
xiū zhènɡ àn
  • amendment;revised draft;bill of amendment
  1. 第19条修正案赋予妇女选举权。

    The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote .

  2. 反对派对法案提出修正案。

    The Opposition moved an amendment to the Bill .

  3. 对于第8项修正案你是怎么投的票?

    How did you vote on Proposition 8 ?

  4. 他们认为该修正案损害了加拿大联邦制。

    They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism .

  5. 他力促议会通过该修正案。

    He tried to push the amendment through Parliament .

  6. 修正案一直受到亲民主的活跃分子的支持。

    The amendments had been championed by pro-democracy activists .

  7. 对第136号修正案投赞成票,但对第129号、133号和134号修正案投反对票。

    Vote Yes on Proposition 136 , but No on Propositions 129 , 133 and 134 .

  8. 他们拒不允许共和党人提出修正案,实际上是将他们排除在了进程之外。

    They refused to allow Republicans to offer amendments , effectively shutting them out of the process

  9. 该修正案对贬损某一宗教教物或信仰的淫秽或不雅内容予以禁止。

    The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion

  10. 去年2月,议会议员多数票支持对儿童和家庭法案的工党的修正案,包括调整为简单包装的权力。

    MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February that included the power to regulate for plain packaging .

  11. 年的修正案把第301条(g)的普通排放限制施加在一些认真研究过的几种非常规污染物上

    The 1987 Amendments limit 301 ( g ) discharges to a few well-studied nonconventional pollutants . 1987

  12. 他们把州议会通过的第35号修正案说成是可耻的行为

    They call their State Assembly a disgrace for ratifying the 35th .

  13. 印第安纳州的法律有意歪曲联邦宪法第十四条修正案的愿意

    Indiana State laws deliberately subverted the intent of the constitutions 14th Amendment .

  14. 一九三三年,一九三四年和一九三五年通过的修正案是为了帮助诚实的债务人恢复自己的地位。

    Amending acts in 19331934 , and 1935 attempted to help honest debtors rehabilitate themselves .

  15. 规定售卖酒类为非法的一个宪法修正案(一九二○年)在一九三三年被废止。

    An amendment outlawing sale of intoxicating liquors ( 1920 ) was repealed in 1933 .

  16. 采纳他们的修正案将会减弱那项法案的意义

    The adoption of their amendments would have amounted to an evisceration of the act .

  17. 增加与生物安全相关规定为了保障生物安全,刑法修正案规定了针对将基因编辑、克隆的人类胚胎植入人体或者动物体内等违法行为的处罚,相关违法人员最高刑期可达7年。

    To safeguard biosecurity , the law stipulates penalties for illegally implanting gene-edited or cloned human embryos .

  18. 同时,修正案将谋杀等严重犯罪行为的刑事责任年龄降低至12岁。刑法修正案规定,

    The amendment also lowers the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12 for severe crimes such as murder .

  19. 尽管其他党派表示反对,但该法律的修正案还是通过了

    In spite of opposition from the other parties , the changes in the law have been lobbied through .

  20. 动物权利保护团体对韩国司法部的这项修正案表示欢迎,同时呼吁对虐待动物行为实施更严厉的处罚,并推行狗肉禁令。

    Animal rights groups welcomed the justice ministry 's plan while also calling for stricter penalties for animal abuse and a ban on dog meat .

  21. 使用兴奋剂入刑修正案规定,引诱、教唆、欺骗运动员使用兴奋剂参加国内、国际重大体育竞赛,或者明知运动员参加上述竞赛而向其提供兴奋剂,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处罚金。

    It stipulates that anyone who lures or cheats athletes into using banned substances in either domestic or international competitions faces up to three years ' imprisonment and a fine .

  22. 中国最高立法机构周五通过了个人所得税修正案,将个人所得税最低起征标准从3500元每月提高到5000元每月或60000元每年。

    China 's top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday , raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3500 to 5000 yuan per month , or 60000 yuan per year .

  23. 2002年的今天,美国总统乔治·W·布什在做结肠镜检查时,调用第25修正案,临时将其权力转移给副总统迪克·切尼。

    2002-President George W.Bush chose to invoke the25th amendment , temporarily transferring his powers to Vice President Dick Cheney while Bush underwent a colonoscopy .

  24. 自1972年颁布《教育法第九篇修正案》(TitleIX)以来,美国女性在获得教育机会平等方面取得了巨大的进步。

    Since Title IX was established in 1972 , American women have achieved great progress of acquiring equal educational opportunity .

  25. BarneyFrank和JerryNadler也曾提出过反第22宪法修正案的议案。

    Barney Frank and Jerry Nadler also presented anti-22nd Amendment bills in the past .

  26. 据NPR新闻的彼得·奥弗比报道,史蒂文斯呼吁更改宪法修正案以撤销这项裁定。

    NPR 's Peter Overby reports Stevens is calling for a constitutional amendment to reverse the decision .

  27. 此外,把它正式化可能会削弱公司和团队在校园中的自主权,令其受到一些规定的约束,比如性别平等法律《教育法修正案第九条》(TitleIX)等。

    In addition , formal recognition could diminish the autonomy that companies and teams have on campuses , bringing about rules like Title IX , the gender equity law .

  28. 以美国参议员罗伯特•伯德的名字命名的伯德修正案提出将征收反倾销税获得的收入拨给提起反倾销案的企业,但这一修正案被世界贸易组织(WTO)宣布为非法,目前已经废除。

    The Byrd amendment – a rule named after US senator Robert Byrd that awarded the revenue from imposing anti-dumping duties to the company that brought the case – was repealed after being declared illegal by the World Trade Organisation .

  29. SOLAS公约2000年修正案对船用柴油机高压燃油套管组件的技术及防火要求

    SOLAS International Convention 's Technical and Fireproof Requirement of Marine Diesel Engine 's High-pressure Fuel Pipeline Socket

  30. DFTT以书面形式或网站通知客户有关的修正案。

    DFTT shall notify Client of the relevant amendment either in writing or through its webpage .