
  • 网络job-based pay
  1. 与职位薪酬相比,基于个人的报酬是更为有力的经营战略工具,尤其是对于知识型员工来说。

    Person-based pay is a more powerful tool of business strategy than is job-based pay , especially for knowledge workers .

  2. 本文从基于能力和技能的薪酬方案与传统的职位薪酬方案的比较分析出发,重点论述了能力薪酬的优点与局限性。

    This paper emphasizes the advantage and limitation of competence-based pay through comparing the competence-based and skill-based pay with traditional job-based pay .

  3. 关于企业职位薪酬设计的公平思考

    Thinking on Fair of Design about Position Salary in Enterprises

  4. 职位薪酬;体系应用;建议。

    Position salary payment ; System applies ; Suggestion .

  5. 为了适应未来的竞争,企业的人力资源管理的重心正由关注工作转向关注能力,而传统的职位薪酬体系和绩效薪酬体系已经不能满足企业人力资源管理的需要。

    Nowadays , human resource management is focus more on competence than job . Traditional job-based pay system has no longer met the needs of motivation .

  6. 职位薪酬体系在一定程度上导致了高校教师的薪酬水平偏低、分配结构不合理、平均主义严重、激励作用弱化等现象,无法激发教师的价值感和成就感,不利于调动教师的积极性和创造性。

    To certain degree , the kind of pay system lowers the salary levels , makes the distribution structure unreasonable , worsens equalitarianism and weakens the inspiration function .

  7. 当前,高校教师薪酬体系主要表现为依据教师专业技术岗位、职务以及工作成果而确定薪酬的职位薪酬体系。

    At present , the pay system of teachers in colleges and universities is mainly defined as the post pay system according to professional and technical posts , posts and work achievements .

  8. 本文分析了现行的职位薪酬在实际应用中存在的问题,并就问题提出解决的对策及建议。

    Analytical position salary currently in effect payment applies the main body of a book to reality being hit by have problem , and problem submits countermeasure and suggestion solving right away .

  9. 针对中国目前企业的实际情况,运用公平理论对职位薪酬的设计提出一些思考,包括了职责澄清、职位评估和职位薪酬三个部分的一些建设意见。

    To actual conditions of China 's enterprises at present , combined fair theory , the paper put forward some thinking to the design of the position salary , including duty clarify , position evaluation and position salary .

  10. 其中重点介绍基于职位的薪酬体系,并以此作为TX公司薪酬体系优化的理论依据。

    The author especially introduces the position-based compensation system and takes it as the theory basis for the compensation optimization design of TX Company .

  11. 通过提供以下的回答,尽量避免泄露信息,“我的研究显示类似职位的薪酬范围是在x美元和y美元之间。我肯定您已经根据行业内的情况拟定好了具有竞争力的薪酬预算。您的预算范围是什么?”或者,

    Try to avoid giving out information by providing answers such as , " My research shows similar positions pay in the range of $ x to $ y. I 'm sure you 've budgeted a salary range based on competitive data for this industry . What is your budgeted range ? " Or ,

  12. 如何决定组织中不同职位的薪酬水平?

    How to determine salary of different position in a company ?

  13. 这些职位的薪酬水平“与跨国企业持平,甚至更高”,一位猎头如是说。

    Compensation levels are " on a par with multinationals or more " , says one headhunter .

  14. 在去找老板谈加薪之前,先做做功课,研究一下你的职位的薪酬架构是怎么样的。

    Do some research on the current compensation structure for your position before considering how much to ask for .

  15. 该网站对2249家非营利性机构进行了调查,之后形成了这份96页的报告,列出了13个不同职位的薪酬信息。

    Based on a poll of 2,249 nonprofits , the 96-page study gives pay information for 13 separate job categories .

  16. 同时,不同企业、不同职位的薪酬也存在差异,而且其幅度也相差甚远,其中房地产公司高管薪酬显得出奇的高。

    At the same time there is a huge difference between different positions and companies . Obviously the salary in the real estate companies is very high .

