
  • 网络professional discipline
  1. 而专门用途英语ESP,是一种与某种特定职业或学科或目的相关的英语,满足不同学习者学习和实用英语的需要,以实用性为最大特征,这给我们职业英语的发展指明的方向。

    English for Special Purpose ( ESP ) is a kind of English related to a specific occupation or course or purpose .

  2. 高等职业教育学科建设的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on Disciplinary Construction of Higher Vocational Education

  3. 实践意义上的职业教育学科包括学科分类、研究项目和学科平台。

    Practically , vocational pedagogy includes learning category , research project and disciplinary platform .

  4. 当代职业教育学科经历了恢复、成长和反思三个时期。

    The modern vocational pedagogy experienced three stages which are recovery , growth and reflection .

  5. 本文通过对学科建设所应体现的特征分析,提出高等职业教育学科建设与发展的新思路与新方向。

    This paper has put through some new ideas and new methods about subject constructing and developing of high career education through analyses of subject constructing .

  6. 职业教育学科的蕴义分别含存于理论与实践之中,理论意义上的职业教育学科包括学科性质、对象、范式、体系和学派;

    The meaning of vocational pedagogy lies in both theory and practice . Theoretically , vocational pedagogy includes the nature , object , pattern , system and schools of discipline .

  7. 本文论述了职业学校学科建设的意义,探讨了微机教学中教师与学生的关系,指出了进行教学过程中必须处理好教与学的关系。

    The author states the meaning of the construction of subject in vocational school , discusses the relationship between teachers and students , points out we should handle well the relationship between teaching and learning in teaching process .

  8. 高等职业教育学科建设的思路探索在高等职业教育学科建设中,当务之急是抓好四项工作:一是规范高等职业教育学的专有语言,使之逐步具有涵义清楚、科学稳定的概念体系和规范语言;

    Probing at the Idea of the Discipline Structure of Vocational Education in Universities In the disciplinary construction of higher vocational education , the following four tasks are of top priority : normalization of the proper terms of higher vocational pedagogy ;

  9. 现在的学生偏爱职业化的学科,例如电子商务。

    Students now prefer vocational subjects such ase-commerce .

  10. 对职业教育学学科发展原点的思考:职业教育的基本概念

    Thoughts on the Fundamental Concepts of Vocational Education

  11. 冲突理论对职业教育课程学科化的归因分析

    The Attribution Analysis of the Conflict Theory to the Subject-orientation of the Vocational Education Curriculum

  12. 对高等职业学校语文学科考试的思考

    Chinese examination in higher vocational colleges

  13. 针对职业学校计算机学科的不同授课类型,我设计了理论课和实践课的教学研究个案,并进行了准实验研究。

    In accordance with computer teaching type , we have designed teaching research cases of theory course , and practice course , and have performed experimental research .

  14. 要开展富有特色的职业学校语文学科教学,必须在课堂教学中更新教学观念,大胆创新。

    If we want to make the vocational school Chinese education full of colors , we must change the teaching ideas dramatically and make great effort to reform .

  15. 第四部分,对几种典型的信息化教学模式在中等职业学校计算机学科中的应用进行实践研究。

    The fourth part is to study the application of some typical mode of the information technology teaching in Computer Courses of the secondary vocational schools in practice .

  16. 从最新资料来看,英国大学副校长在选拔方式、年龄、学校背景、职业背景、学科背景和任职年限等方面具有新的特征。

    According to the updated material , there are new characteris-tics in the selection , age , school background , professional background , discipline background and office term for English university vice-chancellor .

  17. 通过分析职业科学家基于学科发展趋势的理性选择,本文阐述了科学家自利性产生的正效应。

    Through the analysis of the rational choice made by scientists based on their understanding of the development tendency , this dissertation describes the positive effects caused by scientists ' self-interested decision .

  18. 借鉴基础教育领域的指标分类和指标内容,添加九项具有职业教育专业学科特点的指标,为今后形成职业教育信息化评价指标体系做好铺挚。

    With reference to the classification and content criteria of basic education , added nine special guildlines for vocational education , done some preparation on the evaluation criteria for vocational eduction informatization .

  19. 教学实验还表明,在高等职业院校基础学科教学过程中结合学科特点进行合作学习,能提高学生的学习能力和有效提高学生的合作能力。

    The teaching experiment also indicated that , it can sharpen student 's learning capability and effectively sharpen student 's study ability , and other abilities such as the ability of cooperation when the self-regulated cooperative learning were carried out integrating the characteristics of the concrete students and course .

  20. 关于职业技术学院计算机学科课程体系建设的思考

    Discussion on Computer Courses Offered in Polytechnical Technology College

  21. 职业教育课程的学科话语与实践话语

    Disciplinary Discourse and Practical Discourse in Vocational Educational Curriculum

  22. 职业教育与普通学科教育有着一定的区别,后者的课程和课堂教育方式并不适用于职业教育。

    Vocational education is different with ordinary course education and the latter 's styles do not apply to the former .

  23. 能力本位的提出是职业教育对以学科或以知识为本位的普通教育的反思与叛逆。

    The emerging of competence-based model is the reflection and rebellion of occupational education against the discipline or knowledge-based model of general education .

  24. 教师作为一种具有自己独特要求和条件的职业,不仅具有学科专业性和教育专业性,同时还具有专门的职业培养和管理制度。

    Teacher as a profession owns its unique professional requirement and conditions as well as the professional specialty in both branch of learning and education .

  25. 20世纪90年代以来,我国职业教育课程的学科话语与实践话语的争论经历了从数量到逻辑两个阶段。

    Since the 1990s , the debate of disciplinary discourse and practical discourse in vocational educational curriculum has experienced two stages from quantitative stage to logic stage .

  26. 职业教育课程从学科话语到实践话语的转换,实际上意味着思考课程问题的思维方式的转换。

    The transformation from disciplinary discourse into practical discourse in vocational educational curriculum actually means the transition of way of thinking in how to think about curriculum questions .

  27. 本文运用教育学、地理教育学、职业教育学等学科原理,从理论和实践两方面对以职业能力取向的中职学校旅游地理课程教学改革的背景、现状、理论依据和实践研究进行了论述。

    This thesis applies the theories of pedagogy , pedagogy on geography , and vocational pedagogy to expounding the background , actuality , theoretic gist , and practice research of this reform in two aspects of theory and practice .

  28. 提高警察素质的动力来自于竞争和忧患,提高警察素质的途径是终身职业教育和跨学科、跨部门教育。

    The dynamics to improve the quality of the police comes from competition and weary , and the channel to improve the quality of the police is the lifelong professional education , trans - disciplinary and trans - sectional education .

  29. 中学中青年学科带头人的素质结构主要由职业道德素质、学科知识素质、教育教学素质和身体心理素质等几个方面构成。

    The makings structure of the youth and middle aged leading teachers of middle school is mainly consisted by the career moral qualities , the subject knowledge qualities , the conducting and teaching qualities and the physical and psychological qualities .

  30. 中等职业学校和职业院校在人文学科、技术、农业科学和服务领域对学生进行培训。

    Secondary vocational schools and vocational schools train the students in the fields of humanities , technical , agricultural sciences and services .