
  • 网络avant garde novels;Avant-garde fiction
  1. 从确立自律的纯文学艺术体制角度来讲,先锋小说在中国当代文学史上成为了不可忽视的坐标。

    As to the establishment of pure literature system , avant-garde fiction served as an unneglected coordinate index .

  2. 先锋小说是在西方后现代主义的冲击影响下,在我国新时期文学探索性的寻路求变中形成的特殊文学现象。

    Avant-garde fiction is a special literature phenomenon , which comes into being in the background of the influence of western postmodernism and Chinese contemporary literature seeking new literature road .

  3. 有意味的形式:中国当代先锋小说叙事迷宫探幽

    Meaningful Form : A Probe into Chinese Contemporary New-tide Novels Labyrinth

  4. 解构历史:从新历史主义视角解读中国当代先锋小说

    Deconstruct History : Unscramble the Avant-grade Fiction in Temporary from New-historicism

  5. 先锋小说则完全处于现代主义曲线中;

    " Vanguard Novels " completely follow the curve of realism .

  6. 论中国先锋小说的无时性叙述

    On the " Timeless " Narration in the Avant-garde Fictions of China

  7. 论先锋小说中个体时间的强化

    On the intensification of individual time in the pioneer novel

  8. 从文学生产机制角度探析先锋小说的发生语境

    From the Perspective of Literary Production Mechanism in the Avant-garde Novel Context

  9. 像卡夫卡一样孤独&卡夫卡与中国先锋小说

    A Sense of Solitude & Kafka and Chinese Avant-garde Novel

  10. 第二部分余华先锋小说的主题语码。

    The second part is theme code of Yu Hua 's novel .

  11. 叙述的权力:先锋小说的政治美学阐释

    Power of Narration : An Interpretation from Political Aesthetics to Vanguard Novels

  12. 余华先锋小说与传统文化的联系

    The Relationship between Yu Hua 's Avant-garde Novels and Chinese Traditional Culture

  13. 先锋小说中作家写作视角的平视化

    The straightforwardness in the writing perspective of avant-garde writers

  14. 从存在主义到先锋小说

    From " Existentialism " to " Vanguard Novels "

  15. 萨满活动角色与我的分身术&萨满教文化与先锋小说

    Role of Shaman and Narrator in the Avant-garde Novels

  16. 非理性的人&先锋小说的非人化叙事与人物主体性的客体化

    Irrational Man On Dehumanization Narration of Avant-garde Novel and Objectification of the Characters

  17. 后现代主义与先锋小说的叙事特征

    Postmodernism and the Narrative Characters of the Pioneer Novels

  18. 中国先锋小说精神血统和文本来源的考辨

    A Research on the Spiritual Bloodline and Text Sources of Chinese Vanguard Novels

  19. 坚守与背离&试论先锋小说在1990年代的精神取向

    Persistency and Deviation & On the Spiritual Tendency of Pioneer Novel in 1990s

  20. 先锋小说发展到20世纪90年代遭遇到了巨大的障碍,作为一个流派它已归于沉寂。

    Avant-garde novels encountered huge hindrances in the 90s of the 20th century .

  21. 先锋小说的传统文化意味

    The Meaning Of The Traditional Culture Of Xiang-feng Novels

  22. 丑学与新时期先锋小说

    The aesthetics of the ugly and the advent-gard novels in the new period

  23. 20世纪80年代的先锋小说创作是当代文学史上十分重要的文学现象。

    Chinese Avant-Garde Novel is a very important literary phenomenon in the contemporary literature .

  24. 先锋小说的修辞原则&作为一种思维方式的语用策略表现

    The rhetorical principle of the vanguard novel & the thought of the performance tactics

  25. 本文对中国当代先锋小说的成因作了探索。

    In this paper , the beginning of the Chinese Pioneering Novels is studied .

  26. 从创作主体看先锋小说的终结

    On the Major Writers ' Reasons Leading To the End of the Pioneer Novels

  27. 叛逆与突围:论中国当代先锋小说的叙事规范

    Contrary and Initiative & Thoughts on the Standard of the Contemporary Vanguard Novel in China

  28. 西方后现代主义文艺思潮对中国先锋小说叙事模式的影响是形式化。

    This thesis analyses the affection of Western Postmodernism to Chinese vanguard novel : formalization .

  29. 20世纪80年代中后期,由马原、格非、孙甘露等人的叙事革命所引发的先锋小说运动,实际上是从形式的角度探索了现代小说的发展道路。

    Vanguard novels explored the development of modern novels on the basis of their forms .

  30. 上世纪80年代中期,中国当代先锋小说诞生。

    In the mid-1980s , the vanguard novel , a modern Chinese fiction style , emerged .