
  • 网络Securities Issuance Market;primary market;security offering market
  1. 保荐制度的出台是我国证券发行市场的重大变革,对证券市场产生了较为深远的影响。

    Implementing the sponsor system is a significant transformation in securities issuance market , which exerts a deep and long-term influence in securities market .

  2. 论我国证券发行市场的政府监管

    Study on the Government Regulation of the Securities Issue Market in China

  3. 第四部分:证券发行市场的虚假陈述的民事责任。

    Part Four : Civil liability of misstatement in the security issuing market .

  4. 另外,还着重论述了证券发行市场虚假陈述民事责任的性质。

    Moreover , the article discussed the character of misstatement in issue market .

  5. 发行定价制度决定了证券发行市场价值决定功能和资源配置功能的发挥程度;

    The function of market value deciding and resources collocating depend on issuing pricing system ;

  6. 中国证券发行市场的逆向选择模型与保荐制度

    On Reversal Selection Model and Sponsor System in Stock Offering in China 's Securities Market

  7. 在证券发行市场虚假陈述的赔偿范围应扩及相关费用。

    Thus , relevant fees should be covered in the compensation for false statements in the market .

  8. 但近年来,证券发行市场和交易市场虚假陈述的案例层出不穷,很多证券服务机构和从业人员也参与其中,给投资者财产造成巨大损失。

    However , in recent years , more and more false statement issues arise in the securities market .

  9. 证券发行市场是证券市场的重要组成部分,也是一国证券监管部门重要的监督对象。

    The issue system constitute one of the most important part of security market , which is also under strict supervision by the government sectors concerned .

  10. 第一章导论。本章简单介绍了我国证券发行市场的基本情况及信息披露的功能,进而提出问题。

    The first chapter is the introduction , which briefly introduces Chinese securities issuing market and the functions of information disclosure and further puts forward some issues .

  11. 通过对证券发行市场、交易市场、中介服务市场存在的损害行为进行分析和归类,以为证券市场监管合理边界的确定提供理论依据。

    Through analyzing and categorizing of damage action within stock issue , exchange and intermediary markets , theory foundations that determine the boundary of administrative control are provided .

  12. 第二部分是证券发行市场的政府监管模式,总结了政府监管主要几种模式及其优点和不足,对我国政府证券发行市场监管起到的借鉴作用。

    In our country government regulation of the securities issue market , from the strict examination and approval system to the execution sanction system , the government gives the power to market system gradually .

  13. 提高我国证券发行市场效率及市场化程度,以达到资本的优化配置,一直是我国证券发行市场改革和发展的方向。

    Improving efficiency of issue market of our country and marketization degree and reaching the rational distribution of the capital are the directions of reform and development of issue market of our country all the time .

  14. 我国现阶段证券发行市场中,存在着大量的虚假陈述行为,由于民事责任制度的规定缺乏操作性,致使虚假陈述行为得不到有效的惩治、投资者的合法权益得不到切实的保障。

    In Chinese securities market , misrepresentative behavior abounding in securities market of our country , because the stipulations of civil liabilities system are not conducive in being implemented , the interests of investors cannot be guaranteed during the course of application of law .

  15. 保荐制度是对证券发行上市建立市场约束机制的重要制度安排,实施以来,对提高上市公司质量和促进证券市场健康发展发挥了较大的积极作用。

    As an important system arrangement to establish the market constraint mechanism for securities issuance and listing , the sponsor system plays an active role in enhancing the quality of listed companies and promoting the healthy development of securities market .

  16. 在这部分中,通过对美国证券法对发行市场的虚假陈述的民事责任的研究中,确立并完善我国证券发行市场的虚假陈述的民事责任的构成要件和民事赔偿。

    Through the research work of America 's Security Legislations governing civil liability of misstatement in the security issuing market , the author defines the constitutive requirements that lead to the identification of civil liability of misstatement and associated civil compensation in China 's security issuing market .

  17. 要保证公众对证券发行和交易市场充满信心,首要的是必须让所有投资者尤其是处于信息获取劣势的中小投资者都能及时、公平、准确地获得与发行人有关的重大信息。

    To ensure the public confidence in the issue and trading markets , the first and foremost means is to guarantee access to major information relating to the issuer , timely , fairly and accurately for all investors , especially the medium and small investors who are in disadvantaged position .

  18. 完善发行监管制度必须根据证券市场的发育程度和发行市场的信息不对称状况,将三个制度有机的结合起来考虑,形成一套完整的制度体系,促进证券发行市场资源配置效率的提高。

    To improve the issuing supervision system , we must combine the three systems as an integral system according to the development stage and the information asymmetry of the security market . This condition malfunctions resource allotment of capital market .

  19. 新股发行定价效率一直是我国证券市场中研究的焦点问题,随着证券发行市场化改革的逐步推行,新股发行制度的合理化也越来越受到管理部门和各界学者的关注。

    The IPO pricing problem has been a focus problem in the Chinese securities market research . As securities market reform promoting progressively , the rationalization of IPO pricing mechanism also draws more and more attention from management department and all scholars .

  20. 证券承销商声誉的理论与实证研究本文以证券发行市场为什么需要证券承销商?

    By answering the question why security issuing market need underwriter ?