
  • 网络photochemical degradation;photodegradation;photolysis
  1. 结果表明:咪鲜胺的光化学降解速率随着pH的增大而减慢;

    Photochemical degradation rate of prochloraz decreased as pH increased .

  2. BP人工神经网络预测邻苯二甲酸酯光化学降解

    BP Artificial Neutral Net in Forecasting the Photochemical Degradation of Phthalates

  3. 铁氧化物-草酸系统光化学降解BPA的机理

    Photochemical Mechanisms of Iron Oxides-Oxalate Suspensions System for BPA Degradation

  4. MnO2-UV联用光化学降解苯酚废水的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Photochemical Degradation of Phenol in Wastewater by the MnO_2-UV Combination

  5. 研究了不同光源、水溶液温度、pH、水质对毒死蜱在水溶液中光化学降解的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of different light sources , temperature , pH , and water quality on the photochemical degradation of chlorpyrifos in water were examined under natural and simulated solar irradiation .

  6. 将反向传播人工神经网络(BP-ANN)用于邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的光化学降解的预测中。

    Back propagating artificial neutral net ( BP-ANN ) was applied to the forecasting of photochemical degradation of phthalates .

  7. 在紫外光作用下,采用静态方法研究氧化剂(H2O2、KIO4)和阴离子(Cl-、Br-、SO2-4、Ac-)对4-硝基酚光化学降解的影响。

    Under the UV light , effects of oxidants and cations on the photochemical degradation of 4 nitrophenol 4 NP were studied by static method .

  8. 表层水体中MMHg的光化学降解在水体汞的生物地球化学循环中占有重要地位,是水环境中汞迁移转化的一个重要归趋。

    Photochemical degradation of MMHg in surface water plays a significant role in water biogeochemical cycling , which is an important trend of the migration and transformation of Hg in aquatic environments .

  9. 研究了不同条件(如温度、水蒸气含量、光源种类、光照强度和照射时间)下,汽车尾气中的多环芳烃(PAHs)的光化学降解。

    In this paper , photochemical degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) from car exhaust under various conditions , including temperature , moisture content , light source , light intensity and exposure time , was investigated .

  10. 研究了不同条件下产O3低压汞灯对气相中低浓度甲苯的光化学降解,以及活性炭纤维(ACF)对甲苯光解尾气中残余甲苯及光解副产物O3的脱除。

    The photochemical degradation of low concentration toluene in the gas phase by ozone producing low-pressure mercury lamp and the removal action of ACF on residual toluene and by-product ozone in the tail gas toluene photodegradation were studied .

  11. 多氯代二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)是持久性有机污染物之一,其光化学降解是其主要的环境降解途径,本文是采用量子化学方法对PCDFs光解性质进行研究。

    Polychlorinated dibenzofurans ( PCDFs ) is included in the blacklist of so-called persistent organic pollutants , and the photolysis is its predominant degradation mechanism in the real environment . Currently the application of quantum chemical approaches to study the photolysis property has not reported .

  12. 偶氮染料结构、光稳定性和光化学降解机理研究

    Research on Structure , Photostability and Photodegradation Mechanism of Azo Dyes

  13. 两种表面活性剂在海水中的光化学降解研究

    Study on Photochemical Degradation of Two Kinds Surfactants of in Seawater

  14. 腐植酸对水溶液中丁草胺光化学降解的影响

    Effects of Humic Acid Substances on Photodegradation of Butachlor in Waters

  15. 光化学降解汽车尾气中多环芳烃污染物的研究

    Study on photochemical degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pollutants from car exhaust

  16. 改性膨润土对水中苯胺光化学降解的催化作用研究

    Catalytic Action of Modified Bentonite on Photochemical Decomposition of Aniline in Water

  17. 新型污染物多溴联苯醚和氰尿酸的光化学降解

    Photochemical Degradation of Organic Pollutants Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Congeners and Cyanuric Acid

  18. 水环境中2,4,6-三氯酚的光化学降解研究

    Study of 2 , 4 , 6-trichlorophenol photochemical degradation in aquatic environment

  19. 多菌灵的光化学降解研究

    Studies on photodegradation of carbendazim in solvents and aqueous solutions

  20. 几种表面活性剂和色素物质对氯苯嘧啶醇光化学降解的影响

    Effects of Surfactants and Pigments on the Photodegradation of Fenarimol

  21. 不同的介质对农药光化学降解有较大的影响。

    The different solvent had outstanding effect on the photolysis of pesticides .

  22. 表层土壤中部分多环芳烃的光化学降解研究

    Photochemical Degradation of Selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Soil Surface

  23. 亚甲基蓝在水体系中的光化学降解研究

    Study on Photochemical Degradation of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Solution

  24. 将辣椒去皮后,在辣椒上添加一定量的百菌清,在高压汞灯的照射下,进行光化学降解实验。

    The photodegradation experiment was studied after adding chlorothalonil on peeled pepper .

  25. 采用静态法研究了茜素红的光化学降解。

    The photochemical degradation of alizarin red is studied by the static method .

  26. 农药在环境中的光化学降解研究进展

    Research Progress in the Photolysis of Pesticide in Environment

  27. 农药在水介质中的光化学降解研究情况

    Research on the Photodegradation of Pesticide in Agueous Media

  28. 铁氧化物/草酸/UVA体系中2-硫醇基苯骈噻唑的光化学降解

    Photodegradation of 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole in the Iron Oxides / Oxalic Acid / UVA System

  29. 水溶液中4-氯酚的微波辅助光化学降解

    Microwave Assisted UV Electrodeless Discharge Lamp Photochemical Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol in Aquatic Solutions

  30. 海洋石油光化学降解的研究

    Photochemical Degradation of Oil in Marine Oil Pollution