
xíng wéi
  • behavior;act;action;conduct;behaviour;deed;demeanour;comportment
行为 [xíng wéi]
  • [action;behavior;conduct] 行伪。谓举止行动;指受思想支配而表现出来的外表活动

行为[xíng wéi]
  1. 他的死是你的行为直接造成的后果。

    His death was a direct result of your action .

  2. 这种行为可能产生严重后果。

    Such action may have dire consequences .

  3. 不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。

    An unhappy home environment can affect a child 's behaviour .

  4. 她对自己在聚会上的行为深感羞愧。

    She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party .

  5. 她是位教师,以行为古怪而出名。

    As a teacher , she had a reputation for eccentricity .

  6. 他直言不讳的行为不受他同事的欢迎。

    His outspoken behaviour did not commend itself to his colleagues .

  7. 我们每个人都必须对自己的行为负责。

    Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions .

  8. 他们开始觉得他行为可疑,便报了警。

    They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police .

  9. 那样的行为肯定会让他生气。

    That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry .

  10. 一些医生涉嫌有不道德行为。

    A number of doctors came under suspicion of unethical behaviour .

  11. 对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。

    We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence .

  12. 千万不要做出诸如离开国家之类的极端行为。

    Don 't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country .

  13. 我对他的行为越来越感到恼火。

    I was becoming more and more irritated by his behaviour .

  14. 她因行为不轨被清除出警察队伍。

    She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct .

  15. 她在试图逃避应为自己的行为承担的所有责任。

    She is trying to evade all responsibility for her behaviour .

  16. 这种行为必须停止——我讲清楚了吧?

    This behaviour must stop ─ do I make myself clear ?

  17. 喝醉了的球迷行为不轨,把比赛给搅了。

    The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans .

  18. 我一定会时刻睁大眼睛提防他的行为。

    I shall certainly keep a beady eye on his behaviour .

  19. 父母将要对孩子的行为负责。

    Parents will be held responsible for their children 's behaviour .

  20. 这种行为在文明社会是完全不能接受的。

    Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society .

  21. 三个孩子因持续行为不检被学校开除。

    Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour .

  22. 这种行为在社交中已不再合适。

    This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable .

  23. 改动作曲家原有的符号是亵渎行为。

    It would be sacrilege to alter the composer 's original markings .

  24. 政府方面否认了有故意掩饰的行为。

    Government sources denied there had been a deliberate cover-up .

  25. 首相带头谴责暴力行为。

    The Prime Minister was foremost among those who condemned the violence .

  26. 开车闯红灯是违章行为。

    It 's illegal to drive through a red light .

  27. 她对自己行为的解释很难令我信服。

    She gave me an unlikely explanation for her behaviour .

  28. 他的行为是逃避为父之责。

    His behaviour was an evasion of his responsibilities as a father .

  29. 他被谴责行为有失官员身份。

    He was accused of conduct unbecoming to an officer .

  30. 我不敢相信你竟有那样的行为!

    That 's not the sort of behaviour I expect of you !