
  1. 在英国东南部,修上一年的水管和龙头就能挣到7万英镑。

    Many in the South East earn £ 70,000a year for fixing pipes and taps .

  2. 俄勒冈州比佛顿高中(BeavertonHighSchool)毕业生YaminiNaidu说,去年在IstaEDU在线辅导的帮助下,她在大学先修课上拿到了一串A的优异成绩。

    Yamini Naidu says online tutoring last year through InstaEDU helped her earn As in advanced-placement classes at her Beaverton , Ore. , high school .

  3. 屏蔽暂堵工艺在气井修井上的应用评价

    Application and Valuation of the Technology of Shielding and Temporary Plugging on Gas Well Workover

  4. 今天在思修课上那是一种什么感觉,是我努力的时候了。

    Today in thinking course that is what kind of feeling , is my efforts .

  5. 通过仿真研究及实际应用表明,在修磨机上采用这种电液比例加载系统可取得较好的修磨效果。

    By simulation and practical application , it can be concluded that taking this means can acquire better grinding effects .

  6. 而我由于缺乏信心和精进力,即使在一个月之后仍然在慧学修证上毫无收获。

    As for me even after a month my understanding was nil because of lack of faith and energetic effort .

  7. 布衣职业也许花在修装备上的钱比板甲职业要少,但他可能会把这些省下来的钱花到施法材料等方面。

    While a cloth wearer may spend less in repairs than a plate wearer , he 'll likely spend more money on things like reagents .

  8. 当前在新修梯田上作试验,由于缺乏田间设计规范,成果误差偏大,影响推广应用。

    Due to insufficient specifications for field design , the result obtained from experiments of newly built terraces has a bigger error , effecting popularization and application .

  9. 针对目前采用比例溢流阀和伺服阀加载存在的不足,提出在钢坯修磨机上采用比例三通减压阀加载。

    Aiming at the disadvantages of present loading system applying proportional relief valve or servo valve , loading system with 3-way proportional pressure reducing valve is proposed .

  10. 从中比修约中的国际法庭应诉之争全过程来看,比利时是把国际法庭作为胁迫北京政府在修问题上让步的一种手段。

    Looking from the course of lawsuit to International Court of justice between China and Belgilum revision treaties , Belgium took it for a means to force Peking government to yield .

  11. 这就要求我们在经营管理上下功夫:在成本核算上、在管理体制上、在医疗器械的有偿使用和修购上、在经营机制的研究上要狠下功夫。

    We should devote a lot of effort to operations and management of medical institutions , e. g. cost accounting , management system , medical appliances ' non-gratuitous use , purchase and repair and the research of management mechanisms .

  12. 在1号高炉中修时对上料系统进行了改造,用PLC控制取代继电器控制。

    During the intermediate repair the charging system of No1 blast furnace was modernized and PLC control system replaced relay control .

  13. 码头上的人都很友好,由于我没有DIY经验,他们帮我修了船上六个地方。

    Everyone at the boatyard was really helpful and helped me fix parts of the boat as I had no DIY experience .

  14. 在哪能修我手提箱上的行李带?

    Where do I fix the baggage tag to my suitcase ?

  15. 莎拉:那我就把两旁修到耳上,好吗?

    SARAH : So I will cut the sides just above the ear .

  16. 对零件进行翻边,测量出翻边前后在修边区域上各网格点的坐标;

    The coordinates of mesh points on the trimming region before and after flanging are measured .

  17. 这些细胞破坏骨胳,修去骨胳上的粗糙的边,帮助雕塑骨胳,恢复原状。

    These cells destroy bone , trimming off rough edges , helping sculpture the bone back to its original shape .

  18. 还有一些应用软件自带滤镜,能让你改变肤色或是修去脸上的痘痘。

    Some apps also offer useful filters , which will be able to change your skin tone and eliminate pimples on your face .

  19. 外面大雪纷飞,我的思潮不断地转到墓园和那新修的坟上,那时上楼去好像很凄惨!

    It seemed so dismal to go upstairs , with the wild snow blowing outside , and my thoughts continually reverting to the kirkyard and the new-made grave !

  20. 在宁夏西吉县的研究和生产实践证明,在黄土丘陵区的新修水平梯田上,配套实施加深耕层、农机化播种;增施农家肥料、培肥地力;

    Research and practical production proved that the new technical pack-ages implemented on the newly-built level terraces in the loessal Hilly regions of Xiji County , Ningxia accelerated the yield increase in farm crops effectively in the terraces on a large area .

  21. 他们把电站修在小山往上一英里处。

    They built the power station a mile up the hill .

  22. 例句与用法罗城的四面修有城门,上起高楼。

    Luo city have door and the high-rise .

  23. 齿轮修形在机车上的应用

    Application of profile correction on locomotive

  24. 备修生至少得当上两年,经常是四年,初学生四年。

    One is a postulant for two years at least , often for four ; a novice for four .

  25. 研究结果表明了本文提出的模型在解决转炉炉修及其类似问题上有良好的效果和参考价值。

    It is proved that the proposed model has a certain effect and reference value in solving the furnace repair problems and also similar problems .

  26. 汉味语言在她的小说中分别在宏观语境、微观语境和修辞格的运用上发挥着重要的修辞功能。

    Han flavor of the language in her novels in a macro context , the micro context and the use of Rhetoric plays an important rhetorical function .

  27. 下面这张忏悔词是在那修院里石板地上拾到的,这是一个七岁的犯罪姑娘事先写好以免忘记的

    It was on one of the flagstones of this cloister that there was once picked up a confession which had been written out in advance , in order that she might not forget it , by a sinner of seven years

  28. 明朝在元朝所修干道的基础上又修建了一些支线,进一步加强了对当地少数民族的控制,也使经济、文化交流深入少数民族地区。

    Repair roads in the Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty on the basis of the further construction of a number of extensions to further strengthen the control of local ethnic minorities , but also to economic and cultural exchange in-depth ethnic minority areas .

  29. 在西安、郑州及中国其它大多数主要城市,抵达机场的游客要么必须等候捉摸不定的巴士服务,要么不得不排队等候出租车,再在新修的收费高速公路上行驶一个多小时才能进城。

    In the case of Xi'an and Zhengzhou and most other major cities in China , travellers who arrive at the airport must either wait for erratic bus services or stand in line for a taxi to drive more than one hour into town on a newly-built toll road .

  30. 本文在分析传统修形方法的基础上,研究了采用移动式阴极的脉冲电化学方法在齿轮修形上的应用。

    In this paper , pulse electrochemical machining ( PEM ) with moving shaped cathode is studied which is showed to be an available method to modify gear .