
  • confucian classics
  1. 第一次将实用学科与儒学经典放在同等地位上;

    For the first time , it put practical subjects and Confucian classics on an equal footing ;

  2. 基本概念词的翻译是儒学经典英译的一大难关。

    This article is a tentative analysis of existing translations of certain key concept words in Confucian A.

  3. 传统的中国知识分子发生了分化,以儒学经典为主要知识结构的传统知识分子逐渐衰落,接受和掌握西方近代文化知识的新型知识分子日益兴起。

    The traditional intellectuals whose knowledge structure was based on Confucianism became more and more feeble . And the new intellectuals who accepted and held the knowledge of the modern western culture was increasing vigorously .

  4. 另一方面,《论语》作为一部伟大的儒学经典,反映了中国几千年的传统文化和哲学思想,对社会有着深远的影响。

    On the other hand , The Analects , as a great classic of Confucianism , contains rich Chinese traditional culture , ideas and philosophy of Confucius which have a great impact on the Chinese people for thousands of years .

  5. 《论语》作为四书之首,经学之要,自秦汉以来,就在儒学经典文献中占据极高地位,它是学者们研究社会问题的必读书目。

    The analects of Confucius and Confucianism as the first writing of the four classic works occupy in Confucian classic literature in high position since Qin and Han dynasties , this book is in which Scholars study is required to social problems .

  6. 李塨是清初颜李学派的集大成者,他将颜元学术中的注重经世致用的特点进一步发扬光大,并主张回归儒学经典,在清初学术界产生了巨大的影响。

    Li Gong , in early Qing dynasty , is the Yan-Li school synthesizer . He develops the characteristics of Yan Yuan including the practical learning and applying . He advocates classic , return to Confucianism and possesses a huge influence in academic circles .

  7. 知识权力化政治整合模式是一个集核心理念(道统)、核心知识(儒学经典)、核心制度(科举制)和核心群体(绅士)于一体的系统。

    The political integration mode of knowledge trending to power is a system that includes the core idea ( Confucian orthodoxy ), the core knowledge ( Confucianism classics ), the core system ( the imperial examination system ) and the core community ( gentlemen ) .

  8. 《四书》是中国儒学重要的经典,一直是后人修身治学的准则。

    Four Books constitute part of significant classics in Chinese Confucianism , and have been principles for people to study and cultivate themselves .

  9. 《中庸》是先秦儒学的哲学纲领,它既是对先秦儒学的总结和发展,又是宋明新儒学的经典根据。

    The Doctrine of the Mean , as the pre-Qin Confucian philosophical outline , is not only a summary and development of the pre-Qin Confucianism , but also the classical basis of new Confucianism in the Song and the Ming Dynasties .