
  • 网络Occupational Socialization
  1. 本研究依据职业社会化理论,用单变量统计方法描述了中学青年教师的职业适应水平,发现青年教师综合职业适应水平较高,但是心理适应水平比较差。

    Through the study , we have found out that young teachers ' overall adaptive level in profession is higher , but their adaptive level in psychology is lower .

  2. 本文从5个方面论述了运动员职业社会化的基本内容;从预期社会化、继续社会化、再社会化等方面分析了运动员社会化的基本过程。

    This article discussed the main contents of socialization in 5 aspects and gave an analysis on the basic process of socialization from the point of view of prospective socialization follow - up socialization and re - socialization .

  3. 从具体方面来说,大学生必须实现六个方面的社会化:政治社会化、道德社会化、性别社会化、价值观念社会化、知识能力社会化和职业意识社会化。

    By the look of concrete respect , university students must realize the socialization of six respects : socialization of politics , socialization of moral , socialization of sex , socialization of values , socialization of knowledge and ability ; socialization of occupation ' consciousness .

  4. 论我国工会的职业化、社会化和行业化

    On the Professionalization and Socialization and Specialization of the Chinese Trade Unions

  5. 职业教育的社会化探微

    On the Socialization of Vocational Education

  6. 这些现状了充分展现出了高校体育的产业化、职业化、社会化发展所具备的广阔前景。

    All of these effects reflect the broad prospects of socialization , industrialization and professionalization for college sports .

  7. 随着运动员的职业化和社会化程度的加强,只靠思想教育来培养体育团队凝聚力是远远不够的。

    Along with the strengthening of the professionalization and socialization of athletes , it is insufficient to cultivate STC through thought education .

  8. 根据这份文件,除中小学外,政府还将支持高等院校、职业学校和社会化培训机构开展人工智能技能培训、培养更多专业人才。

    Besides primary and secondary schools , the government will also support institutions of higher learning , vocational schools and socialization training Institutions to carry out AI skills training and foster more professionals , according to the document .

  9. 多起点、多层次、多规格的培养目标,既能适应社会经济发展的要求,又能满足学生个体发展的需要,体现了终身教育和职业教育的社会化理念。

    The training goals with multi-starting point , multi-level and multi-standard can both meet the demand of development of social economy and satisfy the students ' necessity of individual development , which shows the idea of lifelong education and socialization of vocational education .

  10. 高等职业教育内涵及其社会化

    On the Connotation of Higher Vocational Education and Its Socialization

  11. 这一变化,预示着高等职业教育发展与社会化将由被动适应转向主动适应,由局部适应转向全面适应。

    This predicts that the development of higher vocational education and socialization may turn from passive adaptation to active adaptation , from partial one to an overall one .

  12. 其作用不仅限于教育领域,因为职业教育与近代社会化大生产紧密结合,因此它对中国社会近代化也产生了了不容忽视的影响。

    It affected the education domain , as the vocational education was so close to mechanized manufacture , it also did momentous influence to the modernization of China .

  13. 为解决这些问题,建议采取如下措施:建立和健全体育产业法规体系;大力推进武术职业化,扶持社会化武术实体;

    In order to solve these problems , it was suggested to establish and perfect the law system of sports industry , promote the professionalized wushu sports , prop up social wushu industry , and adjust competition rules according to the market needs and support wushu competition .

  14. 教师专业的职业化同时意味着教师职业社会化。

    Meanwhile , the career of profession is the socialization of teaching profession .

  15. 聘请职业经理人,实现职业化管理与社会化管理,从封闭式的家庭管理经营逐步走向社会化经营,是实现家族企业的永续经营的正确选择。

    It is a right choice which engages professional manager , carrys on professional management and social management from conservative family management to social management , at the end , realizes agelong operating .

  16. 高等职业教育与社会、经济环境以社会化方式进行着互动,并建立起生态适应关系。这一生态适应的实质是高等职业教育的社会化与教育自然性的统一。

    There is always an interactive relationship between higher vocational education , the society , and economic environment in the way of socialization , creating eco-adaptation , which , basically , is in accordance with the socialization of higher vocation and the nature of education .

  17. 转化中等职业学校数学后进生首先是时代的需要,是学生进一步发展的需要,是职业社会化的需要。

    Improve poorer students in the secondary vocational school in mathematics , first of all , it is the needs of contemporary society ;