
  1. 关于不同职业公众对生态文明认知差异的研究

    Study on the Cognitive Differences of the People of Various Occupations for the Ecological Civilization

  2. 目前大多数各类职业学校学生讲文明、重礼仪的表现并不理想。

    However , most of the students in vocational middle schools fail to give satisfying expression in stressing civic virtues and decorum at present .

  3. 在西方发达国家,这种迁移是单线型,在迁移的过程中,劳动力永久性的实现了空间流动、职业转换乃至社会文明的变迁。

    In Western countries , this migration is the single type of labor migration . Labor migration also complete the conversion of the job and space .

  4. 对非公有制企业建立职代会制度的认识关于不同职业公众对生态文明认知差异的研究

    On an Understanding of the System of the Workers Congress in the Non-state-owned Enterprises ; Study on the Cognitive Differences of the People of Various Occupations for the Ecological Civilization

  5. 教育是立国之本,人们之所以把教师称之为人类灵魂工程师,提倡尊师重教,都是因为教师这个职业是人类走向文明的重要桥梁和纽带。

    Education is the state 's basic policy , and people call teachers engineers in the souls of mankind because the teaching profession is a bridge Leading humans to civilization .

  6. 调查表明,研究生的义利观、技道德和职业道德、础文明道德、婚姻家庭道德总体是好的,是积极向上的。

    The investigation of Ideological and moral quality of current graduate students has revealed that their concept of justice and advantage , preliminary civilization moral , science and occupation moral and marriage moral are generally good and uplifting .

  7. 科学发声可以为这个工具进行保护,提高教学实践的效率和效果,而教学实践则是教师利用科学发声这一职业工具进行传承文明、开拓创新的舞台。

    Science phonation can protect for this tool , improve efficiency and result practised in teaching . Teaching practise is a stage that teachers use this tool for inheriting a civilization of science , exploration and innovation . Teaching practice and science phonation audible indispensable .