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  1. 如果你在打鸡蛋黄之前先把碗稍稍的加热一下

    If you warm the bowl slightly before you beat in the egg yolk ,

  2. 把生菜,黄瓜先铺入沙拉碗。西红柿围圈摆放。然后把橄榄圈,金枪鱼和乳酪摆在沙拉上面。

    Place the lettuce and cucumber in a salad bowl . Arrange the tomato wedges around the dish . Top with the olive rings , tuna , feta and onion rings .

  3. 他们发现,与那些饭前不喝汤的人相比,如果研究对象在午餐前先喝了一碗汤,他们这顿饭所摄入的总热量就会减少20%。

    They found that when participants in the study ate a first course of soup before lunch they reduced their total calorie intake by20 per cent , compared with those who did not begin the meal with soup .