
  • 网络Attack On Pearl Harbor;TORA TORA TORA;Pearl Harbor
  1. 这是由在海军航空基地(NAS)的卡内奥赫,夏威夷,在日本偷袭珍珠港后合照日本飞机扫射汽车。

    Cars that were strafed by Japanese aircraft pictured at Naval Air Station ( NAS ) Kaneohe , Hawaii , in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor .

  2. 这是一个复制品爱知县山谷俯冲轰炸机,这是一种用于在日本偷袭珍珠港,建造从Vultee电信-15教练机,重新引擎版本了BT-13勇敢。

    This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber , a type used during Japan 's attack on Pearl Harbor , built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer , a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant .

  3. 我们被看作敌人,是因为日本偷袭珍珠港。

    We were considered the enemy , because Japan had bombed Pearl harbor .

  4. 1941年的今天,“日本偷袭珍珠港”事件将美国正式卷入第二次世界大战。

    1941-The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor officially brings the United States into World War II .

  5. 就战略而言,这种突然转向不由得让人想起臭名昭著的偷袭珍珠港行动。

    In strategic terms , the sudden shift is reminiscent of the notorious attack on Pearl Harbor .

  6. 一九四一年日本偷袭珍珠港,美国朝野渴望复仇。

    Japan 's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in1941 provoked a craving for revenge in the United States .

  7. 1942年,福特放弃了他的律师行业,日本偷袭珍珠港后,福特在海军服役。

    Ford interrupted his legal career in 1942 when he joined the Navy after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour .

  8. 日军偷袭珍珠港后的第二天,他就自愿应征入伍,在巴顿将军麾下,转战南北,横扫欧洲。

    The day after Pearl Harbor he signed up for duty , joined Patton 's army and marched across Europe .

  9. 防空爆发点在关于1941年12月7日日本偷袭珍珠港的吸烟以上船舶的天空。

    Antiaircraft bursts dot the sky above smoking ships in Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack on December7th , 1941 .

  10. 他列举了罗斯福在日本偷袭珍珠港以前避免参战的原故。

    He cited the reasons Behind President Roosevelt 's abstention from war prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor .

  11. 他儿子把他描述为一个极端的爱国主义者;日本偷袭珍珠港后,他随即关闭了诊所参了军。

    His son described him as an extremely patriotic individual ; right after Pearl Harbor he closed his practice and enlisted .

  12. 如果日本没有偷袭珍珠港美国是不会卷入二次世界大战的。

    The US would not drift into the second world war if Japan had not attacked the Pearl Harbor by stealth .

  13. 日本偷袭珍珠港1941年的今天,“日本偷袭珍珠港”事件将美国正式卷入第二次世界大战。

    The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 1941 - The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor officially brings the United States into World War II .

  14. 由他们对在日本偷袭珍珠港的美国飞机轰炸了粉碎残骸散落在希卡姆场,1941年12月7日。

    The shattered wreckage of American planes bombed by the Japanese in their attack on Pearl Harbor is strewn on Hickam Field , Dec.7,1941 .

  15. 夏威夷改变了偷袭珍珠港的过程中的历史进程,使美国投入对轴心国的战争。

    Hawaii changed the course of history during the attack on Pearl Harbor , engaging the US to go to war with the Axis .

  16. 他试图让美国远离二战的困扰,1941年12月7日,当日本偷袭珍珠港时,美国被迫宣战。

    He tried to keep the U.S. out of WWII , but when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7 , 1941 , America joined the war .

  17. 1941年12月8日,日本偷袭珍珠港后一天美国国会对日宣战,加入第二次世界大战。

    On Dec. 8 , 1941 , the United States entered World War II as Congress declared war against Japan one day after the attack on Pearl Harbor .

  18. 1941年日本偷袭珍珠港,加拿大对日宣战,彻底中止了日本向加拿大的移民。

    After the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan in 1941 , Canadian government declared war on Japan , which finally terminated the immigration from Japan to Canada completely .

  19. 该谈判的破裂直接导致了日本偷袭珍珠港和太平洋战争的爆发,日本长期推行的对外扩张活动也达到了顶峰。

    The cracking of the negotiation directly caused Pearl Harbor and the explosion of Pacific War . Thus the expansion policy perennially promoted by Japan came to a peak .

  20. 1941年,二战期间:偷袭珍珠港&日本舰队副司令(海军中将)南云中一指挥一支由六条航空母舰为主力的舰队在保持彻底无线电静默的情况下,离开日本前往珍珠港。

    1941-World War II : Attack on Pearl Harbor-A fleet of six aircraft carriers commanded by Japanese Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo leaves Hitokapu Bay for Pearl Harbor under strict radio silence .

  21. 战争准备在仓促间蹒跚起步,但到了1941年,当德国和日本先后入侵俄罗斯与偷袭珍珠港美国海军基地时,一切都发生了变化。

    Preparations for war got off to a stuttering start . But everything changed in 1941 when Germany invaded Russia and then Japan attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbour .

  22. 1941年12月,日本偷袭珍珠港并武力进犯澳军驻守的马来亚,澳大利亚继美、英之后被迫对日宣战。

    On December 7th , 1941 , Japan made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and attacked the Australians in Malaya . Australia then followed suit from the United States and Great Britain , and declared war on Japan .

  23. 偷袭珍珠港当天,她正与一个学生进行飞行训练,她控制飞机躲过一架日本零式舰载战斗机,并在枪林弹雨中将自己的飞机驾驶到安全的着陆地带。

    On the day of the Pearl Harbor attack , while on a training flight with a student , she took the controls to avoid a Japanese Zero and brought her plane to a safe landing in the midst of machine-gun fire .