
tóu biāo rén
  • bidder;tendering party
  1. 研究结果为政府在BOT项目招标过程中,确定投标人的管理水平资质提供理论依据。

    And the result gives theory basis for the government to determine the aptitude of management level of the bidder in the course of bidding for the BOT project .

  2. 投标人应取得ISO9001或同类质量体系认证,在大众集团拥有良好的售后服务和银行资信。

    The bidder shall have the same quality system authentication of ISO9001 or , in the group has good after-sales service and bank credit .

  3. 喊标,出价。bidding(n.)(拍卖的)出价。bidder(n.)投标人你给那辆新车标了多少?

    bid ( v. , n. ) How much did you bid for that new car ?

  4. 三投标人从三个不同的国家被认为最有可能的买家萨博汽车,据不具名消息来源与萨博的主人,通用汽车(GM)。

    Three bidders from three different countries are said to be the most likely buyers for Saab Automobile , according to an unnamed source with Saab 's owner , General Motors ( GM ) .

  5. murchison还购入了midwest10%的股份,以威慑竞争性投标人。

    Murchison has also built a stake of 10 per cent in Midwest in order to deter to rival bidders .

  6. 到了那边他们会被要求对一大群人做华丽的PPT演说,还要参加许多的宴席和热列的讨论。这些通常是在投标人自己的酒店中进行。

    There they may be expected to make epic PowerPoint presentations to giant audiences , and to attend banquets and intimate discussions , often in hotels owned by the bidder .

  7. 科索沃企图对国有电信公司“科索沃邮政和电信公司”(PTK)的75%股权进行私有化,目前它已收到五个投标人的投标。

    Kosovo has received five bids in its attempt to privatise a75 % stake in state-owned telecoms incumbent Post and Telecom of Kosovo ( PTK ) .

  8. 投标人应确认目前已为投标人和主要分包商建立的支持设施ik,包括仓库、维护及设备场、施工营地及办公室。

    Bidders shall identify currently established support facilities IK for both bidder and major subcontractors , including warehouses , maintenance and equipment yards , construction camp and offices .

  9. 在欧洲最大的烟草制造商英美烟草退出后,VTB成为唯一的投标人。

    VTB was the sole bidder in the tender after British American Tobacco Plc ( BATS ), Europe 's largest cigarette maker , pulled out .

  10. uic规范与标准不存在或不适合承包商系统应用时,承包商应向其投标人提交一份他建议使用的该标准综合清单。

    Where UIC codes and standard do not exist or are not appropriate for application to the contractor 's system , the Contractor shall submit with his tender a comprehensive list of the standards which he proposes to apply .

  11. 咨询员在选择承包商时,应根据成功投标人的方案,协助gtcl起草合同草案,审核整个项目实施计划,提出关于合适付款单的建议。

    On selection of the contractor the consultants shall , based on the proposal of the successful bidder , assist gtcl in drawing up a draft contract , review the overall project implementation plan and advice on a suitable milestone payment schedule .

  12. 届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。

    We sincerely invite the bidders to attend the bid opening .

  13. 投标人应提供其质量程序的全文索引。

    Bidder shall provide a full index of its quality procedures .

  14. 投标人应将产品手册及投标书一同递交。

    Bidder to submit the product brochures along with the bid .

  15. 投标人认为其它应该提供的资料。

    Other materials shall be provided as required by the bidder .

  16. 根据投标书,投标人应提供的其他服务。

    Any other services which bidder shall render pursuant to its bid .

  17. 投标人必须提交技术方案及商业方案。

    The bidder must present both technical and commercial proposals .

  18. 投标人如变动地址,应书面通知史密斯国际有限公司。

    Tenderers may change their addresses by informing Smith International Co.

  19. 不过,投标人看重的并哪一家机构,而是这次机遇。

    But the bidders are betting on opportunity , not an institution .

  20. 招标文件中投标人须知对合同履行的影响分析

    Impact analysis of instructions to tenders on contractual performance in tender documents

  21. 投标人强烈反对增加汽油税。

    The voters had a backlash against rising gas taxes .

  22. 废标!投标人如何应对?

    Nullified bidding ! How do bidders deal with it ?

  23. 电视特许经营权将拍卖给出价最高的投标人。

    TV franchises will be auctioned to the highest bidder .

  24. 它可能是由其他投标人的工作范围。

    It may be a frame work by other bidders .

  25. 该公司是该项工程的乐成投标人或中标人。

    The company is the successful tenderer for the project .

  26. 具体来说,我们提出了一种新的方法来对投标人进行排序,而最后的排序结果则为分配方案。

    In particular , we propose a new ranking scheme for the bidders .

  27. 投标人应在投标文件中清楚地确认质量保证期限。

    The bidder shall confirm quality guarantee period clearly in the bidding document .

  28. 时间对所有投标人来准备标书是足够的。

    The time should be adequate for all bidders to prepare their bids .

  29. 出价最高的人报价策略则取决于投标人的目标。

    Bidding strategies depend on the goal of tenderer .

  30. 集中招标采购通过增加投标人数目,从而约束合法投标人报出不合理高价。

    It can regulate the legal bidder by increasing the number of bidders .