
  • 网络Lending transactions
  1. 前项比例限制计算,基金、集合计划因参与证券借贷交易、正回购交易而持有的担保物、现金不得计入基金、集合计划总资产。

    In proportion restriction calculation of the preceding item , the guaranty and cash held due to the securities lending transactions and positive repurchase transactions of the funds or portfolios shall not be counted into the total assets .

  2. 其他财产可处于未决的或未定的(in-flight)状态,处于这些状态的借贷交易尚未完成。

    Other holdings may be in a pending or in-flight state , where such debit and credit transactions are not yet complete .

  3. 一次付款可能拥有6-12个借贷交易。

    A single payment could have had6 to12 debit and credit transactions .

  4. DresdnerKleinwort的研究显示,对冲基金去年为证券借贷、交易、融资、技术和其它服务,向投行支付了高达500亿美元的费用。

    Hedge funds paid as much as $ 50bn in fees to investment banks last year for securities lending , trading , financing , technology and other services , according to research from Dresdner Kleinwort .

  5. 市场经济中的借贷、交易频繁发生。

    Lending and transactions are frequently encountered in market economy .

  6. 更有可能的是,这是由于从其他地方撤出借贷利差交易的结果。

    More likely , it was the consequence of unwinding leveraged bets elsewhere .

  7. 他们通常会用借贷的资金交易,从而放大收益或损失。

    Often they use borrowed funds , amplifying their gains and losses .

  8. 所有这些看来都进一步证明了一点,那就是,为什么我们需要严厉的《沃克尔法则》(Volckerrule),以便将借贷业务与交易业务分离。

    All this appears to be more evidence for why we need a strong Volcker rule that separates lending from trading .

  9. 细分结构份额,借贷收入和交易型收入的结构份额为负值,而非利息收入的结构份额为正值。

    In the structure Share , lending income and transactional income share is negative , rather than the structure share of non-interest income is positive .

  10. 上海还成为中国内地其它金融活动的中心,包括银行间借贷、债券交易和外汇交易。

    It has also become the centre for many of the country 's other financial activities , including interbank lending , bond trading and foreign exchange .

  11. 不同借贷利率下含有交易成本的投资组合模型

    The Model of Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs under Different Lending Rates

  12. 国际金融市场指国际间有关借贷一切货币的交易业务与活动。

    International Finance Market includes all the international business and economic activities which are related to the monetary transaction .