
  • 网络Bid Security;bid bond;tender bond
  1. 不这样做也将导致我们的投标保证金没收。

    Failure to do so will also result in confiscation of our Bid Bond .

  2. 中标人的投标保证金在缴纳了必要的履约保证金后退回。

    The Bid Bond of a successful tenderer will be refunded upon furnishing of the required Performance Bond .

  3. 浅议投标保证金论实质履行原则

    Discussion About the Bid Security On the Principle of Substantive Performance

  4. 完善政府采购投标保证金制度的思考

    The Thinking on How to Perfect the System of Government Purchasing Bid Cash Deposit

  5. 未附投标保证金的投标将不予受理。

    A tender which is not accompanied by a Bid Bond will not be considered .

  6. 招标人在收到投标人的确认函和投标保证金后,发出招标文件。

    The Tenderee will issue the Bidding Document after receiving the confirmation letter and bid security .

  7. 为贸易信贷,投标保证金,项目保证金,银行担保等出口前及出口后的保证金。

    Pre and post-export guarantees for trade finance , bid bonds , performance bond , bank guarantees .

  8. 投标保证金应用投标货币并采用以下形式。

    The tender bond shall be in the tender currency and shall be in the following form .

  9. 浅议投标保证金

    Discussion About the Bid Security

  10. 投标保证金应在投标有效期截止日后三十天内保持有效。

    The Bid Security should remain valid for a period of thirty ( 30 ) days beyond the bid validity period .

  11. 如果你方在开标前还没交投标保证金,那么你方的投标将不予考虑。

    If you fail to furnish a bid bond before the opening of tender , your bids will not be considered .

  12. 投标保证金是指由投标人以其所有的一定数额的金钱向招标人提供的,保证投标人按照招标文件的规定参加招标活动的担保。

    Tender bond is the money that the bidder pay to the tenderee to assure he will put in the tender according to the tender documents .

  13. 在从事企业年金中介服务过程中,通过收取招投标保证金、管理费分成等手段谋取不正当利益。

    During the process of engaging in enterprise annuity intermediary services , it seeks unfair benefits through collection of bid deposits or sharing of management fees , etc. ; or .

  14. 本文介绍了投标保证金的概念和采用的形式,并对各种形式的优劣作了比较,对投标保证金的没收、投标保证金与投标有效期、投标保证金与定金等问题进行了分析和讨论。

    This text has introduced the concept of the bid security and its different forms , compared these various kinds of forms , and also discussed the confiscation of the bid security , the bid security and the validity of tenders , the bid security and the down payment , etc.

  15. 工程招投标过程中保证金提交形式的探讨

    Studies on the ways of submitting to security in bidding and tendering

  16. 递交投标书时需要交纳5000美元的投标保证金。

    A bond in the amount of us $ 5000is required when the tender is submitted .

  17. 如果在规定的开标时间后,投标人在投标有效期内撤回投标,其投标保证金将被贵方没收。

    If the bidder revokes its bid during the period of validity of bidding after the stated bid opening , his bid bond shall be confiscated by your part .

  18. 所有投标文件必须连同占投标部份2%的投标保证金或银行保函一起提交。

    All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or bank guarantee of two per cent of total bid price .

  19. 投标人有权拒绝延长投标有效期限并不会因此而失掉其投标保证金。

    Bidder shall have the right to refuse to grant such an extension of validity of bid without forfeit their bid bond .

  20. 如果投标者未能在报价有效期内接受订单,存放的投标保证金将被没收。

    The tender Security so deposited will be liable to forfeiture if the bidder fails to accept any order within the validity period of the offer .

  21. 被邀请参加投标的设计单位在收到邀请函后,应递交参加投标确认函和投标保证金。

    Applicants who have received the invitation for bid should submit their confirmation for participating bidding and bid security .