
  1. 当房地产价格下跌或流动性紧张时,一些经济体可能会陷入“借新还旧”的恶行循环。

    Some of them might fall into a vicious cycle of borrowing to return debts when property prices drop or liquidity2 dries up , it said .

  2. 借新还旧是我国商业银行中一种普遍存在的信贷行为。

    " Borrowing new loans to repay the old " is a common credit behavior of Chinese commercial banks .

  3. 贷款抵押、借新还旧和贷款类型等贷款特征对银行监督上市公司盈余管理方面起不到制约作用。

    Mortgage loans , refinancing loans and loan types fail to exercise any restraining effect on bank monitoring of earnings management of listed companies .

  4. 但在实际操作中,“借新还旧”有被滥用之势,给农村信用社带来了风险,应当加以防范和控制。

    However , in actual operation ," through the old " abuse of power , to bring the risk of rural credit cooperatives should be to prevent and control .