
kuí lěi zhènɡ quán
  • puppet regime
  1. 这在主客观上带有把光海君政府变为傀儡政权的倾向。

    Which aimed at turning the government Guang hai jun into puppet regime .

  2. 这只不过是一个帝国主义的金钱和武器支撑的傀儡政权。

    This is only a puppet regime shored up by imperialists'money and guns .

  3. 你是说那个美国傀儡政权吗。

    You mean the new American puppet regime .

  4. 1932年,黑龙江成为日本傀儡政权&伪满洲国的一部分。

    In1932 , present-day Heilongjiang became part of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo .

  5. 自从日本人在满洲建立傀儡政权,民众的主流情感就一直是反日的。

    Popular sentiment was vastly anti-Japanese from the moment they established the puppet state of Manchuria .

  6. 楚政权是一个傀儡政权,但是也具有过渡政权性质。

    Chu regime is a puppet regime , but it is in the nature of transitional regime .

  7. 在沦陷时,天津由一个北京的傀儡政权&华北自治委员会管辖。

    During the occupation , Tianjin was ruled by the North China Executive Committee , a puppet state based in Beijing .

  8. 到1932年,日本在中国东北建立了满洲里傀儡政权,从1937年起对中国发动全面侵略。

    By1932 Japan had established the puppet state of Manchukuo in China 's northeast , and in1937 began a full-scale invasion of China .

  9. 在傀儡政权方面主要体现了战时日本在华直接投资的殖民地性质,但同时也加剧了日方与傀儡政权之间的明争暗斗。

    As for the direct Japanese investment to Chinese puppet regime mainly showed its colonial nature on the one hand and worsened the struggles between on the other hand .

  10. 华北沦陷以后,日伪于1938年1月1日在河北省成立了省级傀儡政权,即日伪河北省公署。

    After the north of China was captured , on January 1st , 1938 , some Chinese who were supported by Japan instituted Hebei government of Japanese and puppet army .

  11. 不知不觉的,我们将输出这些科技给我们的傀儡政权和所谓“亲密联盟国”以确保阿拉伯之春不会再发生。

    Before you know it , we 'll be exporting this technology to our puppet regimes and " close allies " to ensure that the Arab Spring is never repeated .

  12. 建立满洲国傀儡政权是日本帝国主义推进大陆政策的重要步骤,标志着日本整个侵略目标的初步实现。

    The estabilishment of " manchukuo " puppet regime was an important step for Japanese imperialism to impel the " mainland policy ", which indicated the initial implementation of the whole aggression ambition .

  13. 任何涉及严肃话题的交谈的开头和结尾,都是平壤如何在“美帝”和“南朝鲜傀儡政权”持续不断的压力下挣扎求生。

    Any conversation on a serious topic starts and ends with Pyongyang 's struggle for survival in the face of unrelenting pressure from " the imperialist US " and its " puppet " South Korean servant .

  14. 但是,塔利班一名高级指挥官拒绝与他称之为阿富汗的“傀儡”政权进行谈判。

    But a senior Taleban commander has rejected such negotiations with what he termed Afghanistan 's " puppet " government .

  15. 傀儡组织和伪政权承继南京国民政府时期的相关制度,直接服务于日本帝国主义以华制华、以战养战政略。

    The puppet regime followed the system of the former nationalist government , and served the Japanese imperialist strategy of " controlling China with the Chinese " and " supporting war with war " .