
rú jiā zhé xué
  • Confucianism
  1. 基督教、中国儒家哲学都可以为全球化提供精神支持。

    Christianity and Confucianism can both be the spiritual prop of globalization .

  2. 北京四合院的建筑形式的形成深受儒家哲学思想的影响。

    The architectural form of Beijing quadrangle is deeply influenced by Confucianism .

  3. 论中国古代儒家哲学的价值取向

    On Value Orientation of Ancient Ch in a 's Confucian Philosophy

  4. 即使关押着的囚犯据说也在被传授儒家哲学。

    Even prison inmates are reportedly being taught Confucian philosophy .

  5. 孔子周游列国,推广他的儒家哲学。

    Confucius toured around many countries to publicize the philosophy of Confucianists .

  6. 儒家哲学的新课题:理性与情感

    Reason and Passions : the Main Topic of Confucianism

  7. 诚是儒家哲学中一个重要范畴。

    Cheng ( Honesty ) is one of the important categories in Confucianism .

  8. 从儒家哲学视阈论人文奥运理念的多层级结构

    Multi-level structures of " People 's Olympics " as seen from Confucian philosophy

  9. 尼采与儒家哲学生命超越论之比较

    A Comparison between the Life Transcendence Theories in Nietzsche 's Philosophy and Confucian Philosophy

  10. 儒家哲学中家庭与亲熟关系(家族)的角色是什么?

    What is the role of the family and the familiar in Confucian philosophy ?

  11. 儒家哲学思想在转型时期的积极作用

    The Positive Function of Confucian Philosophy Social Transformation

  12. 从原初人学思想到古典人学&古代儒家哲学的逻辑发展

    From original humanitarianism to classic humanism & the logic development of ancient philosophy of Confucian

  13. 儒家哲学的宗教功能

    The Religions Function of Confucian Philosophy

  14. 董仲舒的儒家哲学体系虽然庞大繁杂,但如果认真梳理、分析,就不难发现他的整个哲学理论都是为政治服务的,政治哲学是他哲学体系的中心。

    Dong zhong-shu 's Confucian philosophy system is very complicated and diverse . But it will be .

  15. 中国儒家哲学的起因新论

    The Cause of Confucianism

  16. 马克思主义哲学与儒家哲学的融合&马克思主义哲学中国化的一个重要途径

    The Combination of Marxist Philosophy with Confucianism & An Important Path to Make Marxism Philosophy with Chinese Characteristics

  17. 人性论一直是先秦儒家哲学关注的基本论题。

    The philosophy of confucian is always believing that it is very important to stress the subjectivity of human .

  18. 孟子德性论的思维理路与儒家哲学认识和把握世界的基本方式

    Meng Zi 's Thought of Virtue Study and Confucian Philosophical Cognition and the Basic Way of Knowing the World

  19. 面对各种挑战,儒家哲学的现代转型问题仍需要作切实的严肃的思考。

    Facing various challenges , the problem of modern transformation of Confucian philosophy still needs to be pondered feasibly and seriously .

  20. 张子通过对太虚与气范畴的提炼与升华,从而彻底超越了中国哲学传统的宇宙生化模式,建立起儒家哲学的本体论。

    Zhang rectified Tai Xu and Qi category , drastically exceed the traditional cosmology of Chinese philosophy , created Confucian ontology .

  21. 杜维明以哲学人类学的视角对儒学作出“创造性阐释,”把儒家哲学阐释为一种哲学的人类学。

    DU Weiming provides a creative interpretation to Confucianism from the perspective of philosophic anthropology by categorizing Confucian philosophy into philosophic anthropology .

  22. 在以往学术界对儒家哲学的研究中,多注重从个人、阶级、国家等的角度进行阐释。

    In the past , it has been more focus on the individual , class , nation , when studying on the Confucian philosophy .

  23. 发展过程中,风格上受佛教、道家、儒家哲学思想的影响;

    In the process of development the style of Chinese flower arrangement was influenced by philosophy of Buddhism , Taoism , and the Confucianists .

  24. 他们的共同点在于他们都接触到了实学的边缘,实学被认为是韩国传统儒家哲学的发展。

    The commonness between them is that they all reached the boundary of practical science as a development of the traditional Korean Confucian philosophy .

  25. 20世纪儒家哲学研究可以1949年为界分成前后两大部分。

    The Confucian philosophy research in the 20th century can be divided into two parts , with the year of 1949 as the boundary line .

  26. 群体关系就成为先秦诸子十分关注的哲学课题,其中儒家哲学最具有代表性。

    Relations between the groups have become very concerned about the pre-Qin philosophical issues . Among them the the Confucian philosophy is the most representative .

  27. 孔、孟的儒家哲学和老、庄的道家哲学都对西方某些哲学流派发生过重要的影响。

    Moreover , Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius as well as Daoism of Laozi and Zhuangzi had produced significant impacts on certain schools of western philosophy .

  28. 先秦儒家哲学中的「天」并不存在一个由「宗教之天」向「哲学之天」过渡的哲学进程。

    " The concept of the " heaven " in the Pre-qin Confucianism didn 't contain the transition from the " religious heaven " to the " philosophical heaven .

  29. 中国没有西方意义上的宗教哲学,但从社会功能的角度看,儒家哲学在很大程度上起到了宗教的作用。

    There is no western religions philosophy in China , but at the angle of social function , Confucian philosophy takes eff (?) t of religions philosophy to a great degree .

  30. 儒家哲学是中国文化不可或缺的思想基因,今天我们任何时候谈中国哲学思想都不可能脱离开儒家这个思想派别。

    Confucian philosophy is the most important " ideaistic gene " of Chinese culture which can never be ignored , and today we can never talk about Chinese philosophy thought without this school .