
  • 网络Maoist;Maoism
  1. 毛派的胜利有可能意味着印度对这个北部邻国的影响力越来越小。

    A Maoist victory could mean a lessening of Indian influence over its smaller neighbor to the north .

  2. 毛派的胜利将宣判尼泊尔王室的灭亡。尼泊尔有可能寻求更加独立于新德里的外交政策。

    A Maoist victory is expected to doom the monarchy , and may see Nepal pursuing a foreign policy more independent of New Delhi .

  3. 毛派武装斗争的基本目标就是铲除君主制。

    A cornerstone of the Maoists ' armed struggle was abolition of the monarchy .

  4. 毛派分子说,他们是为土地以及为穷人能够有工作而战。

    The Maoists say they are fighting for land and jobs for the poor .

  5. 尼泊尔是一个多党联盟国家,虽然毛派是最大的党派,但它却没有占得多数。

    The Maoists are the biggest party , but do not have a majority .

  6. 毛派武装由普拉昌达领导,他的真名实姓是普什巴.卡玛尔.达哈尔。

    The Maoists are led by Prachanda , whose real name is Pushpa Kamal Dahal .

  7. 毛派老早就已经提出就已有58年历史的“印度-尼泊尔和平与友谊协定”重新进行谈判。

    The Maoists have long called for renegotiating the 58-year-old India-Nepal Peace and Friendship Treaty .

  8. 一些毛派分子甚至无情地嚷嚷着要甩开2006年签署的和平协议,不再按照约定结束十年动乱。

    Some Maoists mutter grimly about ditching the peace deal that in2006 ended their ten-year insurgency .

  9. 当代中国因此具备了两种可供选择的文化传统&新毛派思想和新儒家思想。

    Contemporary China thus has two alternative traditions , a neo-Maoist one and a neo-Confucian one .

  10. 普拉昌达本名叫卡迈勒达哈尔,他将领导一个以毛派为主的联合政府。

    Prachanda , whose real name is Pushpa Kamal Dahal , will lead a Maoist-led coalition government .

  11. 这两个全球增长最快的大型经济体,均不希望在本国边境上出现由毛派引发的不稳定和贫穷。

    Neither of the world 's fastest-growing large economies wants Maoist-led instability , nor impoverishment , on its borders .

  12. 新毛派思想是一种彻头彻尾的倒退,有可能轻易葬送中国人上一代人争取到的种种自由。

    Neo-Maoism is purely retrograde and could easily erode what freedoms the Chinese have won over the past generation .

  13. 另外,还有一个目的就是激惹毛派分子实施武力报复,从而使其丧失民心。

    Another aim may have been to provoke the Maoists into violent retaliation , and so lose them local support .

  14. 在其执政的短短时间里,毛派同中国的关系得到了很大提升,引起印度极大的恐慌。

    During a brief stint in government , the Maoists cultivated closer relations with China , much to India 's alarm .

  15. 印度尽量以积极的姿态来处理毛派组织在尼泊尔特别议会选举中取得领先地位的局面。

    India is putting its best face forward in reacting to the Maoists lead in the balloting for Nepal 's special assembly .

  16. 珠宝商拉吉班什的店铺设在加德满都的一家顶级酒店里。他对毛派组织在选举中的强劲势头并不感到担忧。

    Their strong showing does not worry jewelry merchant Mohan Rajbanshi , who runs a shop inside one of Kathmandu 's top hotels .

  17. 毛派组织在一些地区的得票超过预期。人们预计,毛派组织将在很多农村地区得到大量选票。

    The Maoists , who were expected to do well in many rural areas , are making a better-than-predicted showing in some urban districts .

  18. 负责印度外交部长把尼泊尔的选举结果称为“积极的进步”,因为毛派兑现了他们参加选举的承诺。

    India 's external affairs minister calls the results a " positive development " because the Maoists kept their pledge to participate in the election .

  19. 尽管选举的结果还要几天、也许是几个星期才能确定,不过毛派分子已经走上街头庆祝。

    Maoists have taken to the streets of Nepal 's capital to celebrate although election results will not be finalized for days , if not weeks .

  20. 这个先前的反政府组织有理由欢庆,因为官方宣布说,毛派政党在全国一半以上已经宣布投票结果的选区获得了胜利。

    The former rebels have reason to be jubilant as officials say the Maoist party has won more than half of the constituencies declared so far .

  21. 尽管在这种复杂的选举体系中不太可能立即保证获得多数议席,但是毛派政党可能组成并领导一个联合政府。

    Although unlikely to secure an outright majority under the complex electoral system , the Maoists could be in a position to lead a coalition government .

  22. 他立即努力向尼泊尔全国乃至国际社会保证毛派政党致力于完全在尼泊尔新的政治体制下运作。

    He immediately sought to reassure the country and the international community that the Maoists are fully committed to working within Nepal 's new political system .

  23. 在印度东部发生的,被辛格先生乘坐“国内前所未有的安全挑战”的,印度毛派叛乱就是一个明显的凶兆。

    Maoist insurgency in eastern India , which Mr Singh has called " the greatest internal security challenge we have ever faced ", is an obvious ill omen .

  24. 尼泊尔毛派作为反叛组织为废除尼泊尔王室进行了长达10年的内战。在这期间,印度政府对毛派影响力的增长并没有给予多少关注。

    India 's government paid little heed to the growing clout of the Maoists as the rebels fought a decade-long civil war to rid Nepal of the monarchy .

  25. 尼泊尔毛派领导的政府可能要使其国内军队和警察中很多人感到不安,军警支持国王,而国王已经被剥夺所有权力。

    At home a Maoist-led government could unsettle many in Nepal 's army and the police , which backed the king , who has now been stripped of all power .

  26. 对于那个和平协定,军方并不感冒,借着那个协定,毛派游击队就可以并入正规军队之中。

    This shocked many , including Nepal 's army , which had never liked a provision in the peace deal under which Maoist guerrillas would be merged with its own ranks .

  27. 三十年代在江西的时候,人家说我是毛派,本来没有那回事,没有什么毛派。

    While in Jiangxi in the 1930s , I was regarded as a member of the Mao faction , but it was not true . There simply was no Mao faction .

  28. 印度表示愿意跟尼泊尔毛派组织合作。就尼泊尔目前的选举结果看,毛派将会进入尼泊尔新政府。

    India is expressing a willingness to work with the Maoists in Nepal , who are in line to form the new government in Kathmandu , based on election results so far .

  29. 印度冲突管理研究所执行主任阿贾.萨尼说,谁也没有料到毛派会在一次自由选举中取得如此胜利。

    The executive director of India 's Institute for Conflict Management , Ajai Sahni , says no one in New Delhi expected the Maoists to perform so well in a free election .

  30. 毛派游击队领导人普拉昌达曾经隐藏了四分之一个世纪,后来发动了一场为期10年的内战,反抗尼泊尔的君主制和政府军。

    The ascent of the Maoist , known as Prachanda , who spent a quarter century in hiding and then led a ten-year civil war against Nepal 's monarchy and the army .