
  1. 我先朝商业区走去。

    I took off for the shopping district .

  2. 阿纳金逼近过来,接着机敏地躲避,但先朝他对手的脸上踢出了重重的一脚。

    Anakin advances , following parry with riposte , before delivering a hefty boot to his opponent 's face .

  3. 随着气温逐渐上升,我决定走出门去考察一下周围环境。我先朝商业区走去。

    As the day grew warmer , I decided to step outside and explore the surroundings . I took off for the shopping district .

  4. 他举了个典型的例子来说明警官朝那人开枪是正当的,因为那人先朝他开枪。

    He cited a typical example to show that the police officer shot the man with justification , because the man had shot at him first .

  5. 他先转身朝着那光明的女神看了一下。

    He turned first to the shiny goddess .

  6. 要从整体上把握中国古代法律中损害赔偿之规定,必须先弄清各朝的具体情况。

    If we will grasp the damage compensation in the Chinese ancient law , we must clarify the concrete content of every dynasty first .

  7. 当我们策马上前时他说:‘早!Longtimenoseeyou,’同时先将枪枪口朝后递了过来。

    When we rode up to him he said : ' Good morning . Long time no see you , ' and at the same time presented the gun with breech foremost .

  8. 先秦汉魏晋南北朝是我国移文由萌芽到鼎盛的一个发展时期,在文体的演进历程中占据着重要的地位。

    Pre-Tang dynasty times are a period that the Chinese Yi Wen develops from bud to height , which plays an important role in the process of the development of Chinese writing style .