
  • 网络Bid Validity;Period of Validity of bids
  1. 投标人在规定的投标有效期内撤销或修改其投标文件;

    The bidder repeals or modifies the bidding document in the prescribed bid validity ;

  2. 我方同意在投标有效期内受本标的约束。

    We agree to abide by this Bid within the period of bid validity .

  3. 投标有效期不满足要求的投标将被视为非响应性投标而予以拒绝。

    Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders .

  4. 本公司有权于投标有效期内采纳任何投标。

    Company shall have the right to accept any Bid at any time before the expiration date .

  5. 如果在规定的开标时间后,投标人在投标有效期内撤回投标,其投标保证金将被贵方没收。

    If the bidder revokes its bid during the period of validity of bidding after the stated bid opening , his bid bond shall be confiscated by your part .

  6. 在投标人须知前附表规定的投标有效期内,投标人不得要求撤销或修改其投标文件。

    In the validity of the bid regulated in the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder , the bidder cannot request to repeal or modify their bidding document .

  7. 投标有效期应留有足够的时间完成评标,世行审查授标建议(如果要求的话),取得批准和授标。

    The period should be sufficient to permit completion of the evaluation , review of the recommended selection by the Bank ( if so required ), the obtainment of approvals , and notification of award .

  8. 投标保证金应在投标有效期截止日后三十天内保持有效。

    The Bid Security should remain valid for a period of thirty ( 30 ) days beyond the bid validity period .

  9. 投标保函在下列情况将失去:投标者在标书有效期内撤标;

    The tender security may be forfeited : if a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity ;

  10. 投标保函在下列情况将失去:投标者在标书有效期内撤标;或成功的投标者未签约或未提供必要的履约保函。

    The tender security may be forfeited : if a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity ; or in the case of the successful tenderer , if he fails to sign the agreement , or furnish the necessary performance security .

  11. 本文介绍了投标保证金的概念和采用的形式,并对各种形式的优劣作了比较,对投标保证金的没收、投标保证金与投标有效期、投标保证金与定金等问题进行了分析和讨论。

    This text has introduced the concept of the bid security and its different forms , compared these various kinds of forms , and also discussed the confiscation of the bid security , the bid security and the validity of tenders , the bid security and the down payment , etc.