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  1. 结论这提示Fb对假体松动及骨溶解有影响。

    Conclusion Fibroblasts are related to conponent loosening and bone lysis .

  2. 髋关节置换术后假体松动40例临床分析

    Prosthetic Loosening after Hip Arthroplasty : Clinical Analysis of 40 Cases

  3. 平均随访18个月,X线片未见假体松动下沉表现,Harris评分为92.1分。

    Harris score was 92.1 point .

  4. 人工关节松动的主要原因是UHMWPE的细小磨损颗粒引起骨溶解致使假体松动。

    The main reason of flexible joint is that UHMWPE 's thin frayed grains result bone 's melting and artificial joint 's flexibility .

  5. 结论铁合金颗粒使成骨细胞OPG基因表达下降,使破骨细胞分化、活化功能增强,这可能是导致假体松动的骨溶解机制之一。

    Conclusion Titanium alloy particles decrease expression of OPG gene in human osteoblasts , and this may contribute to the differentiation of osteoclasts which may lead to the periprosthetic osteolysis .

  6. 方法对20例年龄在75岁以上的高龄髋部疾患病例施行THR,其中骨性关节炎4例,股骨颈骨折14例(GardenⅣ),髋关节骨性强直和THR术后假体松动各1例。

    Methods Twenty total hip replacements ( THR ) were performed in 4 patients with osteoarthritis , 14 with femur neck fracture ( Garden ⅳ), 1 with fusing hip and 1 with loosed prosthesis after THR .

  7. 所有患者均无关节脱位、假体松动和断裂。

    All patients had no dislocation , loosening or breakage of prosthesis .

  8. 无感染、脱位、假体松动等并发症出现。

    No complications such as infection , dislocation , prosthesis loosening happened .

  9. 全髋关节置换术后病人假体松动机制的分析

    Analysis of Loosening Mechanism in 43 Patients with Prosthetic Loosening

  10. 假体松动致股骨骨折的病因分析及治疗

    Etiological Analysis and Treatment of Femoral Fracture Resulted from Prosthetic Appliance Looseness

  11. 认为头臼不称和假体松动是再次手术的主要原因,其次是假体断裂、感染和脱位等。

    Secondly breaking of prosthesis , infection and dislocation etc. were also mentioned .

  12. 随访6~55月,功能良好,无感染及假体松动发生。

    All the patients were followed up for6-55 months .

  13. 假体松动1膝;下肢深静脉血栓形成2例。

    Prosthesis loosen and 2 thrombosis of deep vein of lower limb postoperative .

  14. 随访期未发现假体松动及脱位。

    Neither loosening nor dislocation of the prostheses occurred in the time of follow-up .

  15. 1例假体松动及2例切开复位后仍不稳定者采用全髋关节翻修。

    Revision was used in 1 case with loosening and 2 cases still instability .

  16. 钛颗粒负荷对假体松动过程中主要细胞功能的影响及其机理研究

    Influence of Different-Sized Titanium Particles Loading on Predominant Cell 's Function in Peri-prosthetic Loosening

  17. 术后感染导致的假体松动。

    Prosthetic looseness caused by postoperative infection .

  18. 全膝置换术后预防假体松动研究

    Preventing Prosthesis Loose after Joint Replacement

  19. 无深部感染、假体松动及前后向不稳。

    No recent or late infection , aseptic loosening and anterioposterior instability occurred in this series .

  20. 且髋关节疼痛程度与假体松动程度成正相关。

    Degree of the hip pain is in correlation with the degree of the prosthetic loosening .

  21. 无感染,未见假体松动及植骨块吸收、塌陷。

    The hip joint infection , hip prostheses loosening , autografts absorption and collapse occurred in no patients .

  22. 假体松动在术后10~15年假体的松动率为11%~41%。

    The loose rate of the prosthesis at 10-15 years after operation is 11 % - 41 % .

  23. 目的:从机械力学因素及生物学因素两大方面分析假体松动的发病机制,并提出预防措施。

    OBJECTIVE : To analyze the pathogenesis of prosthetic appliance from mechanical and biological factors , and provide preventive measures .

  24. 所有随访病例均未出现髋臼假体松动及移植骨骨吸收松动。

    Acetabulum prosthesis loosening and loose bone graft bone resorption was not found in the rest of the follow-up cases .

  25. 髋关节发育不良的严重程度与骨水泥型全髋关节置换术后髋臼假体松动的相关性

    Correlation between the acetabular component loosing rate of bone-cement total hip replacement and the severity of the development dysplasia of the hip

  26. 目的探讨人工关节聚乙烯磨损与假体松动的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the polyethylene wear of the acetabular liner in artificial hip joint and the loosening of the prosthesis .

  27. 人工髋关节晚期失败的主要原因是高分子聚乙烯磨损颗粒引起的骨溶解导致假体松动。

    Osteolysis and loosening of artificial joints caused by polyethylene wear debris have prompted renewed interest in alternative bearing materials for hip prosthesis designs .

  28. 行骨水泥型人工关节置换的4例中2例保留的股骨距骨块愈合,1例出现假体松动。

    In 4 cases with cemented hip replacement , 2 cases reserved calcar femoral bone flap got union , and 1 hip prosthesis had loosen .

  29. 方法翻修原因:全髋关节股骨侧假体松动23例,松动伴假体柄端股骨骨折3例。

    Methods The diagnoses included aseptic loosening of the femoral components in 23 cases , fractures around the tip of loosened femoral components in 3 cases .

  30. 研究结果显示,假体松动时,在聚乙烯内杯磨损方式中,夹有第三体颗粒(如骨块、骨水泥或金属碎屑)的二个负重面磨擦(三体磨损)占有主要地位。

    Results showed the abrasion of two bearing surfaces interposed with third body particles as called three body abrasion was the main model of polyethylene wear .