
  • 网络Thucydides;Thucydide
  1. 锡拉库萨曾是希腊殖民地,修昔底德(Thucydides)说它是丝毫不逊于雅典的城市。

    Syracuse was a Greek colony that Thucydides called a city not in the least inferior to Athens itself .

  2. 尽管如此,中国的崛起仍让我们想起修昔底德(Thucydides)的警告:那种认为冲突将不可避免的想法,可能会成为导致冲突的一个主要原因。

    Nonetheless , the rise of China recalls Thucydides ' warning that belief in the inevitability of conflict can become one of its main causes .

  3. 锡拉库萨曾是希腊殖民地,修昔底德(Thucydides)说它是“丝毫不逊于雅典的城市”。锡拉库萨是联系古希腊和古罗马的纽带。

    Syracuse was a Greek colony that Thucydides called " a city not in the least inferior to Athens itself . " Syracuse is the link between ancient Greece and ancient Rome .

  4. 赫尔墨斯神像案与修昔底德的史学思想

    The case of Hermes statue and the Historical Thoughts of Thucydides

  5. 希罗多德与修昔底德史学思想及方法之比较

    A Comparison of Thoughts and Methods in Historiography between Herodotus and Thucydides

  6. 希罗多德与修昔底德是西方史学史上两位里程碑式的人物。

    Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography .

  7. “命运”说是修昔底德历史思想中的重要内容。

    The idea of Tyche is an important part of Thucydides historical thoughts .

  8. 修昔底德斯和平思想初探

    To Explore Preliminarily Thucydides ' Thought of Peace

  9. 但修昔底德记述的事实孕育着产生判断的请求。

    But the facts Thucydides reports are pregnant with judgments begging to be born .

  10. 修昔底德与现实主义国际关系理论

    Thucydides and Theory of Realism of International Relations

  11. 此即为修昔底德之高贵现实主义,赞赏政治之伟大且顺从其局限。

    Such is Thucydides'noble realism , admiring of greatness in politics and resigned to its limitations .

  12. 在该书中,修昔底德尤其注重刻画人物性格,将人物性格与战争进程紧密相连。

    In this book , Thucydides focus on characters , which are closely linked with the war .

  13. 荣誉是修昔底德比较看重的,荣誉表现出大公无私的一面,是德性的体现。

    Thucydides thought honour was very important , which reflect selfless quality , is the embodiment of virtue .

  14. 叙事理论对历史研究的影响&以修昔底德的写作策略为例

    The Influence of Narrative Theory on the Studies of History & A Case of Thucydides 's Writing Strategy

  15. 卢梭解释说,修昔底德记述历史事实而不加以评判,将这一任务留给了读者。

    Rousseau explained that Thucydides reported facts of history without judging them , leaving that task to the reader .

  16. 修昔底德的正义论&对《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》的一种政治思想史读法

    The Reviews of Justice of Thucydides & Based on History of the Peloponnesian War as a History Book of Political Thought

  17. 在其《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》中,可以肯定,修昔底德克制不要提供最佳政制的图景。

    In his History of the Peloponnesian War , to be sure , he refrains from offering a picture of the best regime .

  18. 米洛斯岛人试图说服雅典人离去。根据修昔底德所讲,雅典人不同意。

    The Melians attempted to persuade the Athenians to leave them alone . According to Thucydides , the Athenians would have none of it .

  19. 人性中包含安全、利益和荣誉等因素,而这三个方面的因素是修昔底德在著作中所着力强调的。

    Human nature concern about security , profit and honor and other factors , but these three factors was emphasized by Thucydides in his writing .

  20. 修昔底德这样评论这些事件:正是雅典的崛起和由此引发的斯巴达的恐惧导致战争不可避免。

    Thucydides wrote of these events : It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this inspired in Sparta that made war inevitable .

  21. 更重要的是他认为近年来美国和中国之间在西太平洋地区已经发生了修昔底德陷阱。

    What 's more he argued that a Thucydides trap has arisen between the United States and China in the western Pacific in recent years .

  22. 修昔底德通过这些演说辞和对话录意在表明人的言语和行动全都建立在希望之上,而希望本质上又由爱欲引起。

    In these episodes , Thucydides shows that human speeches and deeds are all based on their hope while hope is essentially inspired by Eros .

  23. 在修昔底德看来,爱欲既是雅典人追求伟大功业的动力,又是引起他们苦难的原因。

    As Thucydides sees it , Eros is not only the impulse to the Athenians ' great enterprise , but also the cause of their sufferings .

  24. 修昔底德斯身为雅典权贵和统治阶级上层的一员,他是战前和平时代的受益者,也是雅典对外扩张战争的受益者。

    As an aristocrat and a member of the ruling class in Athenian State , he benefited from the peace before the war and also from the Athenians'aggression and expansion .

  25. 修昔底德通过伯里克利之口揭示出了他自己的观念:在现时代的竞技中成为最强者的努力可以成为未来人们的记忆。

    Through the mouth of Pericles , Thucydides conveys his own idea : the struggle to become the strongest in the present contest will be the memory of future generations .

  26. 本论文从思考修昔底德对最伟大战争的定义入手,认为这位古希腊史家判断伟大的主要标准是苦难。

    This dissertation starts the consideration from Thucydides ' definition of the greatest war and argues that the main criterion of greatness for this ancient Greek historian is human suffering .

  27. 现实主义思想历史悠久,可以追溯到古希腊的修昔底德,后经由马基雅维利、霍布斯等近代学者的发展,这一思想渐趋成熟和体系化。

    The thinking of realism backing to Thucydides in the Ancient Greece has a long history , and tends to systematic under the contributions of modern scholars Machiavelli and Hobbes .

  28. 修昔底德对希腊当时的医学和诗歌传统非常熟悉,但他叙述雅典瘟疫,其方式和目的与医生和诗人们都不同。

    Although familiar with the tradition of Greek medicine and poetry , Thucydides narrates the plague in Athens in a different way and with a different purpose from those of doctors and poets .

  29. 修昔底德被施特劳斯誉为不动声色的教育家,主要原因是修昔底德善于叙述重大事件,并能从中理出事件发展的脉络,发现历史的本质。

    Strauss called Thucydides " a silent educator ", the main reason is Thucydides was good at narrating significant events , and could analyze the clue in developing events , found the essence of history .

  30. 通过塔西陀与古希腊史家修昔底德的比较研究,进一步阐明塔西陀史学在西方史学史上的地位及其对后世的深刻影响。

    By making a comparative study of Tacitus and Thucydides , the influence of Tacitus ' historical study on the latter history and its position in western history will be explained clearly in a further way .