
shì wǎnɡ mó chū xuè
  • retinal hemorrhage
  1. 观察113例经CT证实脑损伤新生儿,合并视网膜出血(RH)者96例(84.95%)。

    113 cases of neanatal brain injury were confirmed by CT , 96 of them associated with retinal hemorrhage ( RH ) .

  2. 对视觉的影响主要表现在:暗适应时间延长,视力下降,色觉减退,甚至出现视网膜出血,引起高原视网膜病(high-altituderetinopathy,HAR)。

    High altitude hypoxia has effects on visual function , for example , dark adaptation time prolonged , vision decreased , color vision decreased , severely retinal hemorrhage . Retinal damage at high altitude is called high-altitude retinopathy ( HAR ) .

  3. 改善眼底病变方面:在促进视网膜出血水肿吸收方面,眼血散治疗组效果好于西药对照组,但两者之间无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    The improvement of detailed fundus was : The absorption of edema and hemorrhage in retina could be observed in both groups and there was not statistical difference between them ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 目的探讨视网膜出血(简称RH)与新生儿颅内出血的相关因素。

    Objective : To study the related factors of intractanial hemorrhage of the newborn suffered from the complication of retinal hemorrhage .

  5. 婴幼儿剧烈咳嗽与视网膜出血

    Severe cough and retinal hemorrhage in infants and young children

  6. 144例新生儿视网膜出血的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Retinal Hemorrhage in 144 Cases of Newborns

  7. 结果新生儿视网膜出血检出率为227%。

    Results The rate of retinal hemorrhage in the newborn is 22.7 % .

  8. 宫内窘迫新生儿视网膜出血临床分析

    Observation of neonatal retinal haemorrhage with distress in utero

  9. 视网膜出血及神经盘模糊等可导致视力障碍。

    Retinal hemorrhage , and blurring of the optic dise cause visual disturbances .

  10. 目的了解新生儿视网膜出血的原因与转归。

    Objective To study the cause and outcome of retinal hemorrhage in the newborn .

  11. 其它标志还包括视网膜出血和视神经肿胀。

    Other signs include bleeding of the retina and swelling of the optic nerve .

  12. 新生儿视网膜出血的相关因素分析

    Relative factor clinical analysis of newborn retinal hemorrhage

  13. 新生儿颅内出血并发视网膜出血的相关因素的探讨

    The research of related factors of intracranial hemorrhage of the newborn complicated by retinal hemorrhage

  14. 黄斑部视网膜出血的临床分析

    The clinical analysis of macula retinal hemorrhages

  15. 术中或术后未出现脉络膜上腔出血、视网膜出血或睫状环阻塞性青光眼等严重并发症。

    No serious complications such as choroidal hemorrhage , intraocular hemorrhage and malignant glaucoma were found .

  16. 手术分娩对新生儿视网膜出血的影响(附216例分析)

    Effect of operative labour to retinal hemorrhage of the newborn ( with analysis of 216 cases )

  17. 术后眼部淤血肿胀、眼球突出度均明显减轻或消失,眼球运动恢复正常,复视消失,视网膜出血吸收。

    Ocular signs such as exophthalmos , conjunctive swelling , diplopia and retinal hemorrhage decreased remarkably after surgery .

  18. 眼底病1号方配合复方樟柳碱治疗高血压性视网膜出血72例

    The Effect of Optic Fundi - ⅰ Combined Injectio ad acumen of Complex Anisodine in Treating 72 Cases of Hypertension Retinal Hemorrhage

  19. 新生儿性别、胎次、胎龄、出生体重等与新生儿视网膜出血的发生无关。

    There was no relation between retinal hemorrhage in the newborn and the sex , number of foetus , gestation age or weight .

  20. 黄斑皱褶1只眼,视网膜出血2只眼,部分性视神经萎缩1只眼,眼球摘出5只眼。

    Its complication was macular pucker 1 case , retinal hemorrhage 2 cases , partial opticatrophy 1 cases , extraction of eye 5 cases .

  21. 视盘外观能鉴别局部缺血性视神经病变与视神经炎吗?视网膜出血及神经盘模糊等可导致视力障碍。

    Does Optic Disc Appearance Distinguish Ischemic Optic Neuropathy From Optic Neuritis ? Retinal hemorrhage , and blurring of the optic dise cause visual disturbances .

  22. 结果:检出新生儿视网膜出血33例38只眼,其发生原因与分娩方式、孕母患病及胎儿宫内窘迫有关。

    Results : Retinal hemorrhages which were relative to delivery mode , illness during pregnancy , and fetal distress were found in 38 eyes of 33 newborns .

  23. 但经更仔细检查,可能会发现一些细微的线索表明有隐藏的损伤,如青肿、视网膜出血或者肋骨或其它骨头骨折等。

    But on closer examination , there may be subtle clues pointing to hidden injuries , such as bruising , retinal haemorrhages or fractures of the ribs or other bones .

  24. 早期视力下降的原因与术后角膜水肿,视网膜出血,玻璃体混浊、玻璃体腔内填充物等因素有关。

    Causes of vision decline at forepart had something to do with some factors , such as corneal edema , retinal hemorrhage , vitreous body turbidity , stuffing in Vitreous cavity .

  25. 视网膜出血、渗出和水肿3项改变的发生率透析后较透析前明显下降(P<0.01);视网膜动脉硬化血透后较血透前升高,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Though no statistical difference ( P > 0.05 ), the incidence rate of retinal hemorrhage 、 exudation and edema was lower significantly than that of before hemodilysis ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 在四个波长激光致使兔视网膜出血的实验中,出血情况不一,有点状出血、菊花状出血、不规则片状出血等不同出血。

    In the experiments of rabbit retina bleeding by the four wavelength laser irradiation , there were different types of bleeding , some were spot-like , some were chrysanthemum-like and some were irregular block-like .

  27. 目的分析手术治疗颅面发育不良所致突眼症的效果和并发症。术后眼部淤血肿胀、眼球突出度均明显减轻或消失,眼球运动恢复正常,复视消失,视网膜出血吸收。

    Objective To analyze the efficacy and complications of the surgical correction of exophthalmos in craniofacial synostosis . Ocular signs such as exophthalmos , conjunctive swelling , diplopia and retinal hemorrhage decreased remarkably after surgery .

  28. 结论:本课题研究发现中药联合激光治疗组疗效明显优于单纯激光对照组:视力提高明显,视网膜出血、渗出吸收明显,黄斑水肿消退显著。

    Conclusion : This topic studies have found that traditional Chinese medicine combined laser treatment group curative effect is superior to simple laser control group : Vision improved obviously , Retinal hemorrhages and effusion absorbed obviously , Macular edema subsided significantly .

  29. 该病以先天性白内障和视网膜出血为主要临床特征,患者以男性为主,约有1/3诺里病患者有感音神经性耳聋,大约50%的患者会出现智力低下和精神行为异常。

    The main clinical features of the disease are congenital cataract and retinal hemorrhage . About one third of patients with Norrie disease develop sensorineural deafness , and approximately one half of the affected individuals show some form of progressive mental retardation , often with psychotic features .

  30. 联合丝裂霉素C的滤过手术后发生黄斑裂孔和视网膜前出血

    Macular hole and subhyaloid hemorrhage following filtering surgery with mitomycin C