市场。

    The Liv-ex100 Index , which charts bottled-wine prices , has shrugged off the credit crunch and outperformed global stock markets .

  5. 第四章在对我国证券交易市场操纵行为的原因与特点进行分析之后,基于事前预防的考虑,着力研究操纵行为的预防与监管机制;

    Chapter IV will deal with the preventive mechanism of manipulation .

  6. 禁止欺诈、内幕交易和操纵证券交易市场的行为。

    Cheating , insider trading , and manipulation of stock markets are prohibited .

  7. 上海证券交易市场研究(1946-1949)

    Shanghai Securities Trading Marketing Research ( 1946-1949 )

  8. 基于多主体虚拟技术证券交易市场研究

    Artificial Stock Market Research Based on Multi-Agent System

  9. 阿里巴巴在美国的证券交易市场首次公开募股便完成了218亿美元的融资。

    Alibaba raised $ 21.8bn in its recent debut on the US stock exchange .

  10. 但是全世界最大的证券交易市场其实是纽约证券交易所。

    But the world 's largest stock market is the New York Stock exchange .

  11. 中越证券交易市场的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Sino-Vietnamese Stock Exchange Markets

  12. 怀特表示,她也会关注证券交易市场是否过于分散。

    White said that she is also examining whether the market is too fragmented .

  13. 证券交易市场计算机应答网;

    Stock market computer answering network ;

  14. 在纽约证券交易市场显示股票交易的大的显示屏。

    The large display board at the New York Stock Exchange that reports on stocks traded on the exchange .

  15. 中国的法律制度尚未完善,证券交易市场尚不发达。

    China 's legal system is not yet complete , the securities trading market is not yet well developed .

  16. 因此,本文的研究结果不支持用技术分析法研究上海证券交易市场。

    The empirical results obtained in this study do not support the technical analysis in the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  17. 中国社交网站&人人网在纽约证券交易市场上市的定价为14美元。

    The Chinese social networking site Renren priced its offering on the New York Stock Exchange at $ 14 .

  18. 它是一个电子化的证券交易市场,这里仅是代表性的交易中心。

    It is the second-largest stock exchange by market capitalization in the world , after the New York Stock Exchange .

  19. 这个基金现已关闭,他有10年的生命期,并且伦敦证券交易市场上市。

    The Fund , which is closed-end , has a10 year life and is listed on the London Stock Exchange .

  20. 完善货币金融政策,创建西部开发银行,完善有价证券交易市场;

    Perfecting financial and monetary policy to establish the western region bank of reconstruction & development , to consummate securities business .

  21. 像股本一样,公司的债券每天都可以在有组织的证券交易市场进行交易,如纽约债券交易所。

    Corporate bonds , like capital stocks , are traded daily on organized securities exchanges , such as the New York Bond Exchange .

  22. 一般投资者购买股份,主要目的在于获得公司股息、红利或通过证券交易市场上的买卖来赚取差价。

    Retail investors buy shares , the main purpose is to receive dividends , a dividend or through a securities trading market to earn the difference .

  23. 这使这次交易为东京证券交易市场开了个后门,给它进入国际股票市场融合游戏的筹码。

    This makes the transaction a backdoor listing for the TSE , giving it a currency with which to get into the great global stockmarket-acquisition game .

  24. 首先通过介绍中美两国证券交易市场的差异,明确不同证券交易所对不同经济实力企业的准入门槛。

    Firstly , through introducing the difference between China and US securities exchange markets , the thresholds for diverse sized enterprises in different stock markets are notified .

  25. 偏好中国和波动性的投资者很可能会喜欢今年中国创业板的表现。创业板是初创企业和其他一些被视为高增长型的公司所在的证券交易市场。

    Investors with an appetite for China and volatility would probably enjoy this year 's ride on ChiNext China 's market for startups and other companies seen as high-growth .

  26. 但是,类似于其他全球主要发达的资本市场,本文并不能拒绝上海证券交易市场的有效性假设,尤其当不考虑B股市场时,A股市场的假设检验没有统计显著性。

    Similar to findings for major developed capital markets , I cannot reject the efficient market hypothesis in the Shanghai Stock Exchange , especially excluding the B shares market .

  27. 生活中有一条非常可靠的规则,即好货不便宜。证券交易市场中并非全是错过赚大钱机会的傻瓜。

    It is a pretty safe rule in life that bargains are rare , and not everyone else in the market is an idiot who has missed the greatest opportunity .

  28. 但同时,敌意收购会对证券交易市场造成很大的冲击,目标公司股东在股票交易过程中利益很容易受到侵害。

    However , hostile takeover may cause great impact on stock market and interests of shareholders of target company are easily to be harmed during the process of stock trading .

  29. 大宗交易是证券交易市场的特殊交易机制,是对证券市场普通交易机制的补充,也是市场微观结构理论要研究的重要部分。

    Block trading is a special trading mechanism of the securities market and a supplement to ordinary trading mechanism ; it is also an important part of the market microstructure theory .

  30. 鉴于做市商制度对证券交易市场所能发挥的独特功能,笔者认为我国有必要引入该制度,并认为应从长远的眼光和完善制度功能的角度来引进。

    In view of the special function for the rule of securities exchanges , the author proposes to introduce this rule from the aspects of long-term interest and the fulfillment of systematical function .