
  • 网络idol drama;trendy drama;Idol;drama
  1. 青春偶像剧的狂欢与迷茫

    The Revelry and Puzzle of Youth Idol Drama

  2. 我在看偶像剧啊!

    I 'm watching an idol drama !

  3. 台湾偶像剧的粉丝们应该对飞轮海很熟悉。

    Taiwanese idol drama fans should be familiar with Fahrenheit .

  4. 我说不够。所以说,中国目前还没有青春偶像剧。

    I said enough . So , China is not youth idol .

  5. 这可是日本最超人气的偶像剧呢。

    It 's the most popular soap opera in Japan .

  6. 电视偶像剧与男性气质:类型化的生产与性属化的叙事策略

    TV Idol-dramas and Masculinities : The Typed Construction and Gendered Narrative Strategy

  7. 中国青春偶像剧的现状及发展方向

    The Present Situation and Developing Tendency of China Idol Films and TV Plays

  8. 而在偶像剧自制方面,湖南卫视成为了一个成功的典范。

    Hunan TV is a successful model of such .

  9. 从植入载体的角度看,电视台必须打造高品质的自制偶像剧。

    From the placement medium , television stations must create highly-quality homemade idol .

  10. 偶像剧和资讯类节目是最适宜植入隐性广告的两种节目类型。

    Idol play and informative program are the most suitable for product placement .

  11. 在湖南卫视的营销模式中,可以看到如果就事论事,只针对一部偶像剧做单一的营销,其效果并不好。

    It will be ineffective if Hunan TV only marketing for a single play .

  12. 你们喜欢是因为你们偶像剧看多了,就喜欢这种情节。

    You love it because you that drama , you all love that drama .

  13. 对当前青春偶像剧的危机性透视

    Crisis inspection of present Youth Icon Opera

  14. 有时我会看肥皂剧,偶像剧。

    Occasionally I watch soap operas .

  15. 将爱情进行到底韩国青春偶像剧叙事策略浅析

    Love to the End & on the Narrative Strategies in Making Youth Dramas in South Korea

  16. 而作为电视剧类型大军中的重要一支,青春偶像剧也不能偏离这一轨道。

    As one type of television drama , the youth idol play cannot deviate this track .

  17. 其实,我将会在年底开拍我的第二部偶像剧。

    In fact , I will be starting work on my second idol drama later this year .

  18. 跟有思想的人交朋友。5、远离泡沫偶像剧。6、学会忍耐与宽容。

    In5 , away from the foam idol drama . 6 , learn to be patient and tolerant .

  19. 偶像剧的流行,软性新闻的泛滥使得文化保守主义者忧虑不已。

    The cultural conservatives are much worried about the popularity of idol drama and the overflowing of soft journalism .

  20. 这样的一部英伦偶像剧,我不晓得它所想要反映出来的是怎样的问题。

    Such an England idol drama , I do not know what it wants reflected in how the problem .

  21. 第二,自制偶像剧的明星效应可以诱发植入式广告的受众产生模仿和购买行为。

    Second , star effect of homemade idol TV series can lead audiences to imitate and produce purchase behaviors .

  22. 最后得出结论:国产偶像剧现在还处在一个比较落后的阶段,有很多的问题和不足。

    Final conclusion : Domestic idol is still in a relatively backward stage , there are many problems and shortcomings .

  23. 14岁时,她因出演青春偶像剧《我所谓的生活》而开启了成名之路;该剧虽然短命,却倍受赞誉。

    Her route to fame began , aged 14 , with the short-lived but long-admired teen drama My So-Called Life .

  24. 影视文化中所突显的影视暴力、虚构的都市剧、偶像剧等负面现象对青少年的价值观发生令人担忧的消极影响。

    This phenomenon is longing for the due attention and study from educators and those who concern with the teenagers .

  25. 日韩偶像剧叙事元素论析&兼评24集校园青春剧《聚沙》

    On Narrative Elements of Idol Plays in Japan and South Korea & Comment on Campus Youth Play Gathering Sand ;

  26. 受日韩影响,近些年我国的青春偶像剧逐渐发展起来。

    Affected by Japan and South Korea , the youth idol play of our country is developed gradually in recent years .

  27. 让人没想到的是,这个帅气的偶像剧明星平时最大的爱好居然是宅在家里。

    What all could not imagine was , this handsome Idol drama star 's biggest hobby was to stay at home .

  28. 红色青春偶像剧的首要特征在于,打破了领袖人物脸谱化的审美定势和模式,从人物形象上对叙事对象进行重新塑造。

    Red youth idol drama to break the Aesthetic tendency and pattern profiling leaders , re-shaping the characters of the narrative object .

  29. 愉悦的焦虑&青春偶像剧的文化心理分析

    Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . Anxiety of Pleasure & Cultural psychological analysis of TV series of the youth idols

  30. 首先对中国内地优秀的本土化青春偶像剧做文本分析,展现这些作品的成功之处。

    First , the localization of the Chinese mainland youth idol good to do text analysis , to show the success of these works .