
xiū yǎng
  • accomplishment;training;mastery;form one's mind;understanding;cultivation;self-cultivation;view
修养 [xiū yǎng]
  • (1) [form ones mind]∶培养高尚的品质和正确的待人处世的态度,求取学识品德之充实完美。古代儒家多指按照其学说的要求培养完善的人格,使言行合乎规矩

  • (2) [accomplishment;training;understanding;cultivation]∶科学文化知识、艺术、思想等方面所达到的一定水平

  • 文化修养

  • (3) [self-cultivation]∶指逐渐养成的待人处事的正确态度

  • 加强修养

  • (4) [view]∶智力,性格

  • 揭示作者修养的文学主题

修养[xiū yǎng]
  1. 5S就是整理、整顿、清扫、清洁和修养。

    5S is put in order , rectify , clean , clean , accomplishment .

  2. 论科技期刊编辑的美学修养与编辑实践

    Aesthetic Accomplishment and Editing Practice of the Editors of Scientific Journal

  3. 他的行为就是再有修养的人也难以忍受。

    His behaviour would try the patience of a saint .

  4. 他的歌词体现了高度的文化修养。他甚至还引用了伏尔泰。

    His lyrics are highly literate . He even quotes Voltaire .

  5. 他们没修养,很乏味,是一群无聊古板的老家伙。

    They 're not cultured or interesting , they are boring stodgy old things .

  6. 一个人对文学作品的欣赏能力,取决于他的艺术修养。

    One 's appreciation of literature depends on one 's level of aesthetic knowledge .

  7. 她是一个有修养、有风度的女人。

    She is a woman of culture and taste .

  8. 我有一个朋友,是一位有修养的绅士。

    A friend of mine is a cultured gentleman .

  9. 景区内有游船码头、动物园、渔场、牧场、敖包、别墅和具有浓郁民族风情的蒙古包、欧式风格的修养所等。

    Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal , a zoo , fishing , grazing land , aobao , villas and a strong national style yurts , continental style of cultivation and so on .

  10. 教师良好的礼仪修养具有重要的教育价值。

    Teachers ' good amenity and culture have important educational value .

  11. 平时沉着冷静、行为有修养的人会为了抢座而与人言语相交、甚至大打出手。

    Commuters who are usually calm and well-behaved will argue or even physically fight each other in order to grab a seat .

  12. 由名字可以看出,经济适用男的经济实力不如那些“钻石男”,即来自上流家庭、聪明、有学识、有钱且有修养的男子。

    As the name implies , budget husbands ' economic power trails that of " diamond husbands " -- intelligent , educated , rich , and well-mannered men from respectable families .

  13. 伯昏瞀人说:“道德修养高深的人,处在任何情况下,都能做到气色不变,一如平常。就你目前这种样子,还想射中目标,看来着实有些悬乎。”

    Bohun Maoren said , " A man of much culture and virtue2 can remain calm in any situation . In you case , I doubt that you will hit the target ! "

  14. 那个宋国人,为了慎重起见,熏香沐浴,清心静气,修养了七天,然后穿上大礼服,恭恭敬敬地请出匣子,小心翼翼地把那块石头从匣子里取出来。

    To be prudent1 , this man of Song took a bath , burned incense2 , cleansed3 his mind , calmed his mood , and went in for self - cultivation4 for seven days . Then be put on ceremonial robes , respectfully took out the box , and carefully took the stone out of the box .

  15. Internet平台上的《思想道德修养》教学模式探讨

    Studying on Teaching Model on Ideology and Moral Cultivation by Internet Level

  16. 加强高校学生党员党性修养的探析

    Discussion on enhancing the cultivation of college students ' Party spirit

  17. 道德修养的重点&节制、忍耐和自我牺牲。

    Emphasis for moral accomplishment & abstinence , restraint and self-sacrifice .

  18. 会计人员职业道德重塑与修养的探讨

    Discussion on the Remolding and Nurturing of Professional Morality of Accountants

  19. 基本特征;(二)文化修养;

    Essential features ; , ( b ) culture accomplishment ;

  20. 博大精深的艺术造诣学贯中西的文化修养&析赵元任艺术歌曲创作特色

    Analysis on the features of Zhao yuan-ren 's composition of artistic songs

  21. 略论运动员体育道德修养及其培养

    On the Morals Training for Athletes and It 's Cultivation

  22. 思想道德修养的课程特点及增强实效性的思考

    Characteristics of Ideological , Moral Education and Enhancement of Its Actual Effect

  23. 个体咨询方式在思想道德修养课中的运用

    The application of individual consultation in the moral training lesson of thought

  24. 大学生的数学修养和数学教学改革

    College Students ' Mathematical Training and Reform in Mathematical Teaching

  25. 论罗近溪仁学思想与道德修养论

    On ren thought of Luo Jinxi and moral culture theory

  26. 浅谈新时期高校思想道德修养教育的创新

    About Innovations in Ideological and Ethical Improvement among College Students

  27. 孔颜之乐与道德修养境界

    " Kong Yan Zhi Le " and Traditional Moral Culture

  28. 孔子道德教育的途径是内在修养。

    The approach of Confucian moral education is internal cultivation .

  29. 现代桥梁设计需要设计师具有美学修养;

    The modern bridge design requires bridge designers to possess aesthetic culture .

  30. 理工科大学生应加强文学艺术修养

    Strengthening the Literature Artistic Accomplishment of University Students of Science and Engineering