  17. 对于急于削减预算的企业来说,行政类职位的薪酬被证明是一个诱人的靶子;砍掉此类职位还能带来额外好处:比如美其名曰“现代化”以及拥抱新的工作方式。

    Administrators " salaries proved a tempting target for businesses desperate to trim budgets , with the bonus that cuts could be billed as modernisation and as embracing new ways of working .

  18. 这并不意味着要公开一个具体的数字,因为这会让你要么高出要么低于这个职位的薪酬预算。相反,提供一个你期望的薪资范围。

    This doesn 't mean sharing an exact number , because it can place you above or below the budgeted salary for the position . Instead , provide a range you 'd like to make .

  19. 通过对人力资源管理体系各个方面包括职位管理、薪酬管理、培训管理、绩效管理和企业文化等方面的分析,提出H省电信分公司人力资源管理体系的提升和融合策略。

    Of human resources management system , including all aspects of job management , salary management , training management , performance management and corporate cultural analysis , H Telecom Co. human resources management system upgrade and integration strategy .

  20. 印度职介公司ManpowerServicesIndia总经理潘迪特(SanjayPandit)说,要好好研究一下该行业类似职位的主流薪酬状况。

    Do good homework on what are the prevailing salaries for a similar role in the industry , ' says Sanjay Pandit , managing director of recruiting firm Manpower Services India .

  21. 职位评价是薪酬管理中解决组织内岗位间相对公平性的主要工具。

    Job Evaluation is a chief tool for achieving position equity in the management of an organization 's payment .

  22. 也就是说,要研究一下自己所处的行业、企业和职位的一般薪酬水平和发展趋势。

    This means researching the typical compensation and salary path for your industry , company , and job position .

  23. 统计结果主要有:(1)货币薪酬总体有所提升,且同一职位高管之间薪酬的差距在减小。

    Results were : ( 1 ) Monetary compensation has improved overall , and in the same jobs pay gap between executives decreased .

  24. 米勒补充道,面试前,你可以搜索相关职位的平均薪酬范围,以防万一被迫回答薪酬问题。

    Come prepared having researched the average pay range for a position in case you 're pressured to name your price , he adds .

  25. 第二,实务部分,利用前人的理论和研究成果分析基于职位评价的薪酬体系。

    The second , actual situation part , Making use of the past 's theories and the research result analysis the salary system that based position value .

  26. 有建立薪酬体系并实施的经验,包括基本工资和津贴体系的管理,工作分析及职位评估,薪酬调查和分析,工资结构等。

    Working knowledge of fundamental compensation concepts and practices , including base and incentive pay administration , job analysis and evaluation , salary survey completion and analysis , market pricing , salary structure .

  27. 笔者在上一届同学完成MJ公司人力资源管理诊断和工作分析成果的基础上,进行了MJ公司的薪酬设计,包括制定薪酬策略、实施职位评价、设计薪酬结构、建立和实施薪酬体系等工作。

    On the base of HRM diagnose and job analyse which have been completed by superior schoolmate , Penman fulfill salary design of MJ corporation , including constitute salary strategy , implement job evaluate , design salary structure , establish and implement salary system , etc.

  28. 按照职位明确化、薪酬社会化、奖金绩效化的原则,以人为本,开发人力资源。

    " Positions clear and society pay , performance bonuses " to the principle that the people-centered development of human resources .

  29. 通过因素评价法进行职位评价,为薪酬设计提供了薪点数,使职位对企业的价值得以数量化。

    Through the factor evaluation method , offer firewood for the fact that the compensation is designed count , make position value in enterprise must use the quantity .

  30. 成功的申请者可能会得到管理层或供应链管理职位,而且作为薪酬方案的一部分,他们还将获得这家私营公司的股票期权。

    Successful applicants will probably take up jobs in management or supply chain management in the privately owned company , which gives share options as part of the pay packet .