
kuǐ lěi
  • puppet;figurehead
傀儡 [kuǐ lěi]
  • (1) [puppet]

  • (2) 木偶戏中的木头人

  • 傀儡戏

  • (3) 比喻受人操纵,不能自立的人或组织

  • 傀儡政府

傀儡[kuǐ lěi]
  1. 占领军建立了一个傀儡政府。

    The occupying forces set up a puppet government .

  2. 外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。

    When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers

  3. 总统将不过是个傀儡而已。

    The President will be little more than a figurehead .

  4. 我们不是保守派政府的傀儡。

    We are not creatures of the Conservative government .

  5. 国王只是军政府的一个傀儡。

    The king was just the tool of the military government .

  6. 这说明你只不过是一个傀儡。

    That indicates you 're merely a puppet .

  7. 从地点A搬到地点B。创建一家傀儡公司支付你的账单。

    Move from point A to point B. Create a dummy company to pay your bills .

  8. 魔法免疫(Su):收割傀儡免疫任何允许被抵抗的法术或类法术能力。

    Immunity to Magic ( Su ): A harvest golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance .

  9. 情急之下,茶党(TeaPartiers)和他们的傀儡共和党现在要求国家来个180度大转弯,主张在不增加税赋的情况下大刀阔斧地削减开支。

    In response , the tea partiers and their Republican puppets now demand we change course drastically , by slashing spending without allowing for any tax increases .

  10. 不瞒你说,LV是唯一一个获准杜帕克宾馆一层开店经营的品牌,而杜帕克宾馆正是二十世纪四十年代初期法国傀儡政府的办公地点。

    In fact , they were the only brand given permission to operate a store on the ground floor of Hotel du Parc , where France 's puppet government operated during the early 1940s .

  11. DDoS陷阱作为反向追踪的工具,引诱攻击者相信自己成功与所需的傀儡主机通话,令人信服地模拟出潜在DDoS攻击体系结构;

    The honeypot for DDoS , which is a tool of traceback , lures the attacker to believe that he successfully compromised a slave for his needs , convincingly simulating the architecture of a potential DDoS attack ;

  12. 据BBC报道,爱德华和妻子在1937年10月访问了德国,让人怀疑爱德华会不会给“希特勒构想的世界和平运动充当傀儡”。BBC说夫妇俩与希特勒见了面。

    The BBC wrote that in October 1937 , Edward and his wife visited Germany , entertaining the notion that Edward could become " a figurehead for an international movement for peace on Hitler 's terms . " The couple met with Hitler , the BBC said .

  13. 朝鲜官方媒体中央通讯社(KCNA)表示:韩国傀儡政府仍热衷于背叛的、反统一的对抗活动,并宣布驱逐韩国经理和中断到开城的旅游。开城是朝鲜一个中世纪王朝的首府。

    The South Korean puppets are still hellbent on the treacherous and anti-reunification confrontational racket , Pyongyang 's official KCNA news agency said , announcing the expulsion of South Korean managers and the end of tours to Kaesong , capital , the home of one of Korea 's medieval dynasties .

  14. 有人把总统视作这方的傀儡。

    The president was regardes as the tool of the military .

  15. 他只是一个傀儡,并不掌握多少实权。

    He was a figure-head and didn 't exercise much power .

  16. 他都不知道自己是个傀儡

    He didn 't even know that he was a stooge .

  17. 萧衍死后,侯景立太子萧纲为傀儡皇帝。

    Xiao Gang became a figurehead emperor after Xiao Yan died .

  18. 萨蒂扬的傀儡董事会批准了该提案,但股东们却提出异议。

    Satyam 's supine board approved the proposal but shareholders revolted .

  19. 数码傀儡:科技与戏剧的荟萃

    Digital puppet : Collection of science and technology and drama

  20. 人们很快便视舒亚为侵略军手中的傀儡。

    Shuja was swiftly seen as a puppet of the invading army .

  21. 只不过是名为魂的暴君的傀儡。

    A puppet which bends to the soul 's tyranny .

  22. 他有一张中国脸,他不是一个傀儡。

    He has a Chinese face and he is not a puppet .

  23. 他会利用他的傀儡萨鲁曼来毁灭洛汗国。

    He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy rohan .

  24. 他们说她是她哥哥的傀儡。

    They say she 's a puppet for her brother .

  25. 他是领导者,其余的人只是傀儡。

    He is the leader , the others are merely his instruments .

  26. 仲康懦弱,当了傀儡。

    Zhong Kang was weak and became the puppet of Hou Yi .

  27. 任何一个有可能成为他人傀儡的人

    Behind a candidate who would be anyone 's " puppet . "

  28. 不再像木偶,不采取行动作为一个傀儡。

    No longer like puppet , not as acted upon a puppet .

  29. 所以我决定不做你前女友的傀儡

    So I decide not to be your ex-girlfriend 's office monkey .

  30. 你是傀儡,我是表演师。

    You are the puppet , I am the puppeteer .