
xiū lǐ fèi
  • repairs;cost of repairs;repairs charge;repairs expense
  1. 修理费总共500多英镑。

    The repairs came to over £ 500 in total .

  2. 他们答应支付所有的修理费。

    They agreed to pay the costs of any repairs .

  3. 人家要我们出修理费。

    We were asked to stump up for the repairs .

  4. 修理费花掉他200多英镑。

    The repairs set him back over £ 200 .

  5. 接受我们的服务合同,告别昂贵的修理费吧。

    Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills .

  6. 他们收了多少修理费?

    What did they charge for the repairs ?

  7. 除修理费之外还有邮寄和包装费。

    There 's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge .

  8. 汽车服务站敲了你多少修理费?

    How much did the garage rush you for those repairs ?

  9. 未投保者需自付修理费。

    People without insurance had to pay for their own repairs .

  10. 修理费总计约100美元。

    The total cost of repairs came to about $ 100 .

  11. 他负担不起昂贵的汽车修理费。

    He can 't afford the high cost of car repairs .

  12. 事故之后她面临的是骇人听闻的修理费。

    After the accident she was faced with monstrous bills for repairs .

  13. 我吃惊地发现修理费会那么高。

    I was aghast to discover how much the repairs would cost .

  14. 他一年给我65英镑支付汽车修理费和保险费。

    He gave me $ 65a year towards car repairs and insurance .

  15. 我掏出修理费,他不肯收。

    I brought money to pay for the job and he refused it .

  16. 我们通常的修理费是5元。

    Our usual price for repairing its 5 yuan .

  17. 而且,他们的保险公司会负担修理费的。

    Besides , their insurance company is going to pay for the repair .

  18. 我们得支付修理费吗?

    And do we have to pay for repairs ?

  19. 所有的修理费将由我们公司负担。

    All the costs of the repairs will be borne by our company .

  20. 一个机修工算出了我的汽车修理费。

    A mechanic reckoned up the cost of repairing the damage to my car .

  21. 修理费要花200元,出入不过几元。

    The repairs will cost $ 200 , give or take a few dollars .

  22. 修理费达100英镑之多。

    The cost of the repairs came to the tune of a hundred pounds .

  23. 他们向我们要的修理费太多了。

    They charged us too much for repairs .

  24. 我必须动用我的存款支付修理费。

    I 'll have to draw on my savings to pay for the repairs .

  25. 修理费可能很高。

    The coat of repairs can be high .

  26. 这不是修理费的帐单;

    This is not a repair bill ;

  27. 这家公司不必承担更换易损件费用和修理费。

    The consortium does not have to bear the costs of worn parts and repairs .

  28. 富裕的玩家将免于纳税,我是说,装备修理费。

    Rich players will be exempt from taxes , I mean , durability repair prices .

  29. 见鬼了,我才不会付你一百美元的修理费。

    Like hell I 'm going to pay you us $ 100 for the repair work .

  30. 你还要去肖恩妈妈的办公室做一段兼职支付余下的修理费

    and you will work off the cost of repairs in Sean 's mother 's office .