
tóu bǎo rén
  • applicant;policy holder
投保人[tóu bǎo rén]
  1. 投保人是否曾进行和竞争者产品的直接产品比较?

    Does applicant ever do direct product comparisons against competitor products ?

  2. 保险投保人告知义务研究

    The Research on the Obligation of the Applicant 's Disclosure of Insurance

  3. 投保人一旦死亡,该项保险将给其家属支付相当可观的保险金。

    The insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family in case of your death .

  4. 这项基金将在保险公司不能偿付的情况下对投保人进行赔付。

    The funds are supposed to reimburse policyholders in the event of insurer failure .

  5. 第一笔10%的法律费用将由投保人支付。

    The first 10 per cent of legal fees will be paid by the policy-holder .

  6. 这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的红利。

    These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders .

  7. AIG陨落的最大受害者除了购买了AIG所发行债券的投资者,还有投保人。深刻的教训让我们不得不对保险公司财务实力重新审视。

    Besides bond investors , the biggest victims of the fall are the policyholders .

  8. 然而,即使投保人自身出现了过失,只要不是像安然(enron)事件中那样彻头彻尾的欺诈,该保险都会予以赔付。

    Yet , other than in Enron-style cases of outright fraud , this insurance pays out even if the insured has messed up .

  9. 相反,这些计划都旨在利用联邦医疗保险(medicare,老年人的公共医疗计划)的巨额储蓄来为医改买单,许多medicare的投保人不太相信对他们所享服务不会因此变差的保证。

    Instead , the plans all aim to cover costs with big savings on Medicare , the public programme for the elderly and many Medicare recipients doubt the assurance that their services will not worsen as a result .

  10. 本文以社会福利为衡量保险市场效率的标准,分析了在处于R-S均衡的保险市场中,如果有部分投保人低估自身风险,实施强制保险是否有助于保险市场效率的提高。

    Using social welfare as an index of market efficiency , the paper tries to analyze whether compulsory insurance can improve efficiency of the insurance market in R-S equilibrium with misinformation .

  11. 他们的意图是:剥夺投保人采取法律行动的权利;邀请法官兼会计师彭乐时勋爵(LordPenrose)记录发生的事件来拖延,而且这些记录也依然没有把责任归咎于监管方;还有就是混淆视听。

    They aimed to expunge policyholders ' rights to take legal action ; to delay by inviting Lord Penrose , a judge and accountant , to write a history of what had happened , which did not apportion blame to the regulator ; and to obfuscate .

  12. 直到目前,国际精算文献中研究的最优BMS,只考虑投保人上一年的索赔次数,没有考虑索赔额的大小,也即对于小额损失和大额损失的惩罚是一样的。

    Up to now , the optimal BMS in the international actuarial literature only consider the frequency of the claims in a year and ignore the amount of the claim , which means the punishment for small and large claims are treated equally .

  13. 所保风险一定不能同时危及所有投保人。

    The peril must be unlikely to affect all insured simultaneously .

  14. 投保人:谢谢你的建议,还有其它问题吗?

    Insurant : thank you for your proposal , anything else ?

  15. 因此,这些产品的预期回报率在很大程度上取决于投保人的预期寿命。

    Their projected returns therefore rely heavily on life expectancy estimates .

  16. 保险法是关于投保人和保险人之间关系的法律。

    Insurance law is concerned with the relationship between two persons .

  17. 第二个因素就是投保人自愿退保。

    The second factor is that the insured voluntarily surrender .

  18. 退保金的申请人是投保人。

    The policy holder is the applicant for termination benefit .

  19. 保险法内容包括投保人和保险人之间的合同。

    Insurance law involves a contract between the insurer and the insured .

  20. 四星期前,投保人在买画。

    Four weeks ago when our client bought the Rembrandt .

  21. 投保人是否提供健美、桑拿浴设施?

    Does the applicant provide gym , sauna or steams baths facilities ?

  22. 投保人是否曾从直接竞争者处聘用重要雇员?

    Has applicant ever hired key employees from direct competitors ?

  23. 欺骗投保人、被保险人或者受益人;

    Deceiving the applicant , the insured or the beneficiary ;

  24. 投保人:你能否说的具体一点呢?

    Insurant : can you say it in detailed way .

  25. 伤者签署(如非投保人)

    Signature of Injured Person ( if not the Insured )

  26. 寿险新产品应根据需求差异采取差异化定价法定价。按照不同的价格,直接把同种寿险产品卖给不同的投保人,即二级价格歧视;

    The life insurance products should take differential pricing to set down prices .

  27. 遏制投保人逆向选择的不完美信息动态博弈分析

    Dynamic game analysis of imperfect information of restraining the insured 's adverse selection

  28. 投保人是否有书面的产品回收计划?

    Does applicant have a written product recall plan ?

  29. 法律允许投保人向一个或多个保险人索赔。

    The law permits the insured to claim form one or more insurers .

  30. 第一因素是投保人死亡即死亡风险。

    The first factor is the death of the insured risk of death .