- investment bank;merchant bank

The writer is global head , sovereign client services at UBS Investment Bank
A solidarity fund for stabilisation could , together with the European investment bank , make needed investments in the countries in trouble .
Are the investment banks selling cheaply , out of necessity ?
The IPO Evaluation System of Investment Banking Under The Authorization System
The Information Transfer of IPO Value and Financial Certification of Investment Bakers
The Performance Wage System of Investment Banking Headquarters of NS Securities
Geneva Global , a for-profit advisory based in Pennsylvania , for example , functions as an investment bank of sorts for donors .
Last month , 2 hedge funds operated by the investment bank Bear Stearns nearly collapsed under debt .
The ECB has already announced that it is working with the European Investment Bank to devise ways of broadening access to financing for SMEs by reviving a market for asset-backed securities .
Morgan Stanley ( MS ) , a Facebook IPO underwriter , agreed to pay Massachusetts regulators $ 5 million .
Most of the star managers at investment banks have done MBAs and look how well their collective strategies have worked .
Moreover , after China entry into WTO , the competition is not only among the domestic investment banks , but also between domestic banks and the distinguished international banks .
Global investment banks , including Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs , are downsizing or closing units previously responsible for proprietary deals .
Goldman Sachs , the Wall Street investment bank , yesterday said its global headcount would be up at the end of 2008 .
Georgetown University Law Professor Russ Stevenson told me last week that there has been a " dramatic change in self perception " among investment banks .
On the other hand , Bank of China International , its investment banking arm , is set to launch a big rollout of a new service in the final quarter of this year , according to people familiar with its plans .
Calgary-based energy investment bank Tristone Capital on Tuesday forecast oil prices would average $ 50 next year .
Fears in credit markets over debt defaults intensified yesterday , surpassing those seen in the turmoil surrounding the collapse of investment bank Bear Stearns .
Our empirical results show : ( 1 ) In terms of the relationship between investment bank reputation and IPO quality , 1999 is a watershed year ;
It found that reputation of investment bank in China has a bit influence on IPO under pricing rate of the issuer , but it is not evident .
He specifically sought to paint his firm as distinctly different than those " cowboys " at Bear Stearns , Lehman and the other investment banks .
Investment bank is a kind of financial intermediate agency in modern capital market specializing in such businesses as security issuing and underwriting , security managing , corporation merger , project financing , corporation financial transition conducting , and investment management , etc.
Stockbrokers such as Morgan Stanley were pushed out on their own by the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act , which enforced the separation of banks and investment banks .
This should be co-ordinated with existing structural funds and loan programmes operated by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank , greatly boosting their combined firepower , they said .
Since then , he had worked for two years as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch in New York and for two more years in private equity at vector capital in San Francisco .
It may well be that investment banks were independently recommending autonomy as an acquisition target to industry players – that is standard practice for & but this would not have been at our behest .
Merrill Lynch , acquired by Bank of America in late 2008 , has long had powerful investment banking operations around the world , which Mr Donofrio sees as the key to expanding globally .
UBS has outlined long-awaited plans to shrink its business dramatically and refocus on its core wealth management operations , while making deep cuts to its investment bank .
Jeffries & Co. argued that a four-digit price is possible , given improvements in the Motorola handset business and non-search areas such as youtube and Commerce Initiatives .
These measures , together with public investments financed by the European investment bank , should improve competitiveness over a reasonable time period .