
  • 网络matte side;Matt Side;textured
  1. 结果表明,引发剂用量控制在0.2%(wt),乳化剂用量在0.75%(wt),可制得粒径分布较窄且性能良好的核-壳型聚合物乳液用于毛面剂中。

    The result suggested that the polymer ktex with good properties and the narrow distribution of the particle diameter can be obtained by controlling the amount of the initiator up to 0.2 % ( wt ) and additional emulsifier 0.75 % ( wt ) .

  2. 毛面剂分散及使用方法的完善和改进

    Amelioration and Improvement of Dispersing Technology and Application Method of Matting Agent

  3. 常规粘扣带由钩面和毛面组成。

    The fastener combines two sides : Hook side and Loop side .

  4. 玻璃制品毛面与透明花纹装饰

    Glass Products Decorated by Matted Surface with Transparent Patterns

  5. 纺织品耐平磨擦(毛面玻璃)色牢度试验:金刚砂法

    Testing method for color fastness to flat abrasion ( frosting ) : emery method

  6. 用酸或金刚砂处理的毛面玻璃

    Glass dulled by treatment with acid or emery

  7. 毛面剂在胶片中的应用

    Application of matting agents in photographic materials

  8. 酸蚀的毛面(玻璃)有机酸盐改性钠水玻璃富锌涂料的制备和性能研究

    The Properties and Preparation of Zinc-rich Coatings from Sodium Silicate Solution Modified with the Organic Acid Salt

  9. 本文介绍了国内外毛面剂技术在胶片中的应用及毛面剂的合成方法。

    The techniques of application the matting agent in the light-sensitive material and the different methods of synthesis of which material are described .

  10. 介绍了激光毛面钢板的表面形貌特征及其对钢板使用性能的影响。

    This paper introduced that surface feature of laser - textured steel sheet and its effect on the service properties of the sheet .

  11. 外墙毛面花岗石板镶贴施工工艺改进&浙江省革命烈士纪念馆外墙装饰工程实践

    Improvement of Construction Technology of Rough-Surface Granite Facing on External Wall & An Introduction of External Wall Decoration Works for Zhejiang Revolutionary Martyrs ' Memorial Hall

  12. 在钢铁行业中,针对生产优质毛面薄板的需要,已提出通过对轧制钢板用的轧辊进行表面毛化处理的方法,来实现生产效率和产品质量的提高。

    In the steel industry , for the production of high quality sheet metal surface need , people have made use of rolled steel wool roll surface treatment methods .

  13. 结果表明,电解液在毛面铜箔表面发生还原反应的程度比在光面铜箔表面显著,其阳极溶解电位比光面铜箔约低0。

    The results indicate that the reducing reaction of electrolyte on the foil with rough surface is much visible than on that with shiny surface , the dissolution potential of matte copper foil is0 .

  14. 在刷咬合面时,刷毛置于咬合面上前后移动。

    At brush to bite to match , brush the hair to move after placing in bit to match come forward .

  15. 涤纶仿毛织物适用面广,前景良好,是绍兴地区丝绸行业的主要产品之一。

    As one of the major products in Shaoxing silk industry , wool-like polyester fabric enjoys a wide-range of uses and promising prospects .

  16. 你可能不会轻易见到“美国偶像”的嘉宾评委,但却可以看到亚马逊雨林里的摇滚明星金狮绢毛猴(金狮面狨)。

    You probably won 't see one as a guest judge on " American Idol " any time soon , but golden lion tamarins ( Leontopithecus rosalia ) are the rock stars of the Amazonian rain forest .